
  • 网络Preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons;nonproliferation
  1. 他们的会谈议题还包括防止核武器扩散和打击恐怖主义。

    Other topics on their agenda include nonproliferation and counterterrorism .

  2. 该声明涉及裁军和防止核武器扩散问题。

    The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons .

  3. 1968年,在《防止核武器扩散条约(NPT)》的影响下,国际原子能机构到各核能源国进行检查,确保核能源的安全及和平利用。

    Under the1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ( NPT ), the IAEA conducts on-site inspections to ensure that nuclear materials are used only used for peaceful purposes .

  4. 正是因为联邦德国对NPT和国际核不扩散机制的认识发生了改变,它不再将自身的经济利益置于防止核武器扩散的任务之上,成了推动国际核不扩散机制向前发展的重要力量。

    Just because Germany altered its attitudes to NPT and international nuclear non-proliferation regime , it no longer push its economic interests above the nuclear non-proliferation , it became the important actors to promote the international nuclear non-proliferation regime .

  5. 联合王国和苏联关于防止核武器扩散的联合宣言

    Joint United Kingdom-Soviet Declaration on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

  6. 美国消除了九吨钸的储备量,居世界防止核武器扩散努力的领先地位。

    The United States is leading non-proliferation efforts by removing nine tons of plutonium from its stockpiles .

  7. 在实现消除核武器目标的过程中,中国主张防止核武器扩散。

    China advocates prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons as part of the process of eliminating such weapons .

  8. 建立无核武器区,对推动核裁军和防止核武器扩散具有积极意义。

    The establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones is of positive significance to advancing nuclear disarmament and preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons .

  9. 在防止核武器扩散和推进核裁军进程的同时,积极推动和平利用核能的国际合作。

    Prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons while promoting nuclear disarmament process and international cooperation in peaceful uses of nuclear energy .

  10. 除防止核武器扩散,反恐等存在共同利益的领域外,能源领域算是比较重要的一个领域。

    Beside preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons , counter-terrorism etc exist common interests , the energy field is an important area .

  11. 举例来说,努力防止核武器扩散,争取一个没有核武器的世界是一项迫在眉睫的工作。

    One urgent example is the effort to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons , and to seek a world without them .

  12. 半个多世纪以来,为了防止核武器扩散,国际社会进行了不懈的努力。

    Over half a century , the international community has made unremitting efforts in order to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons around the world .

  13. 这是我们确保核材料的流失是安全的和防止核武器扩散并减少库存的时候了。

    It is time to secure all loose nuclear materials ; to stop the spread of nuclear weapons ; and to reduce the arsenals from another era .

  14. 尽管我知道这个目标不可能很快实现,但争取实现这个目标可以为防止核武器扩散并避免其实际使用提供法律和道义的基础。

    And while I know this goal won 't be met soon , pursuing it provides the legal and moral foundation to prevent the proliferation and eventual use of nuclear weapons .

  15. 他说,两国需要在气候变化,贸易和防止核武器扩散,尤其是朝鲜的核武器方面采取更多的合作。

    He said the two countries needed to work together on issues such as climate change , trade and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons , with particular reference to North Korea .

  16. 英巴相继核试验是对国际防止核武器扩散努力的沉重打击,给南亚地区乃至世界和平与稳定带来了严重的后果。

    The nuclear tests successively conducted by India and Pakistan have seriously impeded the international non-nuclear arms proliferation efforts and produced grave consequences on peace and stability in the South Asian region and the rest of the world .

  17. 下月在纽约,我们将联合世界各国,加强《不扩散核武器条约》,使之成为我们在进一步开展民用核能合作的同时在全球防止核武器扩散的基石。

    And next month in New York , we will join with nations from around the world to strengthen the NPT as the cornerstone of our global efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons even as we pursue greater civil nuclear cooperation .

  18. 为了有效地防止核武器的扩散,国际社会通过一系列条约逐渐形成了以《不扩散核武器条约》为核心的国际核不扩散体制。

    In order to effectively prevent the spread of Nuclear Weapons , international community has formed the nuclear non-proliferation regime with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons at its core through a series of treaties .

  19. 准备加强我们的传统伙伴关系和同盟关系,同时深化与所有国家的关系;准备帮助防止核武器在亚洲的扩散;准备扩大我们的共同努力,应对气候变化和清洁能源、大规模流行病和贫富不均等21世纪的挑战。

    ready to strengthen our historic partnerships and alliances while developing deeper bonds with all nations , ready to help prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Asia , ready to expand our combined efforts on 21st century challenges like climate change and clean energy , pandemics , and income inequality .