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  1. 多种技术和多层次的防御使系统具有较强的防御DDoS攻击能力。

    The application of multiple technology and multilayer defense develops capacity against DDoS attacks .

  2. 强化你的前线防御使你的后方吃紧。

    Fortify your front ; you 'll get your rear shot up .

  3. 主队在球门线前的坚强防御使客队无法在两码之内使球触地得分。

    A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two - yard line .

  4. 这种细菌可以留在喉咙部位,有时,由于尚未完全了解的原因,病菌可以突破身体的防御,使感染通过血流扩散到大脑。

    The bacteria can be carried in the throat and sometimes , for reasons not fully understood , can overwhelm the body 's defenses allowing infection to spread through the bloodstream to the brain .

  5. 匿名社交网络为他们提供了保护——为客户主动提供的信息构建了防御体系,使其免遭商业利用或监视;

    Anonymous social networks provide protection-a shelter for unsolicited information that won 't be used for advertising or surveillance ;

  6. 淋巴系统的科学调查将会提供的防御和治疗使数百亿计的人们受益。

    Scientific investigation of the lymphatic system will provide preventive and therapeutic benefits for hundreds of millions of people .

  7. 作者提出在心理护理过程中应给以精神安慰和正面引导,以解除心理压抑和降低心理的防御水平,使多动症状减轻。

    It suggested that the psychological support and positive guide could decrease the psychological depression and lower the psychological defense levels of patients and then reduce the symptoms .

  8. 从古至今,家庭一直是人们得以生存的重要单位&刚开始,家庭是一种防御体系,使人们在物质上得以存活;

    Throughout history , the family has been a vital unit for survival , starting as a defense system for physical survival , and gradually becoming a unit for economic survival .

  9. 这种优势被认为是必不可少的,因为英国人具有超群的海上技能和技术,并且打的是一场防御战争,使它能以少胜多。

    This advantage was deemed necessary because of Britain 's superior sea skills and technology , and also because Britain would be fighting a defensive war , allowing it to win with fewer forces .

  10. 另外,植物细胞能通过类受体蛋白激酶感受生物和非生物因子的刺激,并通过细胞膜将胞外的信号传导到胞内,从而激活胞内下游的防御基因,使植物具有防御功能。

    In addition , plant cells can feel the stimulation of the biotic and abiotic factors through receptor-like protein kinase and conduct the signal from extracellular to intracellular through the cellar membrane , which can activate the defense genes of intracellular downstream and make the plants get the defense function .

  11. 发展中国家在环境与贸易问题上采取的防御立场,是使WTO多哈回合环境与贸易谈判进展缓慢的重要原因。

    The developing countries take the defensive position on the issue of trade and environment . This is the main reason why the issue of trade and environment can hardly move forward in WTO Doha round .

  12. 美国科学家发现细菌的防御机制,可以使其低档抗生素的威胁。

    US scientists have uncovered a defence mechanism in bacteria that allows them to fend off the threat of antibiotics .

  13. 正义防御雕文:使你的正义防御技能和清算之手成功作用于每个目标的机率提高8%。

    Glyph of Righteous Defense-Increases the chance for your Righteous Defense and Hand of Reckoning abilities to work successfully by8 % on each target .

  14. 过去一年来吉利布兰德一直在推动一项立法,它旨在强制企业改善网络防御能力,并使企业能够更容易地在没有法律风险的情况下同政府官员合作。

    Over the past year , Gillibrand has backed legislation that would force companies to improve their cyber defences - and make it easier for them to co-operate with public officials , without legal risk .

  15. 是的在梦境中意识的防御会降低这使你的思想易于被偷窃这就叫盗梦齐藤先生我们可以训练你的潜意识教它自我防御哪怕对方是最厉害的盗梦者你怎么做得到?

    Yes . In the dream state , your conscious defenses are lowered ... and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft . It 's called extraction . Mr. Saito , we can train your subconscious to defend itself ...... from even the most skilled extractor . How can you do that ?

  16. 该系统与传统的杀毒软件相比,最大的不同在于将杀毒软件的被动防御变为免疫系统的主动防御,使病毒与木马无法入侵操作系统,从而保障系统的安全工作。

    Compare with the conventional kill virus software , it can change passive recovery into active defense , prevent virus and Trojan intrusion operating system , then the system can work with security .