
tónɡ yì fǎn fù
  • tautology
  1. 现代的逻辑学家仅仅把它看作同义反复。

    Modern logicians regard it as little more than tautology .

  2. 律师最擅长的是什么?是同义反复。其次呢?同义反复。再其次呢?同义反复。

    What 's the first excellence in a lawyer ? Tautology . What the second ? Tautology .

  3. 现代的逻辑学家认为它是同义反复的。

    Modern logicians think it is tautological .

  4. 汉英词语中同义反复现象的对比和翻译策略

    Contrastive Study and Translation of Lexical Tautology in Chinese and English

  5. 同义反复现象在汉语与英语之间的迁移(英文)

    Transfer in the aspect of tautology from Chinese to english ;

  6. 因此,人性化教育这种说法似乎有同义反复之嫌。

    So , humanization education seem that there is synonym repeated disliking .

  7. 关联理论对同义反复的阐释

    An Application of Relevance Theory to the Analysis of Tautology

  8. 许多的学者对同义反复这种语言现象做出了大量的意义重大的研究。

    Lots of scholars have accomplished significant achievements in analyzing tautological utterances .

  9. 说某样东西足够够用了就是一个同义反复。

    To say that something is ` adequate enough ' is a tautology .

  10. 同义反复是一种特殊且有趣的语言现象。

    Tautology is a particular and interesting language phenomenon .

  11. 关联理论视角下的英语名词性同义反复话语分析

    The Analysis of the English Nominal Tautological Utterance from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

  12. 同义反复这种语言现象一直以来都是争议性的。

    This language phenomenon has been controversial .

  13. 小微滴是同义反复的,因为微滴本身就很小。

    It is tautological to talk about'little droplets'since droplets are by their very nature small .

  14. 同义反复话语是一种有趣的结构,其句法和语义都具有特殊的性质。

    Tautological utterances are a type of interesting constructions which has particular syntactic and semantic characteristics .

  15. 同义反复是语言中一种常见的现象,同时也是语言学界争议较大的问题之一。

    Tautology is a prevailing phenomenon in language as well as one of the controversial topics in the field of linguistics .

  16. 作者认为,如同其他话语,同义反复话语的理解是遵循关联原则的。

    The author believes that the understanding of tautological utterances as some other utterances is consistent with the principle of relevance .

  17. 当下关于海洋文学的概念,存在着同义反复、晦涩难懂、意义不定的多重误区。

    At present there are some multiple-misunderstandings on the concepts of maritime literature , like tautology , unintelligibility , unclear definition .

  18. 在演变过程中,资源理论关于竞争优势的定义不断明晰,同义反复问题逐一化解,竞争优势研究的微观基础亦随之完善。

    This evolution has resulted in a sharp and consistent definition of competitive advantage , which partially solved the issue of tautology and enhan .

  19. 在一个同义反复话语中,其主语和宾语由相同的语言成分组成,可以是一个词,也可以是一个词组。

    In a tautological utterance , the subject and object are presented by the same linguistic elements , a word or a nominal phrase .

  20. 同义反复是从哲学借过来的一个术语,它所描述的是一个真值始终为真的命题。

    Tautology is a term borrowed from philosophy , where it describes an argument in which the only possible truth condition is " true " .

  21. 很好,刚好够用。很好很好。说某样东西足够够用了就是一个同义反复。

    Good , even application . That 's what I like to see . to say that something is ` adequate enough ' is a tautology .

  22. 这可以防止测试意外地通过所有情况,也就是说,测试实际上没有测试任何东西(同义反复测试)。

    This prevents the test from accidentally passing in all circumstances , making for a test that doesn 't actually test anything ( a tautology test ) .

  23. 但是,汉语描写文中多使用意义模糊的词汇,把同义反复以及词汇重复作为语言常规来对待。

    The tautology and lexical repetition are rhetorical devices in the English descriptive writings whereas they are used as the language norm in the Chinese descriptive writings .

  24. 本文首先探讨了同义反复话语的典型结构名词i是名词i句的句法和语义特征,然后在关联理论的框架内研究了其理解问题。

    This paper firstly explores the syntactic and semantic properties of the prototypical construction " N1 is N1 ", and then examines its understanding within the framework of relevance theory .

  25. 同义反复语的含意是可以推导的,其推导机制可以用认知语言学的概念转喻理论来加以阐释。同义反复语的理解需要运用转喻推理。

    It is also argued that the interpretation of nominal tautology can be based on the conceptual metonymy which is an important theory in cognitive linguistics , and requires metonymic reasoning .

  26. 本文通过对一定量的同类语言材料的调查,对同义反复现象进行了较为全面的分析,认为这是一种重要的语言表达方式&修辞格。

    The article makes a thorough analysis of tautology through the investigation of a considerable amount of material of the same language and reaches the conclusion that it is an important figure of speech in linguistic expression .

  27. 要当心一些同义反复的解释:“国内生产总值是衡量一国收入的指标”,“消费者价格指数变动反映的是国家统计局编制的一篮子商品的成本变化”。

    Beware explanations that are tautological : " gross domestic product is a measure of the income of the nation " , " movements of the consumer prices index reflect changes in the cost of a basket of commodities compiled by the office for National Statistics " .

  28. 表面上来说,同义反复语的主语和谓语是一样的,但是,它们所传达的含义却完全不同,在交际中使用同义反复可以传达某种信息,而言者的意图也可以通过这些信息推断出来。

    On the surface , the subject and object are the same ; however , the two elements convey quite different meanings and that is why using a tautological utterance in communication can help to convey some information with which the intentions of the speaker can be inferred .

  29. 分析表明,反实在论和非实在论对理论成功提供的说明要么是同义反复,要么就是不可避免地滑向实在论的说明,因此真理或近似为真成了理论成功惟一可以称得上自然的终极说明。

    Analysis shows that the explanation of the success of theories provided by anti-realism and non-realism is a kind of tautology , or will inevitably slide into the explanation of realism . Thus , truth or approximate truth is the only naturally ultimate explanation of the success of theories .