
  1. 科技服务业系统功能分析

    Analysis for the System Function of S & T Service Industry

  2. 上海市科技服务业发展的特点、问题与对策

    Features , Problems and Countermeasures of Scientific and Technological Services Development in Shanghai

  3. 南京科技服务业发展问题研究

    The Research on the Problems of Developing Science and Technology Service Industry of Nanjing

  4. 知识集聚:科技服务业产学研战略联盟模式&基于网新集团的案例分析

    Knowledge Agglomeration : Production-Education-Research Cooperation Model in the Service Industry of Science and Technology

  5. 经济欠发达地区科技服务业发展研究

    The Strategic Research on the Development of Science and Technology Service Industry in Underdeveloped Areas

  6. 江苏省科技服务业集聚发展问题研究

    The Research on the Development of Science and Technology Services Industrial Agglomeration in Jiangsu Province

  7. 科技服务业是科技发展战略及规划研究中的一个新的热点问题。

    Science and Technology service industry is a new and hot problem in the research of S & T development strategy .

  8. 专家如何与农民进行常年对接,一直是困扰农业科技服务业的一大难题。

    How will experts communicate with the farmers ? This is a major difficult issue in agriculture science and technology service .

  9. 比较了国内外发展科技服务业的策略,提出了发展科技服务业的重要意义。

    By comparing the strategies of developing it at home and abroad , this article proposes the strategic meaning of developing it .

  10. 在技术生命周期的不同阶段,低碳科技服务业有不同的活动内容、组织形式和参与主体。

    There are various activities content , organized forms , and participating entities of low-carbon technology service industry in the different phases of technology lifecycle .

  11. 应大力促进金融保险业和综合科技服务业的发展,也要加快旅游业、房地产业以及高新技术和制造业的发展。

    We should promote the development of finance , insurance , complex science and technology service , tourism industry , real estate , hi-tech and manufacture .

  12. 特别是金融保险业、科研及综合科技服务业发展不足,使得第三产业发展很难有质的突破。

    The industry of finance and insurance service , research and complex science and technology service lags behind , which makes the tertiary industry development backward .

  13. 发达国家的低碳科技服务业以市场驱动为主,政府、企业和非政府组织或非营利性民间组织从不同层面发挥着促进作用。

    In developed countries , the low-carbon technology service industry is mainly driven by market while government , enterprises and NGO play their role in respective levels .

  14. 最后,论文分别从政府和企业角度出发,讨论促进江苏科技服务业发展的对策措施。

    Lastly , the methods to promote the development of JiangSu science and technology service industry are discussed from two angles of the government and the company respectively .

  15. 而目前,我国的科技服务业还处于初级阶段,提供的科技服务还比较零散、单一,服务质量不高。

    However , the present Science and Technology Service Industry of China is still at its initial stage , the service provided by which is scattered , simply and quality deficient .

  16. 区域的创新能力和发展潜力在某种程度上由科技服务业的发展水平决定,而科技服务业的发展离不开创新。

    The regional innovation capacity and growth potential has been determined by the development of science and technology service industry to some extent , while the industry can not develop without innovation .

  17. 然后从不同角度介绍了科技服务业的功能和特征,并从科技创新的过程出发,介绍了科技服务机构的类型。

    Then the functions and features of science and technology service industry are discussed , and in the combination of the process of technological innovation , the types of science and technology agencies are introduced .

  18. 科技服务业的诞生有效解决了中小企业技术创新难题,成为中小企业重要的外部知识源,对中小企业发展呈现出日益显著的支撑性、驱动性、甚至先导性作用。

    The birth of science and technology services effectively solved the problem of technological innovation for SMEs , become an important external knowledge sources of SMEs , showing the increasingly significant support , drivers , and even leading role to SMEs .

  19. 武汉市科技中介服务业可持续发展的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on the Sustainable Development of Wuhan Technological Intermediary Service Industry

  20. 跨世纪的汕头科技信息服务业发展对策研究

    Research on the Countermeasures to Develop the Trans-Century ST Information Service Industry in Shantou

  21. 加速科技信息服务业的现代化进程

    Accelerate the Modernization Process of Information Service Industry

  22. 江苏科技中介服务业发展战略研究

    Study on Development Strategy of Science and Technology Intermediate Service Industry in Jiangsu Province

  23. 尽快建立信息服务业理论研究体系,为科技信息服务业高度发展做好充分的理论准备;

    Establishing a theoretical research system ;

  24. 分析了江苏科技中介服务业自身的优势和劣势,发展所面临的机遇和挑战。

    And then , the SWOT analysis is done for Jiangsu science and technology intermediate service industry .

  25. 文章提出了一些今后我国科技信息服务业的发展对策和建议。

    This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions about developing sci-tech information service in China in the future .

  26. 科技中介服务业的发展是提升区域科技创新能力的关键之一。

    Science and technology intermediate service industry is becoming more and more important for regional science & technology innovation capability .

  27. 探讨了广州市科技中介服务业的现状,并针对存在的问题提出了若干对策建议。

    The current situation and problems of Guangzhou scientific and technological intermediary are discussed in this paper and countermeasures are recommended .

  28. 分析了江苏科技中介服务业发展的现状,剖析了发展中存在的主要问题。

    Based on the development status , the paper analyzed the main problems that Jiangsu science and technology intermediate service industry faced .

  29. 提出了江苏科技中介服务业发展的指导思想、原则和目标。研究了江苏科技中介服务业的发展战略。

    After investigating the principles and objectives , the paper put forward the development strategies for Jiangsu science and technology intermediate service industry .

  30. 科技中介服务业是第三产业的重要组成部份之一,发展科技中介服务业是加快科技发展,提高经济增长的有效途径之一。

    The science and technology service industry is one important component of tertiary industry . Its development is crucial to the growth of the Chinese economy .