
fánɡ huǒ cái liào
  • fireproofing
  1. 首次应用NGR新型电缆防火材料

    First Application of New Cable Fire-proof Material NGR

  2. UL提供诸如石膏板、喷涂型防火材料和膨胀型涂层等各种产品的标准检测方案。

    UL offers a variety of standard test programs for products such as gypsum board , spray-applied fire-resistive materials and intumescent coatings .

  3. 我是说防火材料烧起来。

    I mean the fabric carbonizes when it 's heated up .

  4. 国家建筑防火材料监督检测中心

    National Center for Quality Supervision and Testing of Fire Building Materials

  5. 日本普及防火材料制车身罩

    Fire-resistant Materials for Motorcycle Body Shell in Japan

  6. 井下新型凝胶防火材料的应用

    Application of new gel fireproof materials for underground

  7. 新型防火材料在燃油锅炉钢结构防火中的应用

    Application of New Fireproof Material in Fire Prevention for Steel Structure of Oil Fired Boiler

  8. 例如,厂商们之间关于采用防火材料制造特种产品的规范的协定。

    Consider an agreement among manufacturers to adopt specifications that require fire-resistant materials for certain products .

  9. 公司是集生产、施工为一体的防火材料专业生产企业。

    Company are production , construction of integrated enterprise specializing in the production of fireproof materials .

  10. 当你买或装修你的家时,请确定所有屋顶材料都是防火材料。

    When buying , building or renovating your home , make sure all roofing materials are fire resistant .

  11. 乔所穿的制服是由奥地利萨尔斯堡的Texport公司根据严格的防火材料标准制成的。

    Mr Toedtling wore a special suit from the Salzburg based firm Texport under the standard flame restricting materials .

  12. 一种纤维状的闪石,用作防火材料,吸入纤维会导致石棉沉滞症或肺癌。

    A fibrous amphibole ; used for making fireproof articles ; inhaling fibers can cause asbestosis or lung cancer .

  13. 用防火材料制成防火屏防止火花喷射。首先窗帘着火了,之后床单也跟着燃烧起来。

    Confine fire spark range with fire proof sheet . First the curtains caught on fire and then bedclothes .

  14. 五金建材,机电产品(专项审批除外),灯塔具,防火材料的销售。

    Metal building materials , machinery and electronic products ( except special approval ), a beacon , fire materials sales .

  15. 环境中的氡气、防火材料石棉的颗粒以及空气污染也会增大患肺癌的风险性。

    Radon gas in the environment , particles of the fire-resistant material asbestos and air pollution also increase the risk .

  16. 简介漯河市华意防火材料有限公司是生产防火涂料及内外墙漆、真石漆系列产品的专业公司。

    Luohe Huayi Fireproof Material Co. , Ltd is a professional manufacturer of fireproof Panint and internal and external wall paint and real stone paint .

  17. 以热膨胀聚合物为基料,添加阻燃剂、燃烧发泡剂、成碳剂、增充剂、增强剂等助剂,制备了膨胀型封堵防火材料。

    The composite materials is based on thermal expansion polymer resin , compounded with auxiliaries such as flame-retardant , combustion expansive agent , extender , strengthener .

  18. 为达到快速有效防灭火的目的,新集二矿新近引进了中国矿业大学研发生产的新型防火材料&三相泡沫灭火剂,并收到了很好地效果。

    The article has introduced a new fire extinguishing material developed by China University of Mining & Technology , which has been proved to achieve rapid fire extinguishing in No.

  19. 电缆防火材料包括有机防火堵料、无机防火堵料、防火包、防火隔板、电缆防火涂料等,防火性能好,使用方便。

    Cable fireproof material consists of organic fireproof filler , inorganic fireproof filler , fireproof packet , fireproof shield , fireproof coating , etc , and they all have excellent property and convenient operation .

  20. 从电缆防火材料的选择及施工方案科学设计的角度,介绍了电缆防火封堵工程的施工工艺及验收要求。

    From the angles of the selection of cable fireproof materials and the scientific design of construction schemes , this paper introduces the construction technologies and the acceptance standards of the engineering of cable fireproof plugging .

  21. 科学家们不知道为什么矿石可以轻易地分解成丝,但他们为这种名为“石棉”的防火材料找到了数以千计的用途。

    Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into threads , but they have found thousands of uses for this fireproof material , of the called the " cloth of stone " .

  22. 船用无机防火隔热材料的现状及发展方向

    Art-of-state and developing trend of inorganic fireproof and insulating materials used in shipbuilding

  23. 防火隔热材料在海洋船舶上的应用研究

    Application of fireproof and heatproof materials upon ships

  24. 柔性防火绝热材料及结构的研究进展

    The research progress of flexible fire protection and heat insulation materials and their structure

  25. 喷射纤维防火保护材料的研究

    Study of sprayed fire - resistive material

  26. 公司采用最先进、可靠的防火阻燃材料及最新的技术配方,从而保证产品的安全、可靠性。

    Companies use the most advanced and reliable fire retardant materials and the latest technology formula , thereby ensuring product safety and reliability .

  27. 结合现行防火阻燃材料相关标准,对《建筑内部装修防火施工及验收规范》实施中遇到的一些问题进行了分析和讨论。

    Combined with the active criterions about fireproofing and flame retardant materials , the problems confronted with during the code for fire prevention installation and acceptance in construction of interior decoration engineering of buildings was put in practice are analyzed and discussed in this paper .

  28. 新型网状铝合金防火抑爆材料的性能及其应用

    The Performance of New Reticulate Aluminum Alloy Fire and Explosion Suppression Material and Its Application

  29. 防火监控包括材料的选取、材料的阻燃处理、工程防火监控、现场防火管理。

    Fire monitoring includes election of material , fire resistance treatment to the material , site fire monitoring etc.

  30. 用于电脑、电视、手机防火的绝缘材料会进灰尘,也会导致实验室受试老鼠的出生缺陷。

    Insulation used in computers , televisions and mobile phones to safeguard against fire can leak into household dust , and has caused birth defects in rats in laboratory experiments .