
  • 网络Corporate strategy;Company Strategy;Corporate-Level Strategy
  1. 本周,英国金融服务管理局(FSA)出台了规范银行家薪酬的新规,要求薪酬更加明确地与公司战略相一致。

    This week the Financial Services Authority launched a new code for bankers ' pay to align it more clearly with corporate strategy .

  2. 在建立了基于EVA的财务管理模式之后,分析EVA财务管理模式与公司战略的关系,指出与EVA财务管理模式相匹配的公司战略类型。

    After that , we shall analyse the relevance between the financial management based on EVA and corporate strategy , point out which kind of corporate strategy is mate of financial management based on EVA .

  3. 参与社会活动如今已是公司战略中必不可少的内容。

    Community involvement is now integral to company strategy .

  4. XX公司战略投资问题研究

    Strategic Investment of XX Corporation

  5. 三名知情人士表示,iPhone制造商苹果(Apple)的一名高管在会见媒体集团时代华纳(TimeWarner)的公司战略主管时,提出了收购后者的可能性。

    A top Apple executive raised the prospect of the iPhone maker buying Time Warner at a meeting with the media group 's strategy chief , according to three people briefed on the encounter .

  6. 基于这种紧迫性和对ZY公司战略、绩效管理现状的分析,发现公司绩效管理工作仍然比较薄弱的现状。

    Based on this urgency and ZY corporate strategy , performance management situation analysis and found that corporate performance management work is still relatively weak status quo .

  7. 依据我国钻井公司战略成本动因分析提供的战略性信息,采用改进的模糊综合评价SWOT法,对我国钻井公司进行国际化经营的战略定位,并据此进行相应的实证研究。

    Using the strategic information offered by strategic cost-driver analysis , the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was adopted to improve SWOT ( strength , weakness , opportunity and threat ) method for internal drilling companies ' strategic positioning in international operations . And the relevant positive research was done .

  8. 公司战略重组绩效的熵值模糊综合评价模型

    The Entropy Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation Model for Corporation Strategic Restructuring Performance

  9. 成都粮油工业有限公司战略研究

    Research on Development Strategy of Chengdu Oils & Grains Industrial Ltd

  10. 战略实施是公司战略管理的重要环节。

    Strategic implementation is a key process for the corporate strategy .

  11. 通过其公司战略分析对公司价值进行评估具有一定的可比性和较好的分析价值。

    The corporation evaluation through strategic analysis is comparable and valuable .

  12. 跨国公司战略演变与跨国公司理论发展

    On the Relation between Strategy Evolution and Theory Development of TNCs

  13. 因而,投资者关系管理是上市公司战略管理的重要组成部分。

    Therefore , IRM is a significant part of corporate strategy management .

  14. 经济全球化与跨国公司战略选择

    Economy Globalization and Multinational Companies , Choice of Global Strategy

  15. 跨国公司战略管理子系统&业绩评价系统研究

    Study on the Performance Evaluation System of Multinational Corporations Strategic Management Subsystem

  16. 基于协同学的公司战略管理理论框架

    The Theory Outline of Corporation Strategy Management Basing on Synergetics

  17. 技术和公司战略的关联机理分析

    The Analysis of Relationship Between Technology and Corporate Strategy

  18. 取舍:推进公司战略转型的艺术

    Trade-off : The Art to Promote Corporate Strategic Renewal

  19. 波导股份有限公司战略管理案例

    Strategic Management Case of NINGBO BIRD CO. , LTD

  20. 第三部分,人力资本的根本地位对公司战略的意义。

    Part 3 . the Importance of Company Human Capital for Company Strategy .

  21. 熟悉公司战略和企业计划。

    Know the company strategy and business plan .

  22. 跨国公司战略和全面计划系统

    Stratagem Management and Overall Planning System of MNE

  23. 论学会学习康德公司战略管理研究

    On the Research Strategy On strategy of learning

  24. 一些股东提名自己的专业代表进入董事会,以影响公司战略。

    A few are putting their own professional representatives on boards to influence strategy .

  25. 中国乐凯胶片集团公司战略研究

    Research on China Lucky Film Group Development Strategy

  26. 经济全球化背景下美国跨国公司战略管理研究

    A Study on U.S. Transnational Corporations Strategic Management on the Background of Economic Globalization

  27. 信息技术对公司战略和竞争的影响

    The Information Technology has an Immediate Effect on the Strategy and Competition of the Corporation

  28. 论航空公司战略联盟的经济动因

    On Economic Motivation of Airline Strategic Alliance

  29. 中国上市公司战略联盟宣告对股东财富的影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Strategic Alliances Announcement on Shareholder Value for Listed Chinese Company

  30. 为小肥羊公司战略人力资源管理实践提供一些依据。

    Provide some basis for growing food and beverage companies strategic human resource management practices .