
ài qínɡ ɡuān
  • view point of love
  1. 本选题来源于湖北省教育科学“十一五”规划2008年度课题《当代大学生爱情观教育研讨》,(编号2008B062)。

    This topic from the Hubei Province Education and Science ," Eleventh Five-Year Plan " annual issue in2008 " research on love concept education of contemporary college students ",( NO : 2008B062 ) .

  2. 初恋情结,有时会影响一个人一生的爱情观。

    First , sometimes will affect one 's view of life .

  3. 论池莉小说创作中爱情观的演变

    The Development of the Love View of Chi Li 's Novels

  4. 成都市大学生爱情观与恋爱关系适应的关系研究

    Relationship Between Love Attitudes and Relationship Adjustments Among Undergraduates in Chengdu

  5. 大学生爱情观差异性的比较研究

    On the Different Love Views of Yanbei Normal University Students

  6. 试论史文朋诗歌中的爱情观

    A Trial Talk of Outlook on Love in the Poems by Swinburne

  7. 从《无名的裘德》看哈代的爱情观

    On Hardy 's View on Love in Jude the Obscure

  8. 我的爱情观和片中角色的相似。

    My philosophy about love is similar to the roles .

  9. 对树立健康的社会爱情观的理性思考

    Rational Thinking Over Sound Social Idea of Love Scientific View of Health

  10. 论男权意识视野中的婚姻爱情观&《聊斋志异》之女性形象

    About the View of Marriage and Love in Male Chauvinism

  11. 物质生活的丰富,潜移默化地改变了很多人的爱情观。

    Physical life rich , subtly changing a lot of people love .

  12. 21世纪女性新爱情观浅谈

    On Women 's View of Love in the 21st Century

  13. 后现代时期爱情观的基本特征

    The Basic Features of the Viewpoint of Love in the Post Modern Times

  14. 第三部分阐述独特的爱情观。

    The third part elaborates to the traditional spirit and love rebelling against .

  15. 本文是对张洁爱情观的综合考察。

    This paper is a general review about Zhang Jies concept of love .

  16. 罗密欧与朱丽叶的新爱情观(英文)

    New Concept of Love in Romeo and Juliet ;

  17. 不同身份的女性的爱情观是有差别的。

    There are differences between women of different status .

  18. 记得吗?你告诉过我你家族的爱情观?

    You remember , as spoke , as your does family understand love ?

  19. 他们的爱情观和我们的好像很不一样。

    I had no conception of the finished product .

  20. 安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福的爱情观探析

    Exploring the Perspective of Love of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

  21. 论池莉小说的爱情观

    On Love Attitude of Chi Li 's Novels

  22. 他的爱情观不现实。

    His idea of love was a mirage .

  23. 琼瑶热后对琼瑶小说爱情观的反思

    Reflection upon Vision of Love Embedded in Novels Written by " Qiong Yao "

  24. 在现代与传统之间&论张洁的爱情观

    Between the Modern and Tradition & The Statement of Zhang Jie 's Concept of Love

  25. 《阿绣》反映了蒲松龄对主情浪漫思潮影响下的爱情观更加深入的思索。

    This novel reflects Pu Songling 's deep thought on love philosophy influencing by Romanticism .

  26. 简·爱的爱情观。

    Jane 's attitudes towards love .

  27. 美国人的爱情观

    Humans How The Americans View Love

  28. 结果:不同性别大学生的爱情观有很大差异;

    Results : the difference of the love view between the two sex is quite big .

  29. 菲利亚是中世纪时期天主教,融合的爱情观的第二个组成成分。

    Philia , that is the second ingredient of the Catholic synthesis in the middle ages .

  30. 因为中西文化不同,因而爱情观也不一样。

    Chinese people 's love view differs much from western 's due to the culture difference .