
fánɡ yù bù duì
  • defensive forces
  1. 它们可以承受打击并修复你的防御部队。

    They can take a beating and repair your defending vehicles .

  2. 19岁的他打算去参加防御部队,途中却在匈牙利边境被抓。

    The 19-year-old was caught on the Hungarian border on his way to join resistance forces .

  3. 这些矛兵来自阿拉伯安达鲁斯王国的富庶城邑,在军中充任防御部队。

    Recruited from the wealthy Arabs settled in the vribrant land of al-Andalus , these men make for great defensive infantry .

  4. 在作战行动的大本营和沿军队前进方向展开的所要夺取的目标点连线上,通常会与敌人的防御部队展开连续不断的战斗。

    Between the base of operations and the objective stretched the line of operations along which the army had to advance , often fighting sequential engagements against the enemy 's defending army .

  5. 空中拳击手是完美的装甲部队随从,并且经常在指挥官还没能建造更重型的对空炮时充当临时的基础防御部队。

    The sky boxer is an excellent companion to mobile armor and is often used as a temporary base defense when a commander has not been able to build the heavier flak cannon .

  6. 火炮极为沉重,用于抵御频繁发射的巨大反冲,以及防御敌军部队的远程打击。

    Their massive size is necessary to absorb the tremendous shock of repeated firing and to stand against any enemy guns .

  7. 有我们的防御者特遣部队。

    And we 've got Task Force Defender in the house .