
  • 网络Public funds;public spending
  1. 严格控制一般性支出,大力压缩公用经费。

    We will strictly control regular expenditures , and do all we can to reduce public spending .

  2. 压缩中央国家机关公用经费5%,节省的资金专项用于抗震救灾。

    We cut general public spending in state organs by5 % , and all of the savings were used to provide disaster relief .

  3. 各级人民政府教育财政拨款的增长应当高于财政经常性收入的增长,并使按在校学生人数平均的教育费用逐步增长,保证教师工资和学生人均公用经费逐步增长。

    The people 's governments at various levels shall see to it that their appropriations for education shall increase at a faster rate than their regular revenues , that the average expenditure and that the teachers ' salaries and the average public expenditure per student shall increase steadily .

  4. 义务教育经费投入不足表现为:义务教育财政性投入占GDP的比例偏低、义务教育经费总支出中政府承担的比例偏低、义务教育生均公用经费地区差异明显。

    The insufficiency of compulsory education funds investment displays mainly the following aspects such as an improper ratio between financial investment and GDP , and the area great difference of public funds per students .

  5. 调查结果显示,教育事业费、公用经费的供给不平衡是目前我国基础教育面临的最大难题;

    The results show that the imbalance of provision between education cost and public cost is the biggest problem Chinese basic education is faced with ;

  6. 公用经费是衡量教育投入水平的一个重要指标,也是教育事业发展的基本保证。

    Non-personnel expenditure ( NPE ) is not only an important criterion of education input , but also the basic safeguard for the development of education .

  7. 对工商行政管理部门正常运转所需的公用经费,应按照高于当地一般行政机关的标准妥善安排解决;

    Public funds for normal operations of administrative departments for Industry and Commerce shall be properly determined higher than the standard of local ordinary administrative organs ;

  8. 税收征收成本是税收征管活动中付出的人员经费、公用经费、基建费用和其它费用等的总称。

    Tax collection cost is a general term which is paid by tax collection activities , staffing and funding , public funds , infrastructure costs and other costs .

  9. 教师工资拖欠、农村学校办学基本条件难以保障和公用经费严重短缺已成为农村义务教育的三大突出问题。

    Being in arrears with teachers ' payment , the badly insufficiency of public education expense and the no-guaranteed basic office condition in rural school have become the most difficult problems .

  10. 从结构上,研究结论认为:在1998&2004年间,①省级地区间投资失衡最为严重的是生均预算内公用经费;

    Structurally , the research conclusion concludes that , from to 2004 ( 1 ) in provincial level , most seriously unbalanced investment is the public funds per student in budgets ;

  11. 学校公用经费短缺、教师培训经费不足以及学校负债累累是凤冈县农村义务教育学校办学经费存在的三个突出问题。

    In Fenggang County , Guizhou Province , there exist three problems in the expenditure for compulsory education : shortage in public funds , lack of funds for teacher education and school debt .

  12. 而对其他资金的使用则是以保工资、保运转,即保证人员经费和公用经费为第一目标,所有的财政收入要首先确保人员工资和机构运转的需要。

    As to other fiscal fund , they will be firstly used to make sure of salaries and governmental operation . That is , assuring the government employees ' salaries and public fund is the preference purpose .

  13. 通过实地调查发现,公用经费的投入得不到有效保证、教师培训经费无法落实以及国家义务教育投入体制自身的缺陷是导致这三大问题存在的主要原因。

    Through field research we find the main causes for these are : no guarantee for the investment of public funds , no realization of outlay for teacher education and defects in the investing system of national compulsory education .

  14. 最后,本文以湖南怀化市的相关数据为例,对该市农村义务教育公用经费转移支付进行了具体的模拟计算和结果分析。

    At the end of the paper , with regard to the transferred payment of the public fund in the compulsory education , an imitating calculation and a result-analysis are made basing on the relative data in Huaihua city .

  15. 抽样调查研究表明,部分地区内部在人均教育经费、教育普及水平、教师工资、生均公用经费、办学条件等五个方面存在巨大差距。

    Samples and investigations indicate that a tremendous intra-regional gap also exists in five respects : per capita education funds , the level of educational popularization , teacher salary , per capita public educational funds and conditions for running a school .

  16. 在对基尼系数的分解,则发现公用经费支出使基尼系数增大,基建和专项支出使得基尼系数减小,而个人经费支出对基尼系数的贡献程度最大。

    Within the public investing , the communal outlay increases the Gini Coefficient , but the capital construction and the special payout can reduce the Gini Coefficient , and the individual outlay has a most large share in the Gini Coefficient ;

  17. 二级指标共有27个,包括在校生数、毛入学率、生师比、生均公用经费、音体美及仪器设备达标率等指标。

    The level 2 has 27 items including the number of students , gross enrollment rate , teacher & student proportion , public fund per student , the qualification ratio of sports , music , art and teaching equipment , and so on .

  18. 教育投入的相对不足已经成为教育发展的突出问题,具体表现为:公用经费严重短缺、教学质量难以提升、危房问题亟待解决。

    The relative shortage of Education investment has become an important problem for education development , which exhibits as : the shortage of operating funds , the burden of debt , the poor condition of some dangerous school houses , the poor quality of the teachers .

  19. 教育经费总量投入不足、初中教育经费负担结构不合理,导致江西省初中教育,尤其是农村初中教育生均教育事业费和生均公用教育经费严重偏低,直接制约了江西省初中教育的良性发展。

    Insufficiency total education fund investment and unreasonable burden structure of junior-middle-school education fund cause lower Jiangxi junior-middle-school education funds , especially rural junior-middle-school education industry cost and public education funds for students , which directly restrict the benign development of Jiangxi junior-middle-school education .