
  • 网络SPF;Sun Protection Factor;UPF
  1. 如果肤色白皙,选择防晒系数更高的产品。

    Use a higher SPF if you have a fair complexion .

  2. 使用防晒系数15以上的针对敏感皮肤的防晒霜。

    Use sensitive-skin sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or more .

  3. 如果一定要呆在阳光底下的话,就擦上你能买到的防晒系数最高的防晒霜。

    If you must be in the sunlight , use the strongest filter cream you can get

  4. 使用可以抵抗紫外线A和B,防晒系数至少为30的防晒霜。

    Use a sunscreen that provides both UVA and UVB protection and has a minimum SPF of 30 .

  5. 防晒系数SPF值越高,抵御导致晒伤的紫外线的效果越好。

    The higher the SPF indicates better protection against sunburn-causing rays .

  6. SPF是防晒系数的意思。

    SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor .

  7. 研究人员给所有试验参加者发放了防晒系数(SPF)为15+的防晒霜。

    All study participants were given sunscreen with a sun protection factor ( SPF ) of 15 + .

  8. 日常生活中,可以选择UPF30+或防晒系数更高的遮阳伞。

    For daily use , you can choose parasols that are labeled at least UPF 30 + .

  9. 除了要选用那些不含有毒化学成分的产品之外,明智之举是使用防晒系数(SPF)达到15或30以上的防水广谱防晒霜。

    Apart from pickingup those with no toxic chemicals , it 's wise to apply awater-resistant , broad-spectrum sunscreen , with a sun protectionfactor ( SPF ) of at least 15 or 30 .

  10. 常年使用SPF30或防晒系数更高的防晒霜来保护皮肤。

    Protect your skin from the sun all year round with a sun block with an SPF of 30 or greater .

  11. 他说,要挑选那些镜片防晒系数(E-SPF)在25到50之间的太阳镜。

    Look for sunglasses with an eye-sun protection factor ( E-SPF ) between 25 and 50 , he said .

  12. 但是,根据综合信息网站Buzzle.com的建议,如果在户外停留时间较长,应该选择防晒系数至少为UPF50+的防紫外线伞或遮阳伞。

    But if you stay outside for a longer time , settle for UV umbrellas or UV parasols that are labeled UPF 50 + or above , according to Buzzle.com , a general information website 。 2 .

  13. 使用防晒系数足够高的防晒乳液。

    Use a sun block lotion with sufficiently high sun factor .

  14. 涂上防晒系数至少30的防晒霜。

    Wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 .

  15. 使用保湿霜和防晒系数至少30的防晒霜。

    Apply moisturizer and sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 .

  16. 皮肤病学家们推荐使用防晒系数15或更高的非处方防晒霜。

    Dermatologists recommend an over-the-counter sunscreen of SPF-15 or higher .

  17. 小贴士:使用防晒系数15以上的护唇膏。

    Tip Use at least an SPF 15 lip balm .

  18. 涂防晒系数至少30的润唇膏。

    Wear lip balm with a minimum SPF 30 .

  19. 使用防晒系数30的防晒霜来避免阳光晒伤。被太阳晒伤可一点都不舒服。

    Use a sunscreen with SPF 30 to avoid sunburn , which is definitely not cool .

  20. [目的]研究SPF290防晒系数分析仪用于评价抗水性防晒化妆品的可能性。

    To study the possibility of assessment on water resistance of sunscreens by SPF 290S Analyzer System .

  21. 涂抹防晒系数至少15的防晒霜来防晒。

    Protect your skin from the sun by applying a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 .

  22. 瑞叮醇会增加皮肤对阳光的敏感性,所以每天都要涂抹防晒系数为30的防晒霜。

    Retinol increases skin 's sensitivity to the sun , so use a sunscreen with SPF 30 daily .

  23. 让你的防晒系数达到30或是更高,买些驱虫剂足够让你拜托这些麻烦。

    Simply applying spf30 or higher sunscreen and bug repellent will be sufficient to rid yourself of these pests .

  24. 全年都要使用防晒系数十五以上的防晒乳,还有别忘了保护嘴唇。

    Use at least an SPF15 sunscreen all year round , and don 't forget to protect your lips .

  25. 始终选择防晒系数在40以上的产品,即使是冬天。暴露在空调下

    Always choose an SPF above factor 40 - even in the winter . Being exposed to the air conditioning

  26. 每个人知道,一个60防晒系数评分等级提供加倍防晒系数30的防护-或做它?

    Everyone knows that an SPF rating of 60 provides double the protection of SPF 30 - or does it ?

  27. 防晒系数:≥45防晒建议:这种情况下,强烈推荐防晒系数45并且含有防水配方的防晒霜。

    SPF requirement : 45 or more Solution : Sunscreen with SPF of 45 and a water-resistant formula is strongly recommended .

  28. [结论]SPF290防晒系数分析仪可用于分析抗水性产品的防晒功能,并可判断配方中哪种吸收剂的疏水能力更强;

    [ Conclusion ] SPF 290S Analyzer System may be used to assess the water resistance of sunscreens and dissolution characteristics of UVR absorbance .

  29. 泳客或在户外游玩的人士应重复涂抹防晒系数15或以上的太阳油。

    Swimmers and those taking part in outdoor activities should use a sunscreen lotion of SPF15 or above , and should re-apply it frequently .

  30. 不能同时防护这两种紫外线或者防晒系数在2到14之间的防晒霜只能声称有助于防止晒伤。

    Products that don 't protect against both types of rays or that have an SPF between 2 and 14 can claim only to help prevent sunburn .