
  • 网络core investments
  1. cfa考试于1953年在美国设立,旨在向证券行业专业人士传授核心投资原理。

    The CFA exam was created in 1953 in the us to teach core investment principles to securities industry professionals .

  2. 本报告提供了零售银行领域中50多家商业和技术决策者企业,深入份了信息技术策略的推动因素以及提供了2007年零售银行核心投资领域等信息。

    This report presents the views of50 business and technology decision-makers in the retail banking sector , drilling down into IT strategy drivers and pinpointing key investment areas for2007 .

  3. 她表示,同期,在上海、深圳和香港证交所上市的所有零售商的总收入仅增长了6%(未经并购和非核心投资修正)。

    In that same period , she says , there was only a 6 per cent revenue growth for all retailers listed on the Shanghai , Shenzhen , and Hong Kong stock exchanges , not corrected for mergers and non-core investments .

  4. 数据是GIS的核心与投资重点,GIS数据包括空间数据和属性数据。

    Data are the core and key investment in GIS . The data of GIS include space data and property data .

  5. 据信,中投公司正在研究以基金的基金工具为“核心”投资,同时投资于单个经理人的基金。

    CIC is understood to be looking at investments in single-manager funds alongside a " core " investment in fund of funds vehicles .

  6. 投资、质量、工期是建设工程项目的三大控制目标,核心是投资问题。

    Investment , quality and the time limit for a project are the three control objectives for construction projects , and the core is investment .

  7. 基金管理公司的核心是投资管理服务,投资者更看重的是诚信和投资管理能力。

    Investment management services are the cores of fund management companies , the investors are think of that integrity of fund management companies and investment management capabilities .

  8. VaR计算的核心在于估计投资组合未来回报率的统计分布或概率密度函数。

    The core of VaR method is estimation for statistical distributions of portfolio future returns .

  9. 本文研究的核心是金融投资工具。

    Financial Investment Instrument is the nuclear of this thesis .

  10. 中国西部地区经济落后的核心因素是投资不足。

    The central cause of economic underdevelopment in the West China is the shortage of investment .

  11. 作为风险投资过程核心的风险投资机构尤为重要。

    As the core of the process of venture capital investment , venture capital organization is especially important .

  12. 不过,互操作性作为一种核心的创新投资准则,大大超越了互联网的范畴,跨入了电网系统、国防科技和医疗设备领域。

    But interoperability as a core innovation investment principle extends well beyond the Internet into power-grid systems , defence technologies and medical devices .

  13. 西部地区落后成因及教育发展对策分析中国西部地区经济落后的核心因素是投资不足。

    Analysis of reasons for the backwardness of western China and educational countermeasures The central cause of economic underdevelopment in the West China is the shortage of investment .

  14. 作为节能减排的核心因素,投资、技术、产业结构和能源结构的变化主导了中国能耗水平的波动。

    As the core of conserving energy and reducing emissions , the changes of technology , industrial structure and energy structure dominate the fluctuations in the level of Chinese energy consumption .

  15. 更为重要的是,发展型社会政策的核心机制社会投资机制也能够通过行动中心制度主义的三大机制而得到充分的理论支持,从而使得社会投资机制成为一个中层理论机制。

    Moreover , social investment mechanism the key mechanism of social policy for development can get great theoretical support from the three mechanisms of action-centered institutionalism . In this way , social investment mechanism could become a middle range theory .

  16. 模型以正反馈交易为核心,根据投资策略将交易者分为信息交易者(包括轻信者和保守者)和正反馈交易者,且投资者均具有混合理性。

    The model focuses on positive feedback trading , and classifies traders into information-based investors ( credulous investors and conservative investors ) and positive feedback traders , in which each type of traders are hybrid-rational , i.e. , can be both rational and irrational .

  17. 第五章,是本文的核心,对股票投资模糊控制器进行设计,并用Matlab编程来实现相关的算法,给出设计流程图。

    The fifth chapter is the core of this paper , a fuzzy control system for stock investments is designed , the algorithm involved is programmed by Matlab , and the flow chart of the design is showed .

  18. 投资项目的可行性研究(FeasibilityStudy,FS)是项目分析与评价工作的重要基础,是项目前期阶段工作的核心,关系到投资项目建设的成败。

    The investment project feasibility study ( FS ) is an important basis for analysis and evaluation of the project and the core of the early phase of the project . It relates to the success or failure of the investment project .

  19. creo表示,取得上述进展,是通过处置非核心资产,为投资资产进行再融资,并改善资本状况。

    Creo said that progress was being made to refinance investment assets and strengthen its capital position through the disposal of non-core holdings .

  20. 证券业经营风险防范的核心是对证券投资风险的预测与控制,本论文在建立基于FAM模型的风险计量方法的基础上,提出了针对证券投资业务四个具体操作环节上的风险防范策略。

    The core of investment risk control is the forecasting and control to stock investment risk . At the base of method of risk measure basis FAM model , this article brings forward a risk control tactic aim at four operating taches of stock investment .

  21. 金融的核心是储蓄&投资的转化问题。

    The key financial problem lies in transformation of saving-investment .

  22. 这个公司的核心能力的IT投资可能是进入的一个重要的障碍。

    This IT investment in a company 's core competency can be a significant barrier to entry .

  23. 接着对私人股权投资的核心&私人股权投资家进行了探讨,强调了私人股权投资家必须具备的素质。

    Then , the core of PE investment , i.e. PE capitalist is discussed , especially the skills and competences they require .

  24. 基于核心能力的项目投资评价模型是实际操作的一条有效途径,旨在为房地产开发企业的投资决策应用提供参考依据。

    Project investment evaluation model based on core competition is a useful method for practice and provides the reference of investment decision of real-estate company .

  25. 会展企业价值评估是会展企业进行兼并与收购交易行为的核心,是进行投资决策的依据,也是财务管理的重要内容。

    The exhibition enterprise value evaluation is the core of exhibition enterprise merger , is the basis for investment decision-making , and is the central element of financial management .

  26. 而毫无疑问地,研发活动作为技术创新过程的核心环节,研发投资的决策将直接关系到技术创新活动是否能顺利进行。

    Without doubt , as the core areas of technology innovation process , R & D investment decisions will be directly related to the technological innovation activities ' smoothly going .

  27. 公司回应称曾在沈阳做过业务,对这座城市很了解,并且鉴于利率较低,进行与核心业务无关的投资是配置剩余现金的好办法。

    The company responded that it knows Shenyang well from having operations there and the noncore investment is a good way to deploy surplus cash , given low interest rates .

  28. 服务业对外直接投资对一国经济业绩影响的核心问题在于对外投资是否以牺牲国内投资为代价。

    The key issue of the influence of service industry 's direct investment overseas in a country 's economic achievements depends on whether the investment abroad is at the price of sacrificing domestic investment .

  29. 本文系统分析关于证券投资市场风险计量的三个核心理论:马科维茨投资组合理论、资本资产定价模型、期权定价理论。

    The paper analyses three main theories : Markowitz 's portfolio Selection Model , Sharpe 's Capital Asset Pricing Model , Black and Sholes ' Option Pricing Model . Besides , the paper also studies Duration-Convexity theory .

  30. 文章首先论述了农业投资效益研究的核心内容,农业投资的变化特点:其次探讨了优化农业投资分配结构的原则及农业投资模式的建立;

    First , this thesis discusses the basic contents in the study of agricultural investment efficiency . Second , studies the principles of seeking the optimum structure of agricultural investment distribution and the making-up of the agricultural investment models .