
tú shǒu ɡé dòu
  • unarmed combat;karate
  1. 士兵们接受了徒手格斗训练。

    The soldiers were trained in unarmed combat .

  2. 两人都受到过武器和徒手格斗训练。

    Both men are trained with weapons and in unarmed combat .

  3. 女孩子们正在一起练习徒手格斗。

    Girls were practising unarmed combat together .

  4. 随后,一位名叫嘉纳治五郎的教授为了研究和应用这种徒手格斗方法开设了一座道场。

    Then a professor named Kano established a school for the purpose of studying and applying this method of unarmed combat .

  5. 印度青年喜欢在过新年时不管熟悉与否,见面徒手格斗。

    India in the New Year , when young people like to know regardless of whether or not to meet with free-hand fighting .

  6. 徒手格斗类项目是现代竞技体育的重要组成部分,也是奥运会中的金牌大户。散打运动兼有这类项目的共同特征。

    The free-hand fighting events are the very important part of the modern competitive sport , and have many medals in Olympic Games .

  7. 所有的徒手格斗教学都应该建立在下述理论之上:只有在丢失了武器的情况下才使用徒手格斗技术。

    All unarmed combat should be taught on the theory that it is useful to a man only after he has lost his weapons .

  8. 日本的一种传统的徒手格斗方式;讲究攻击对手身体的敏感部位。

    A traditional Japanese system of unarmed combat ; sharp blows and kicks are given to pressure-sensitive points on the body of the opponent .

  9. 我担心侦察兵会将所有的敌人都杀死,于是我命令停止射击然后冲向敌人展开徒手格斗。

    I was concerned that the scouts would simply kill off all of the Germans ; I commanded to cease fire and we rushed into hand-to-hand combat .

  10. 徒手格斗的原则主要来自柔道,以及各种其它形式的摔跤、拳击、中国武术、各种自卫术和各种混战的策略。

    The principles of unarmed combat are largely those of judo , various other styles of wrestling , boxing , Chinese boxing and self-defense devices , and rough-and-tumble tactics .

  11. 今后在对徒手格斗类项目运动员技能进行定量化评价时,应加强运动员时空感知能力的研究,尤其是预测与判断能力的研究,以及摔法技能的定量化评价研究。

    Henceforth , we should do more researches on the timing and spatial orientation abilities of the free-hand fighting players , especially on their forecast and estimation abilities , and the quantificational test on the wrestle techniques of players .

  12. 然而,武术申奥活动,也缓和了有关中国武术未来的一些紧迫问题。中国有数百种武术流派和类型,有徒手格斗,也有使用从战斧到双节棍等各种武器的。

    Yet the Olympic campaign also throws into relief pressing questions about the future of Chinese martial arts , a constellation of hundreds of schools and styles teaching bare-hand combat and the use of weapons ranging from battle axes to chain-linked staves .

  13. 在徒手生死格斗中,细枝末节很快就会被忘掉。

    The trimmings are soon forgotten in a hand-to-hand encounter for life or death .

  14. 摔跤是一项徒手进行的格斗运动。

    Wrestling is a form of empty-hand combat .