
  • 网络Revenue budget
  1. 影响利他行为发生程度的因素与行为个体的能力(收入预算约束)b、两个体之间敌友指数r正相关,与利他行为的价格Pa、利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The factors of altruistic behavioral degree are positive interrelated to budget b and friendship index r , negative interrelated to the prices of altruistic behavior and behavioral quantity .

  2. 部门收入预算的编制要以预算的完整统一性为原则,编制综合财政预算。部门支出预算的编制首先要进行科学地分类,将部门支出预算分为基本支出预算与项目支出预算;

    For the department , the income budget is united budget , the expenditure budget is divided into basic expenditure budget and project expenditure budget .

  3. 本文通过提出如何编制好收入预算和支出预算,使管理者真正的把高校的钱管好、用好,从而提高高等学校办学的社会效益和经济效益阐述了自己的观点。

    How to organize college income and expenditure budget and to run capital , the paper posed some personal outpoints of improving social and economic benefit .

  4. 以生产可能性曲线与收入预算线为工具,分析农户达到生产者均衡状态的必要条件。

    With the tools of production possibility curve and budget line , the paper analyzes the necessary factors of the producer equilibrium state realized by rural household .

  5. 研究结果表明:个体的偏好差异对公共物品产出的作用依赖于成员们的收入预算开支与公共物品固定成本的比较,U型曲线之说不合适。

    The research result shows that the influence of differences in individual preference difference to the provision of public goods is relied on the comparison between members ' income budget expense and the fixed cost of public goods , the common parlance of " U " type curve is improper .

  6. 对铁路客票收入弹性预算原理的研究

    Research on the Flexible Budget Principle of Railway Passenger Ticket Income

  7. 福建农村居民消费受到现期收入的预算约束。

    Fujian Rural households consumption obviously is constrained by budget .

  8. 第十九条预算由预算收入和预算支出组成。

    Article 19 A budget consists of budgetary revenues and budgetary expenditures .

  9. 许多人根据收入做出预算。

    Many of them budget their income .

  10. 对自己的收入进行预算是很重要的,这样你就可以清楚把钱花在哪了。

    It is important to budget your income so you can keep track of how your money is being spent .

  11. 无论产生何种差异,都用来检查预算所计算出的差异。第十九条预算由预算收入和预算支出组成。

    Whatever differences develop would be checked against the differences predicted . Article 19 A budget consists of budgetary revenues and budgetary expenditures .

  12. 着力把所有政府性收入纳入预算,实行全口径预算管理。

    We will work hard to incorporate all government revenue into the budget , and bring all revenue and expenditures under budgetary management .

  13. 政府预算的执行情况由预算会计系统提供,预算会计要素设置为预算收入、预算支出和预算结余。

    Government budget implementation is provided by the budget accounting system . Budget accounting elements are the fiscal revenues , public expenditures , and budget balance .

  14. 在把一定比例的能源收入用于预算开支之后,其余的盈余都将纳入一项“未来”基金,用于更长期的项目。

    Any surplus after using a set portion of energy revenues for budget spending will go into a " future generations " fund for longer-term projects .

  15. 根据义务教育的特性,义务教育经费应该完全来源于政府财政中的税收收入(预算内财政收入)。

    According to the characteristic of compulsory education , the funds for compulsory education should totally stem from the tax revenues in the government 's finance ( budgetary fiscal revenues ) .

  16. 地方政府投资行为有狭义和广义之分,狭义的地方政府投资行为是指地方政府通过预算内财政收入、预算外收入以及对外借债进行的基础设施建设等投资支出行为。

    The narrow local government investment refers to the investing expense of local government for the infrastructure construction using the revenue inside its financial budget , the special income outside the budget and debt .

  17. 在此基础上,将预算会计要素设置为预算收入、预算支出和预算结余;将政府财务会计要素设置为资产、负债、净资产、收入和费用。

    On that basis , we might set the budget accounting elements as budgetary fiscal revenues , public expenditures , and the budget surplus ; and set the government financial accounting elements to assets , liabilities , net assets , revenues , and expenses .

  18. 你别以为别人会为了给你提供便利而泄露公司秘密。你可以问她为了开展自己的项目要做什么研究,而不是问有关收入、预算或薪酬之类的与公司情况相关的问题。

    It 's not appropriate for you to think that she will hand over her own company 's secrets to give you an advantage.Rather than requesting data you know is proprietary like revenue numbers , budgets , or salaries , ask her what you should research to get started on your own project .

  19. 税收优惠造成的财政收入减少额预算有限的收入对家庭开支预算的约束

    Tax expenditures budget the restraints on the family budget of a limited income

  20. 以他最低工资的收入,他的预算没有再削减的馀地。

    With minimum-wage income , he finds little fat to trim in his budget .

  21. 财政约束主要表现在财政支出约束、财政收入约束和预算原则约束等几个方面。

    Fiscal constraint includes government expenditure control , government revenue control and budget principle control etc.

  22. 这次财政大臣能做的事情有限,只能计划收入小笔预算外融资,但适度、却醒目地提出减税优惠或补贴。

    This time the chancellor was restricted to finding small pockets of extra revenue to finance modest but eye-catching tax breaks or subsidies .

  23. 税收收入是一般预算收入的主体,但目前税收收入比例有下降趋势,而且中部地区比例下降最快。

    Tax revenue is the main part of general budget revenue , however , its proportion declines gradually , especially in central region . 2 .

  24. 这样规模的经济刺激,巨额的救市成本,受经济危机影响萎缩的税收收入,使得预算的前景十分严峻;

    With stimulus of this magnitude , the costs of the bail-out and the recession 's withering effect on tax revenue , the budget outlook is dreadful ;

  25. 15亿美元评定会费和杂项收入(正常预算),其中会员国的评定会费总额达8.93亿美元

    US $ 915 million assessed contributions and miscellaneous income ( the regular budget ) of which the assessed contributions by Member States totals to US $ 893 million

  26. 作为第二财政的金融业,发挥着提供铸币收入、平衡预算赤字、替代财政投资、平衡地区差距、替代财政补贴等多项财政功能。

    China 's financial sector performed the functions of providing Seigniorage , balancing the budget deficit , substituting government investment , balancing the regional economic disparity , substituting fiscal subsidies etc.

  27. 由于经济复苏带来了更丰厚的税收,50个州超过半数预计在本财政年结束时收入会超过预算所得。

    Over half of the 50 states are forecast to end the current fiscal year with more money than expected , thanks to fatter tax collections as the economy recovers .

  28. 在将非税收入纳入政府预算的同时,把收费部门的纵向补助彻底纳入财政转移支付体系。

    At the same time of bringing non-taxable revenue into budgetary management , portrait subsidy to the department of charging must be absolutely brought into fiscal system of transfer payments .

  29. 两年期国债收益率变得与隔夜资金利率一样,将无法带来递增的回报而使用杠杆的银行和贷款机构将这种回报作为自己确定收入与支出预算的基础。

    Two-year yields are the same as overnight fund rates allowing for no incremental gain a return that leveraged banks and lending institutions have based their income and expense budgets on .

  30. 各单位编制本单位预算、决算草案;按照国家规定上缴预算收入,安排预算支出,并接受国家有关部门的监督。

    Various units shall compile the drafts of their own budgets and final accounts , turn over budgetary revenues as prescribed by the state , manage the budgetary expenditures , and accept supervision of the relevant departments of the state .