
  1. 少数民族地区的各项成就展示,使我们看到了新中国民族区域自治制度的优越性。

    Many achievement of minority nationality show the superiority of regional national autonomy .

  2. 新中国民族区域自治制度的形成与发展

    Formulation and Development of the System of Regional National Autonomy in New China

  3. 中国民族区域自治与民族地区的发展

    China National Regional Autonomy and Development of National Areas

  4. 本文围绕中国民族区域自治制度的发展问题展开论证。

    This thesis focuses on developing the issues of system of regional ethnic autonomy of China .

  5. 中国民族区域自治制度的确立经历了长时间的探索和实践。

    The establishment of the system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities has undergone long period of exploration and practice .

  6. 以制度和法治保护少数民族权利&中国民族区域自治的路径与经验

    Protecting the Rights of Ethnic Minorities by Institution and Law : The Method and Experience of the Regional National Autonomy of China

  7. 《共同纲领》与民族区域自治制度的确立&兼谈新中国民族区域自治政策的形成

    The Common Program and the Establishment of the System of Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Minorities : Also on the Formation of the Policy of Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Minorities in New China

  8. 中国实行民族区域自治,是尊重历史、合乎国情、顺应民心的必然选择。

    The implementation of regional ethnic autonomy is an inevitable choice for China when it takes into account history , national conditions and the will of the people .

  9. 中国缘何实施民族区域自治制度?

    Why Does China Adopt the System of Regional Ethnic Autonomy ?

  10. 新中国建立了民族区域自治制度。

    New China brought about the system of regional autonomy for minority nationalities .

  11. 中国实行各民族区域自治,让民族在聚居区建立自治政府,并指导自己的事务的政策。

    China exercises a policy of regional autonomy for various ethnic groups , allowing ethnic group solving in compact communities to establish self-government and direct their own affairs .