
  1. UV-B(280nm~320nm)、UV-A(320nm~390nm)和蓝光(390nm~500nm)经不同光受体和信号传递途径控制植物发育的各个方面。

    UV-B , UV-A and blue light control a variety of aspects of plant development via distinct photoreceptors and signaling pathways .

  2. 根据不同光周期叶片生长速度提出:光照条件<13h为短光;13~15.5h为适宜光照,>15.5h为典型长光。

    According to the speed of trifoliate occurance under different photoperiod we put forward that : short light is shorter than 13h , 13 ~ 3 . 5h is suitable light , long lihgt is longer than 15 . 5h .

  3. 为了避免多个ONU发送冲突,实现用户端设备的时延补偿和自动加入,本文采用绝对时标来补偿不同光网络单元(ONU)往返时间的差异,完成其往返时间的计算和动态测距。

    To avoid several ONUs transmit collision and realize the ONU 's plug-and-play function , absolute timestamp was used in the round trip delay compensation design , thus calculation of the round trip time ( RTT ) and ranging process can be easily done on timestamp bases .

  4. 在萝卜叶片的反射光谱中存在440680nm两个吸收带和550nm反射带,表明该结果同光合作用的作用光谱一致。

    It was found that the reflection spectrum of radish leaves and the acting spectrum required for photosynthesis were similar to a reflection peak at 550 nm and two absorption bands around wavelengths of 440 and 680 nm .

  5. 论述同光派是近代重要的诗歌流派。

    Tong Guang school is an important verses school of modern age .

  6. 《防海新论》与同光之际海防大讨论

    New Thesis on Sea Defence and the Great Debate on Sea Defense in 1874-1875

  7. 双1/4波片调节同光路干涉条纹反差的研究

    A Method of Adjusting the Fringe Contrast in a Commonpath Interferometer by Double Quarter wave-plates

  8. 物光参考光同光轴的体全息存储光学系统设计

    Design of Volume Holographic Storage Optical System with Common Optical Axis for Signal Beam and Reference Beam

  9. 在选定条件下测定了焙砂、铜阳极泥等,所得结果同光度法一致。

    Roasted sands and copper anode slimes were analysed , the results are consistent with those by spectrophotometry .

  10. 而它们所创造的光与影的前后交错就如同光世界的交响曲。

    and the play of reflections that they toss back and forth is like a symphony in light .

  11. 其后清同光时期的再度繁荣,仅具有相对意义。

    After that , the flourish of the second time in Tongguang period of Qing dynasty only has the comparatively significance .

  12. 其中,主要研究结果如下:1不同光补偿条件下,各处理烟苗生育期具有一定差异。

    Among them , the main results were as follows : 1The seedling growth periods had certain differences under different light compensation .

  13. 雷诺应力分布和紊动强度分布规律同光滑明渠流类似。

    And ( 3 ) The Reynolds stress and the turbulence distribution are similar to those in the smooth open channel flows .

  14. 采集药材的近红外光谱建立标准光谱库,使用相似度算法将样品的光谱同光谱库进行比较,并用匹配值评价样品质量;

    The sample spectrum was identified by the comparison with a standard NIR spectral library . Similarity measurement was used as the discriminating parameter .

  15. 该方案基于光的偏振特性,采用同光源多光路结构,对多路信号进行比较,实现了转速测量。

    Based on the characteristics of polarized light , the tachometer is realized by using a structure of same light source and multi-light paths .

  16. 波分复用是在一根光纤上同时传输多个不同光波长的技术。

    Wave division multiplex ( WDM ) is the technique of transmitting more different wavelength of light in one fiber at the same time .

  17. 以自然日照为对照,在塑料大棚内对比观察了4个不同光反应型水稻品种在生长发育的各阶段对短日照的反应特性。

    In contrast with nature sunshine , reaction of 4 rice varieties to short-day sunshine in 7 development period in the plastic shed was studied comparatively .

  18. 本文对清末同光中兴名臣岑毓英的边疆建设思想及其实践进行了分析探讨。

    Between this text and latter stage of Qing Dynasty " and mere resurgence famous official " Cen Yu borderland of Great Britain build thought and his practice analyse the discussion .

  19. 他在文化上成就显著,是同光体的创始人之一,独创别具一格的海藏诗派。

    He remarkable achievements on the culture , was one of the founders of the " Tong Guang Ti ", having a unique style of the original " Hai Cang " poetry .

  20. 量子噪声普遍存在于物理世界之中,同光场的经典噪声不同,量子噪声在物理上无法消除,这是由量子力学基本原理的限定所导致的结果。

    Quantum noise is ubiquitous in the physical world . Different from the classical noise of the light field , it is limited by the basic principle of quan-tum mechanics and can not be eliminated physically .

  21. 无线电波传播速度同光速一样,假设这种信使接收到我们于本世纪20年代的初次广播,则送往其母行星的信息现在仅走过一半路程。

    Radio waves also travel at the speed of light , and assuming such an automatic messenger picked up our first broadcasts of the1920 's , the message to its home planet is barely halfway there .

  22. 以生长于不同光环境下的地木耳为材料,对其Fv/Fm的日变化、光合作用特性、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的含量进行了研究,以了解其光适应的生理生化基础。

    In order to clarify the physiological and biochemical basis of Nostoc commune lived in different environmental light levels , their daily changes of Fv / Fm , photosynthetic characteristics and content of carotenoids and chlorophyll were studied .

  23. 因此,同光体诗人群体被动成为那个时代一道独特的风景线,他们的诗歌创作、交往酬唱以及政治生涯便更多的寄寓特定文化际遇下特定的文化心态。

    Therefore , groups with the passive optical poets of that time a unique landscape , their poetry , sing and exchange political career will pay more under the specific fate of a particular culture ignited the cultural mentality .

  24. 另外,还将保护技术同光网络物理拓扑设计结合起来,研究了具有容错能力的光网络物理拓扑结构的设计问题。本文在单链路故障的保护中,提出了一种新的波长分配机制。

    In addition , we integrate the physical topology design with protection and study the physical topology design of fault-tolerant optical networks . First , to recover from any single-link failure , we propose a novel wavelength assignment scheme .

  25. 指出同光派闽派的研究虽取得了一定的成果,但对闽派诗人及其诗作、诗论的研究仍很薄弱,对闽派的师承关系、闽派的评价等问题值得进一步研究。

    Although the research on Min school of Tong Guang school has obtained a certain result , but the research on poets , their poem and poem theory is still very weak . The problem of succession relation , evaluation etc deserves further research .

  26. 二十年代后期到三十年代,新诗坛所反省的并非同光体、南社及学衡诗人的诗论,而正是当初高举文学革命的胡适之一派。

    In the late 1920s to 1930s , which the new poetry circle reflected on was not the poetry of Tong Guang Style , South Society and Xue Heng School , but the poetry of Hu Shi who advocated the Literature Revolution several years ago .