
  1. 拥挤的《黑骑士崛起》放映式上的一名目击者对CNN说,这名枪手当时穿着防弹背心和防暴头盔,而且一身都穿着黑衣,戴着护目镜。

    A witness at the packed screening of The Dark Knight Rises told CNN the gunman was wearing a bulletproof vest and a riot helmet and was completely covered in black with goggles .

  2. 轮到兔子时,它希望得到一个防暴头盔。

    Next the rabbit wishes for a crash helmet .

  3. 熊显得很困惑,不知道为什么它要一个防暴头盔。

    The bear looks at the rabbit wondering why he would want a crash helmet .

  4. 现在,你头戴的是蓝色头盔,而抗议者们的红色头盔和防暴警察的黑色头盔相互冲撞着。

    Now , you have the sea of helmets , the red helmets of the protesters against the black helmets of the riot police , head on head .