
  • 网络income fund;Fixed-Income Funds
  1. 英国投资者尤其在寻找收益型基金方面的新机会,因为英国石油(bp)和银行股等传统派息股暂停或减少了派息。

    UK investors in particular were looking for new opportunities for income as traditional dividend stocks such as BP and the banking sector suspended or reduced their dividend payments .

  2. 投资全球收益型基金,也被认为是一种比只关注成长性风险更低的投资方式,尽管迪克森警告说这一观点并不总是准确。

    Going into global funds focused on income is also perceived as a less risky way to invest than pure growth plays , although Mr Dickson cautions that such a perception is not always accurate .

  3. 古普塔表示,相对来说,发达市场投资者对收益型基金更感兴趣,这是因为亚洲的利率较高,亚洲投资者即使把钱存入银行,收益率也往往会达到与某些基金一样高的水平。

    Developed market investors remain relatively more interested in income-yielding funds , because high interest rates in Asia mean that investors there can often get bank deposits to yield as much as some funds , Mr Gupta says .

  4. 对于那些希望投资新的收益型基金的投资者来说,这是一条好消息,但它同时也意味着,出售买入期权获得的收益需要缴纳所得税,而此前,它们需要缴纳的是资本利得税。

    This is good news for investors who want a new type of income-generating fund , but it also means that the proceeds from selling call options are subject to income tax , whereas before they were subject to capital gains tax .