
ɡōnɡ mín jī běn yì wù
  • fundamental duties of citizens
  1. 立法适用在公民基本义务条款的适用中具有基础性地位。

    Legislative application plays a fundamental role in the application of the civil fundamental obligation clauses .

  2. 与其他国家相比,公民基本义务历来是中国宪法学的一个基本概念和重要问题。

    Compared with other countries , the fundamental obligations of citizens have always been an essential concept and important issue in the Constitution of China .

  3. 公民基本义务设立的正当性在于它与宪法规定的国家权力、公民基本权利之间的密切关系。

    The main reason for setting up fundamental obligations of citizens in constitution is its intimate relationship with national power and the fundamental rights of citizens .

  4. 尤其在中国,以马克思主义权利义务相一致原则建构起来的公民基本义务体系,内容丰富且带有强烈的社会主义特色。

    Especially in China , the system of fundamental obligations of citizens is based on the Marxism principle " the rights consistent with obligations " which is rich with strong socialist characteristics .

  5. 公民基本义务是指为了国家的存续和发展以及社会利益的维护和促进,应由宪法予以确认的,要求公民对国家必须履行的必要的义务。

    The fundamental obligations refer to the essential obligations every citizen must perform to safeguard the existence and development of nation , and to safeguard the interests of the society , which are provided by the constitutional law .

  6. 我国公民基本义务条款的立法适用,除了依法纳税义务条款外,立法适用较为完备,但公民基本义务条款对立法机关的约束力较弱。

    In our country , the legislative application of civil fundamental obligation clauses is relatively complete , except the obligation of paying taxes . The weak civil fundamental obligation clauses have weak binding force on the legislative authority .

  7. 立法机关在进行义务立法时,公民基本义务条款限定了立法机关立法的基本内容和目的,但立法机关可以自己决定何时立法,并且具有一定的自由裁量权。

    When the legislative authority promulgates an act , the fundamental content and purpose of the act are limited by the civil fundamental obligation clauses . However , the legislative authority can decide the time to start to draft , and has certain discretion .

  8. 宪法关于公民的基本义务的规定既为我们研究基本义务提供了丰富的实证法上的研究资源,同时也对宪法学提出了对基本义务进行理论研究的要求。

    The regulations on fundamental duties of citizens in the Constitution not only have supplied sufficient research resources concerning positive law for us to study the fundamental duties , meanwhile , have also made a requirement to constitution for a theoretical research on the fundamental duties .

  9. 公民基本权利和义务

    Basic rights and duties of citizen

  10. 第二章公民的基本权利和义务

    Chapter II The Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens

  11. 第二,提出将保护环境与自然资源作为公民的一项基本义务在宪法中加以规定。

    Second , puts forward that the constitution should prescribe that the environment and resource protection is the citizen 's fundamental obligation ;

  12. 宪法规定的公民的基本权利和义务,最能体现对民权的保护和对权力的制约。

    The citizens ′ basic rights and obligations as stipulated by the constitution serve as the best guarantee of civilian rights and limited power .

  13. 宪法的138条内容展示了中国的政治、法律、经济以及社会结构,同样还包括中国公民的基本权利和义务。

    The 138 articles of the Constitution China 's political , legal , economic and social structures , as well as the fundamental rights and responsibilities of Chinese citizens .

  14. 二是在宪法的第二章&公民的基本权利和义务中明确规定,犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在刑事诉讼中享有保持沉默的权利,但法律另有规定的除外。

    Second step lies in emending the article two of constitution and puts " suspects and defendants , except otherwise prescribed by law , have right to silence in the criminal procedure " .

  15. 其次,文章介绍了法人制度的宪法基础,通过对宪法规定公民的基本权利和义务分析找到其宪法依据。

    Then , this text introduced and evaluated the legal persons ' classification system which had been established according to our country 's Civil Law and Company Law , pointed out the four basic deficiencies of current classifications .

  16. 在新时期,像劳动权、受教育权一样,维护公共秩序应当既是公民的基本权利,也是公民的基本义务。

    Safeguarding the public order at the new stage is a fundamental right and duty of the citizen , just as the right of labor and education .