
  • 网络Defender;The Defenders
  1. 防卫者必须仔细研究他所防卫的城池的各个薄弱环节。

    The defender must study the weaknesses of the city he defends .

  2. 太后得寻找另一个防卫者,否则今天的痛苦就只是程度最轻的。

    The queen had to find another defender or today 's ordeal would be the least of her travails .

  3. 准备反抗侵略的防卫者机构。

    An organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack .

  4. 对防卫者采取宽容态度;

    And adopt tolerant attitude to the defenders ;

  5. 市民自行警戒防卫抢劫者,而警察在全市各处巡逻。

    Citizens watched for looters , and police patrolled throughout the city .

  6. 蒂托毫不奇怪地要用这种方式来防卫来访者的敲门声。

    Tito was not much surprised at this mode of defense against visitors thunder .

  7. 她八成有著执法或者军队的经验,虽然她也可能只是自我防卫的拥护者或是一个有著不凡私有物的狂热者。

    She most likely has experience in law enforcement or the military , though she may simply be a self-defense advocate or a dedicated hobbyist with uncommon self-possession .

  8. 对象要件之欠缺,防卫无辜第三者。

    The deficiency of the object essential , that is , the unlimited defense towards the innocent third party .

  9. 有他们做防卫,对手就不敢贸然作出抢夺军旗的行动,而防卫者也直接阻止了对手单人匹马闯关的企图。

    Has them to make the defense , the match does not dare to make rashly robs colors'motion , but the defender directly has also prevented the attempt which a match single horse overcomes an obstacle .