
  • 网络Science Network;Web of Science;CSNet;ScienceNet.cn;kexue.com
  1. 根据收录有1.2万份期刊的汤森路透科学网(ThomsonReutersWebofScience)数据库,自2010年以来,英国作者发表的期刊论文绝大多数都至少有一位来自其他国家的共同作者。

    According to the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database of 12,000 journals , since 2010 the majority of journal articles with a British-based author has had at least one co-author from another country .

  2. 目前所有的研究得出的都是相反的结论,她告诉趣味科学网(LiveScience)。

    All the existing research on cuteness suggests the reaction should be the opposite , she told LiveScience .

  3. “月球漫步者”运动鞋的创意来自机械工程师帕特里克·杰吉里。在接受生命科学网采访时,他解释说磁铁的磁力由磁铁的构成决定,包括钕、铁和硼,因此他选择使用N45磁铁,既有最强磁力,也比多数磁铁便宜。

    Speaking to Live Science , mechanical engineer Patrick Jreijiri , the brains behind MoonWalker , explained that the strength of a magnet depends on its composition - a mix of neodymium , iron , and boron . So he chose N45 , which is not only the strongest but also cheaper than most magnets .

  4. 加勒比共同体海洋科学网

    Caribbean Community Ocean Sciences Network

  5. “一冲水,油渍立刻就被冲掉,”扬布拉德告诉《生活科学网》的记者说。

    " You add water , and the oil just comes right off ," Youngblood told LiveScience .

  6. “分析与转化科学网”作为新型的网站联系平台,不久将要开辟出来。

    An initial version of a new connection Web site , the Clinical and Translational Science Network , will be launched soon .

  7. 据美国每日科学网8月22日报道,研究人员已经发现我们的社会能够影响人们识别他人面孔的方式。

    ScienceDaily ( Aug.22,2008 ) & Researchers have discovered that our society can influence the way we recognise other people 's faces .

  8. 美国生活科学网报道说,通常无线输电设备至少包含两个线圈,一个在功率发射器中,一个在功率接收器中。

    The average Wireless Power Transfer gadget consist of at least two coils , one located in the power transmitter and the other in the power receiver , reports LiveScience .

  9. 据美国“生活科学”网5月18日报道,这些幸存者是人们在哥伦比亚境内的山脉中发现的。它们或许是最后一批仅存于世的油彩蛙(paintedfrog)。

    The survivors , discovered in the mountains of Columbia , might be the last holdouts of the painted frog ( Atelopus ebenoides marinkellei ) .

  10. 因此「有线科学电视网」(CSN)即将诞生。

    Thus , Cable Science Network , or CSN , is in the offing .

  11. 事实上,Internet和WWW与现实中的许多网络模型一样,例如科学合作网、科技引文网、国家电力网、社会关系网、生物捕食网等等,都具有复杂网络的特征。

    Numerous real network models , such as the Internet , WWW , scientific collaboration network , citation network of scientific papers , national power network , public relation network , ecological web , exhibit the characteristic of complex networks .

  12. 为评价算法性能,在14节点的国家科学基金网(NSFNET)拓扑中进行了仿真。

    To estimate the algorithm , we do the emulation in the 14-nodes national science fund network ( NSFNET ) .

  13. 一个生命科学语义网:我们到了吗?

    A life science Semantic Web : are we there yet ?

  14. 国际地球科学信息网联合会

    Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network

  15. 北京市大兴县科学营造网、带、片、点结合的防护林体系,极大地改善了当地的生态环境,使社会发展水平和人民生活水平稳步提高。

    Windbreak system consisting of the forms of net , belt , sheet and point , has improved local eco environment greatly and promoted the level of social economy and local people 's living .

  16. 本文数据来源于国家自然科学基金网和中国期刊全文数据库,样本选自1999-2007年数学学科的基金项目资助情况和论文发表情况。

    The data in this thesis is gained from National Natural Science Foundation of China and Science Periodical of China , the sample is selected from the state of foundation projects and published theses on mathematics during 1999-2007 .

  17. 在此基础上,本文设计了新的科学数据共享网系统结构,其总体设计采用面向服务的体系结构(SOA)方案。

    Basing on that , the new software architecture for the system has been designed , which introduces the concept of the service-oriented architecture .

  18. 2012年9月,俄罗斯天文学家涅夫斯基(VitaliNevski)和诺维切诺克(ArtyomNovichonok)利用国际科学光学观测网(InternationalScientificOpticalNetwork,ISON)的数据发现了这颗彗星,并以观测网的英文缩写命名了这颗彗星。

    The comet was discovered in September 2012 by Russian astronomers Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok using data from the International Scientific Optical Network , whose initials provided the name .

  19. 基于东北大型科学仪器共用网入侵检测技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Intrusion Detection Technology Based on DBI

  20. 社会科学研究机构网建设现状&一项基于网络调查的分析

    The Current Situation of the Social Sciences Research Institution Networks : An Analysis Based on Network Survey

  21. 所有学科内核形成了科学结构之网的网上纽结,展示了科学知识的差异和学科的多样性。

    All the subject cores form the nodes of science structure network , presenting the divergence of knowledge and the diversity of subjects .

  22. 本文先从科学数据共享网的原型系统结构的分析开始,以质量属性的观点指出了原型系统的设计中存在的缺陷。

    At first , the dissertation analyzes the system structure of prototype , and points out the limitation in the quality attributes ' view .

  23. 为了方便管理人员对中国地球系统科学数据共享网平台的运行进行管理与维护,需要监测、统计该网各个节点的访问情况。

    It is necessary to survey and record the flux on each node of Geodata sharing network to make maintenance easier for administrator and for to improve service .

  24. 本系统已于2003年2月联入军事医学科学院管理网,经过三个月的测试运行,实现了预期目标,具有界面友好、检索手段丰富、查询效率高、输出功能齐全的特点。

    The system was connected with the management network of AMMS in February 2003 . After some improvement , it works successfully and is characterized by the friendly interface , diversified retrieval methods , rapid response and complete output .

  25. 先进制造与自动化科学数据共享网也是如此,同样面临着如何对这些资源进行系统、科学的组织,智能、准确的检索等问题。

    With the same technology Scientific Data Sharing Network in Advanced Manufacturing and Automation ( SDSNAMA ) is also facing the application problems such as how to organize the resources systematically and scientifically and how to search information intelligently and accurately .

  26. 旧的技术正不断被淘汰,新的技术如雨后春笋般涌现,如何适应新形势的要求,满足未来发展的需要,建立科学的校园网正是摆在我们面前的大问题。

    The old technologies are constantly being eliminated , while new technologies are springing up . How can the campus network to adapt to the demands of the new situation and meet the needs of future development ? How to establish a scientific campus network ?

  27. 本文根据华中区域中心CASHL优惠月服务情况,分析了优惠月的服务措施和效益,总结优惠月的服务体会,提出建设和发展区域性人文社会科学文献传递服务网的发展对策。

    In the light of experience from CASHL preferential month service , this article analyzes these service measures and benefit , summarizes some experiences and suggests some countermeasures to build and develop regional humanities and social science document delivery service net .

  28. 辽宁社会科学院社科信息网构建研究

    A study on social sciences information net construction of Liaoning academy of social sciences

  29. 简介跨越多个实际科学领域的合作网与合作-竞争网。

    This article briefly introduces collaboration and cooperation-competition networks across many fields of practical sciences .

  30. 科学地构建校园网

    Scientific programming of campus network 's construction