
  • 网络International Political Theory;theory of international politics
  1. 中国国际政治理论建设之我见

    A View on Developing the Theory of International Politics in China

  2. 理性主义国际政治理论及其批判

    Rationalism Theory of International Politics and its Critique

  3. 20世纪80年代以来,理性主义逐渐发展成为主流的国际政治理论。

    Rationalism has gradually become a mainstream international political theory since 1980s .

  4. 关照体系:推进马克思主义国际政治理论研究

    Overview of Researches in Marxist International Relations Theoretical System

  5. 国际政治理论的时代性

    Sensitivity of Theories of International Politics to Their Time

  6. 国际政治理论的性质、效用与变革

    Nature , Utility and Change of International Political Theory

  7. 阿诺德·沃尔弗斯国际政治理论初探

    Research on Arnold Wolfers ' International Political Theory

  8. 基督教现实主义理论是国际政治理论的重要组成部分。

    Theory of Christian Realism is the important component element of theory of international politics .

  9. 他将哲学、社会学、政治学、法学和伦理学等广泛运用于国际政治理论研究。

    He applies philosophy , sociology , political science , jurisprudence and ethics to the studies .

  10. 权力是政治学的核心概念,也是国际政治理论研究的基点,本文的研究也是围绕权力问题展开的。

    Power is the key concept in politics and the basic point of international political theory research .

  11. 本文首先考查了国际政治理论争论中的一个基本问题:理想与现实的矛盾。

    The thesis firstly introduces a theme of international theories : the contradiction of ideality and reality .

  12. 目前,文化内容最为丰富的主流国际政治理论当属社会建构主义。

    Social constructivism is the theory with the richest cultural content within the mainstream establishment of international politics .

  13. 而肯尼思·华尔兹的《国际政治理论》则是新现实主义(或结构现实主义)理论的力作。

    And Kenneth N. Waltz 's " Theory of International Politics " mostly represents neo-realism or structural realism .

  14. 沃尔兹的结构现实主义理论自从诞生以来就一直在国际政治理论领域占据着主导地位。

    Waltz 's structural realism dominates the realm of the international political theory after it came into existence .

  15. 作为国际政治理论的重要分支,建构主义可以为理解中非关系提供新视角。

    As an important branch of the international political theory , constructivism could offer a new angle to perceive China-Africa relations .

  16. 在现实生活中,国际政治理论发挥着描述、解释、规范、预测和政策的功能。

    In reality , international political theory is playing the role of description , interpretation , normalization , calculation and policy .

  17. 旧的国际政治理论已经无法解释新的世界格局,各国学者纷纷提出自己的看法和理论。

    Consequently , many scholars and experts across the world have put forward their unique opinions and theories on the emerging world situation .

  18. 在国际政治理论中,国家利益一直是驱使各国进行外交活动的根本动力,也是国家制定对外政策所要考虑的首要目标。

    According to international political theory , national interests are the motivation of all countries'diplomatic activities but also the priority considered by policy makers .

  19. 本文以和平机制的国际政治理论为基础分析了韩半岛和平机制建设的方向。

    This dissertation is to analyze the direction of building peace regime the Korean Peninsula , based on the international political theory of peace regime .

  20. 当代西方国际政治理论的三大流派现实主义、自由主义和建构主义都提出了各自关于国际危机管理的模式。

    As three main genres of modern western international politics theory , Realism , Liberalism and Constructivism put out different connotations of international crises management .

  21. 国际政治理论的发展为第二轨道的兴起提供了理论支撑;

    The development of the theory of international politics provides its theory strut and a more realistic reason is to avoid the official diplomatic risk .

  22. 但是,什么是国家利益,如何在理论上对其加以认知,在国际政治理论中可以说是五花八门。

    However , what is the national interest , how to be understanding of their theory in international political theory can be said to be varied .

  23. 国际政治理论是力求真实反映客观的国际政治现实的、经过反复加工提炼的范畴按一定的逻辑构成的体系。

    International political theory is a system of category in a certain logic construct which reflects the objective international political reality , and which is processed again and again .

  24. 随着问题的出现,国际政治理论中非传统安全的提出为文化安全的研究提供了理论空间,文化安全作为非传统安全的一部分进入国际政治理论研究的范畴。

    And the culture security is becoming a global problem . With the theory of non-traditional security being brought forward , culture security becomes a part of the non-traditional theory .

  25. 本文选择国际政治理论为方向,是因为它在马克思主义理论的大家庭中略显薄弱。

    The reason that I select the major orientation of " international political " to research in this paper , is awe of its weak in the whole Marxism theory research .

  26. 虽然肯尼思·沃尔兹一再阐述国际政治理论不是外交政策理论,但就宽泛的意义而言,新现实主义还是有自己的外交政策理论。

    Although international political theory is not a theory of foreign policy ( as reiterated by the neo realist Kenneth N.Waltz ), neo realism generally has theoretical ideas about foreign policy .

  27. 传统的国际政治理论认为,国家是国际政治领域唯一的行为主体,而且国家是作为一个整体单位行事的。

    The traditional international political theory believed that , the country is the only behavior main body in the international political domain , moreover the country handles affairs as an overall unit .

  28. 文章对西方国际政治理论中以下四种不同的行为体观进行了分析:现实主义的行为体观,即国家是国际政治中最重要的行为体,非国家行为体从属于国家行为体;

    The paper analyzes the following four different behaviorist views in Western Political theory : 1.realistic view-nation is key system in international political affairs , non-nation behavior is subject to national system ;

  29. 特别是现实主义在很大程度上仍是主导国际政治理论与实践的主流话语。

    We still do not have much say in the world and realism is , to a large extent , still the mainstream ideology dominating international politics in both theory and practice .

  30. 通过对国际政治理论进行批判,严格界定了国家利益概念:满足民族国家在现代国际社会中生存、发展与价值存在的需要。

    Criticized the international political theory , the article defines the concept of the national interest strictly : meeting needs that the national-states survives , develops and values in the modern international societies .