
  • 网络Synchronization error
  1. 推导了它们的帧同步错误概率。

    The frame synchronization error ratios for both algorithms are derived .

  2. 码元同步错误破坏载波间的正交性等问题,有必要进行深入的研究。

    Symbol synchronization error will destroy orthogonal between sub-carriers .

  3. 定时同步错误对CDMA并行干扰消除检测器的影响

    Effect of timing error on DS-CDMA parallel interference cancellation

  4. 而对于普通编程人员,造成同步错误是很容易的。

    For ordinary programmers , it is very easy to make synchronization errors .

  5. 将来请勿再显示动态同步错误信息

    Don 't show ActiveSync error messages in the future

  6. 修正了一个假阳性同步错误。

    Fixed a false positive sync bug .

  7. 如果其他工具中没有定义用户名,则会出现同步错误。

    If the user name is not defined in the other tool , synchronization errors occur .

  8. 一个已知的固定同步错误。

    Fixed one known sync bug .

  9. 本文还设计了相关的检测机制,并预设了几种可能出现的数据灾难及同步错误情况的应对方案。

    The article also design the related to the detection mechanism , and the default of several possible error conditions and synchronization of data disaster response program .

  10. 仿真结果表明,只要最大信道延时小于循环前缀的长度,定时同步错误所引起的码间干扰将大幅降低。

    It was found out as far as the maximum channel delay is less than the cyclic prefix , the effect of timing synchronization errors i.e. ISI is drastically reduced .

  11. 确定重构ClearQuest记录文本区域以列举限制同步化错误的值。

    Make sure to refactor ClearQuest record text fields to enumeration values to limit synchronization errors .

  12. 使用列举可以降低同步化错误的风险,并将方案的维护工作降到最低。

    Using enumerations reduces the risk of synchronization errors and lowers solution maintenance .

  13. 对同步化错误执行根原因分析,以改进同步化规则进而解决数据值的不稳定性。

    Always perform root cause analysis on synchronization errors to improve synchronization rules and resolve data value inconsistency .

  14. 但很不幸,如我们将要看见的,几乎任何诡异的现象都可以认为是同步(错误的)征兆。

    Unfortunately , as we 'll see , almost any type of quirky behavior might be regarded as a symptom of a synchronization failure .

  15. 2012伦敦奥组委于周三证实,售票过程中一个明显不同步的错误导致了4场花样游泳赛事门票超额预订10000张。

    The London 2012 organising committee ( Locog ) confirmed on Wednesday that a decidedly unsynchronised error in its ticketing process had led to four synchronised swimming sessions being oversold by 10,000 tickets .

  16. 然后分别介绍了TCMMDB的两个主要部件:全局管理和局部代理的具体实现技术,并在其中着重介绍了查询优化、同步控制和错误处理等关键技术。

    These techniques are optimization of distributed query , synchronization of distributed query and the exception handle of distributed query .

  17. MPEG4提供的再同步和各种错误掩盖、刷新方法;

    Resynchronization , error concealment and error refreshment method provided by MPEG 4 ;

  18. 给出了现场总线访问子层中的总线通讯时序、同步机制、错误处理、系统初始化过程。

    The bus timing , synchronization mechanism , error dealing , initialization are also provided .

  19. 同步化状态错误显示了映射的错误

    Synchronization status errors show mapping errors

  20. 接受编辑已创建规范变更管理工作流程的需要,以限制同步化的错误。

    Accept the need to modify the established formal change management workflow to limit synchronization errors .

  21. 位同步化状态错误的具体信息

    Details of unsynchronized status errors

  22. 通常来说,相对于传统的单线程编程,多线程编程是比较难以设计和实现的,程序员编程的过程中很容易由于疏忽等原因而引入同步性的错误,其中最典型的就是数据竞争错误。

    In general , multithreaded programming is difficult . It is easy to make mistakes in synchronization issues that produce data race , which is usually caused by negligence .

  23. 但是如果因为第二种情况发生同步GC内存不足错误则意味着GC不能跟上应用程序分配。

    But if a synchronous GC occurs because of the second case an out-of-memory error this means the GC was unable to keep up with the application allocation .

  24. 背景同步处理中的错误。请参阅已删除的邮件文件夹中的详细日志。

    Errors in background synchronization . See detailed log in Deleted Items folder .

  25. 备份要依靠文件的日期。如果文件的日期与系统不同步,将会备份错误的版本。

    If file dates are out of synchronization , the system may backup incorrect versions .

  26. 如果您已经在同步更改或检查错误过程中,您无法再次开始同步更改或显示错误检查对话框。

    You cannot begin synchronizing changes or display the Error Checking dialog box if you are already in the process of synchronizing changes or checking errors .

  27. 例如,1981年,由计算机程序改变而导致的1/67的时间偏差,使航天飞机上的5台计算机不能同步运行,这个错误导致了航天飞机发射失败。

    For example , in 1981,1 / 67 Time Warp caused by a computer program changed , made the five computers in space shuttle can not run simultaneously , this error led to the failure of the space shuttle launch .

  28. 实例分析表明,同步扩展同步序列的应用,能够有效地解决上述局限性,Java多线程程序中事件未同步及其引起的同步不当等错误也能得到有效的检测。

    Some case analyses indicate that application of extended synchronization sequences can solve this kind of limitation effectively , and the unsynchronized event errors and incorrect synchronization errors can also be detected effectively in java multithreaded programs .