
  • 网络nuclear crisis
  1. 国际原子能机构(IAEA)表示,日本已请求得到专家团以帮助对付不断升级的核危机。

    The International Atomic Energy Agency said Japan had requested expert missions to help tackle the escalating nuclear crisis .

  2. 日本首相菅直人(naotokan)坚称日本将“以最急迫的姿态”处理核危机。

    Naoto Kan , prime minister , insisted that the country would handle the nuclear crisis " with the greatest urgency " .

  3. 伦敦《太阳报》(TheSun)一篇文章的标题是“核危机继续,英国人面临噩梦:赶紧逃离东京”。

    The Sun , a London-based tabloid , titled an article : 'Nightmare warning to Brits as Nuke Crisis Continues : Get Out of Tokyo Now ' .

  4. 投资者们正在观察,欧盟(EU)是否会在福岛核危机后改变或放缓它的核能计划。欧盟的目标是,到2020年时可再生能源占比达到20%。

    Investors are watching whether the European Union , which has a 20 per cent target of renewable energy inclusion by 2020 , will change or slow its nuclear energy programme in the wake of Fukushima .

  5. 来自伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的科学家在星期一表示,他们已经检测到源于2011年的福岛核危机的铯134的放射性沉降物,已经到达加利福尼亚北部100英里的Eureka小镇近海。

    Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Monday said they had detected cesium 134 radioactive fallout from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown about 100 miles offshore of the Northern California town of Eureka .

  6. 朝鲜核危机与伊朗核危机之比较研究

    Comparative Study on North Korea Nuclear Crisis and Iran Nuclear Crisis

  7. 但是核危机真的离他们非常近。

    But the nuclear crisis there was too close to home .

  8. 核危机凸显伊朗的中东大国地位

    Nuclear Crisis Protrudes Iran 's Power Status in the Middle East

  9. 核危机很可能引发金融危机。

    A nuclear meltdown may yet lead to a financial one .

  10. 如果核危机恶化,那些估计将会大幅改变。

    Those calculations could change dramatically if the nuclear crisis worsens .

  11. 伊朗核危机与中国石油安全

    The Nuclear Crisis of Iran and China 's Oil Security

  12. 日本核危机后辐射侦测器大卖。

    Japan 's Nuclear Crisis Causes Run on Radiation Detectors .

  13. 我们更加关心油价和福岛核危机。

    We are much more focused on the oil price and on Fukushima .

  14. 广岛的影响是毁灭性的,切尔诺贝利事故骇人听闻,福岛核危机令人震惊。

    The first was devastating , the second terrifying , the third shocking .

  15. 日本核危机也加大了对天然气需求增长的预期。

    The nuclear crisis in Japan has also boosted expectations of demand growth .

  16. 朝鲜半岛核危机的化解与半岛走出冷战

    Defusing the Nuclear Crisis and Moving the Korean Peninsula away from the Cold War

  17. 很多日本人表示,他们对于日本应对此次核危机的措施并不满意。

    Many Japanese said they were unhappy with the management of the nuclear crisis .

  18. 在上述限制措施出台之际,民众对核危机处理情况的不满情绪正日益高涨。

    The restriction comes amid growing public discontent over the handling of the crisis .

  19. 吴昌华将日本核危机称之为一个“惊醒警告”;

    Japan 's nuclear crisis has served as a wake-up call , said Wu .

  20. 布什政府与第二次朝鲜核危机(2001年1月-2003年9月)

    The Bush Administration and the Second Korea Nuclear Crisis ( 2001.1 - 2003.9 )

  21. 朝鲜核危机与建立东北亚安全体制的思考

    North Korea Nuclear Crisis and the Consideration of Building up North-east Asian Security System

  22. 核危机下的美国和伊朗

    America and Iran in the Nuclear Crisis

  23. 委员会主席杰兹科承认从日本的核危机里学到一些教训。

    The commissioners acknowledged there are lessons to be learned from the Japanese nuclear crisis .

  24. 伊朗核危机的背后实质是美国与伊朗的角力。

    Behind the Iranian nuclear crisis is the real struggle of the United States and Iran .

  25. 伊朗核危机是伊拉克战争后世界最热门的话题之一。

    The Iran nuclear crisis is one of the post-Iraqi War hottest topics in the world .

  26. 国防部秘书会见了亚洲的国防部秘书探讨核危机问题。

    The secretary of defense met with his counterparts in Asia to discuss the nuclear crisis .

  27. 多向度思维探析&美国与伊朗核危机下的合作

    Many Dimensions of Thinking & the United States and the Iran Nuclear Crisis under the Cooperation

  28. 经济学家此前预计地震和随之而来的核危机将导致日本经济一次更大的下降。

    Economists had expected a bigger decrease following the disasters and the nuclear crisis that followed .

  29. 虽然冷战已经结束,但真正的核危机并没有过去。

    Despite a conclusion to the " Cold War ", the real nuke crisis is still threatening .

  30. 伊朗核危机自2003年爆发以来,引起了全世界的广泛关注。

    Iran nuclear crisis has attracted widespread interest in the world since it broke out in 2003 .