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  • bulletproof glass
  1. 聚碳酸酯在轻型防弹玻璃上的应用研究

    Study on Application of Polycarbonate in Lightweight Bulletproof Glass

  2. 现在看来防弹玻璃挺不错的。

    Bulletproof glass is looking pretty good right now .

  3. 将PUR胶片用于制造防弹玻璃,并全面测试了光学性能和防弹性能。

    Finally PUR film was used in the manufacture of bulletproof laminated glass .

  4. 防弹玻璃可抵挡子弹的巨大冲击力。

    Bullet-proof glass can withstand the tremendous impact of the shot .

  5. 套房的门窗全部用防弹玻璃制成。

    Jack : And the bullet proof glass for the doors and windows .

  6. 他建议应该使用防弹玻璃。

    He recommended that bullet-proof glass should be used .

  7. 轻型防弹玻璃的结构研究

    Study on the Structure of Lightweight Bulletproof Glass

  8. 轮胎、防弹玻璃和地下屏蔽均采用标准规范。

    Standard features include run-flat tires , bullet resistant glazing , and under-floor shielding .

  9. 在防弹玻璃后,他说,一个审判小组正在对此事进行核查。

    Speaking behind bullet-proof glass , he said a judicial panel was examining the case .

  10. 听起来像是几英寸厚的防弹玻璃

    That sounds like inch-thick lexan .

  11. 防屈曲钢板剪力墙弹塑性抗剪极限承载力与滞回性能研究防弹玻璃子弹射不透。

    HYSTERETIC BEHAVIOR OF BUCKLING-RESTRAINED STEEL PLATE SHEAR WALL Bullet-proof glass stops bullets from passing through it .

  12. 警卫们在装有防弹玻璃的小室里值勤,通过麦克风细致盘问每一个进出的人。

    Security guards , operating inside bullet-proof glass cubicles , and speaking through microphones , scrutinized every arrival and departure .

  13. 可在阳光或灯光照射下固化,可用于汽车风挡用夹层安全玻璃、夹层防弹玻璃的生产。

    The adhesive can be used in the production of sandwich safety glass in the cars and sandwich bulletproof glass .

  14. 介绍了汽车防弹玻璃结构的主要特点,并利用有限元分析的方法分析了汽车防弹玻璃特殊形状对玻璃特性的影响。

    The main characteristic of automotive bulletproof glass is introduced and influence of glass shape to bulletproof characteristic is studied .

  15. 本实用新型是涉及夹层防弹玻璃结构的改进。

    The utility model relates to an improvement on the structure of sandwich layer bulletproof glass , which comprises sandwich layer bulletproof glass .

  16. 电视录象显示,总理的黑色“奔驰”车驾驶座旁的防弹玻璃窗上有两处深深的缺损。

    Television footage of the prime minister 's black Mercedes showed two deep chips in the bulletproof glass of the driver 's side window .

  17. 利用其透明性和高抗冲击强度,可制作防弹玻璃、飞机的挡风罩、座舱盖等。

    With the high transparence and impact strength , it could be applied in bulletproof glass , windshield , cockpit of airplane and so on .

  18. 另外,他的眉毛厚密,眼睛又圆又亮,大小如微生物,在厚如防弹玻璃的镜片后面狐疑地滴溜溜乱转。

    Add to this thick , bushy brows and beady eyes the size of microbes , which dart about suspiciously behind spectacles the thickness of bulletproof glass .

  19. 但这两辆车都增加了很高的安全系数,教皇专用车配备防弹玻璃的穹顶,野兽是由八英寸厚的钢板制成。

    But both vehicles are big on security , the Pope Mobile has bulletproof Plexiglas dome , the Beast is made from armour that 's eight inches thick .

  20. 白宫外的宾夕法尼亚大道上精心搭建了一个用防弹玻璃墙包围起来的总统观礼台,让奥巴马和其他重要领导人可以安全地在台上观看阅兵仪式。

    Outside the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue , an elaborate presidential viewing stand encased in bullet-proof glass was set up for Obama and other VIPs to watch the parade .

  21. 美国一被告当他试图从法庭二楼跳窗逃逸的时候得到了惨痛的教训,他被窗户的防弹玻璃给弹了回来!

    A defendant who fled a courtroom in the U.S.learnt a painful lesson when he tried to jump through the building 's second floor window-only to to bounce off the bulletproof glass .

  22. 美国总统在非军事区向美国部队问候,然后在一个前线的前沿哨所,他站在防弹玻璃后面,窥视着朝鲜,就在这一天的朝鲜,许多的人正在举行活动。

    The President of the United States greeted troops in the DMZ ( Demilitarized Zone ) and then from a forward post on that frontier behind bullet-proof glass peered into North Korea on the day when a lot was apparently going on there .

  23. 防弹汽车玻璃失效分析

    Invalidation analysis of the automotive bulletproof glass

  24. 钢化、防弹双层玻璃门观察工作室内物体,一目了然。

    Toughened bulletproof double glass door , to observe clearly the object in the working chamber .

  25. 产品有钢化玻璃,夹层玻璃,防弹防盗玻璃,防火玻璃,中空及热弯玻璃。

    Currently , the products consist of toughened glass , interlayer glass , bulletproof glass , pickproof glass , fireproof glass , hollow glass and hot bending glass .

  26. 建筑外墙的人在墙机上插上碎玻璃以便防贼。产品有钢化玻璃,夹层玻璃,防弹防盗玻璃,防火玻璃,中空及热弯玻璃。

    The builders have toped off the outside wall with broken glass to discourage thieves . Currently , the products consist of toughened glass , interlayer glass , bulletproof glass , pickproof glass , fireproof glass , hollow glass and hot bending glass .

  27. 防弹运钞车玻璃和钢板防弹性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Bulletproof Performance of Some Kinds of Bulletproof Glass and Bulletproof Plate Used for Bulletproof Banknote Carrier