
  • 网络congruence expression;congruence
  1. 剩余定理及一次同余式组

    The Chinese Remainder Theorem and congruence expression of first degree

  2. 用同余式的原理,推导出图类G(4)的分布区域的周期变化规律,找出了分布区域为格点多边形的条件。

    The periodic laws of distribution domain of the graph in degree four were obtained by using the principle of congruence expression , and the conditions of the distribution domain which vertices are all integral , were also found .

  3. 第二部分是整数环Z的扩环上的同余式在素性测定中的应用。

    The second part is on the applications of congruences over extension rings of Z in primality testing .

  4. 从Fibonacci数的恒等变换到Lucas数的同余式

    A transformation from identities of Fibonacci numbers to congruence of Lucas numbers

  5. Bernoulli数模2~r和3~r的同余式

    Bernoulli Numbers Modulo 2 ~ r and 3 ~ r

  6. 泛Bernoulli数与泛Kummer同余式余摆线型转子发动机

    The Universal Bernoulli Numbers and the Universal Kummer Congruence ; rotary piston engine of trochoidal type

  7. 关于Fibonacci数的幂与Lucas数的恒等变换与同余式剩余控制权的不同形式及其对公司治理的影响

    Some Identities and Congruence Involving the Power of the Fibonacci Numbers and Lucas Numbers ; Different Kinds of Residual Control Rights and Their Effects on Corporate Governance

  8. 给出了数论中著名的Wilson定理的一个新推广.并且推广了Adelberg的一个同余式。

    A generalization of Wilson 's Theorem in number theory is given , and the congruence of Adelberg is also generalized .

  9. 运用初等数论的方法,研究了Bernoulli数的性质,并得到了一组包含Bernoulli数的恒等式及其同余式。

    With the use of primary Number Theory , the properties of Bernoulli number are studied , and from which a group of Bernoulli Number-included identities and congruence formula are obtained .

  10. 一次同余式的初等变换解法关于同余式组解的一般表达式

    The Solution of the Congruence Expression of First Degree with Elementary Transformation

  11. 等幂和的分解及同余式链

    Factorization and Congruence Chain of the Equal Powers Sum

  12. 关于二项同余式方程的两个定理

    Two theorems of the two terms Congruence Equations

  13. 一类覆盖同余式组的一个应用

    An Application of a Class Covering Congruence Group

  14. 一次同余式组的程序求解

    The program solution for set of linear congruences

  15. 给出了线性不定方程组与线性同余式组的新矩阵解法。

    The matrix method of solving diphantine equations and congruence expressions is developed in this paper .

  16. 关于二项同余式的几个注记

    Notes for the binomial congruence

  17. 同时还给出互余式组与同余式组的一个等价转换定理。

    In this paper , a conversion theorem of equal values for complementation and congruent is also given .

  18. 覆盖同余式的构造

    Construction of covering congruence

  19. 本文介绍在竞赛中如何选择恰当的数为模,并使用同余式的一些基本原则和技巧。

    In this paper , we give some basic principles and skills in the choice of appropriate moduli and the application of the Consequent congruence expressions .

  20. 一个数被两个数除自然得到不定方程(印度),一个数被三个数除则得到同余式组(中国)。

    For a number , being divided by two numbers may cause indeterminate equations ( in India ) while by three numbers may cause group of congruence ( in China ) .

  21. 本文借助构造矩阵和施行初等变换,为初等数论中以下三个问题提供了简便实用的解法:最大公因数及其倍数和、不定方程,一次同余式组。

    With the help of constructing matrix and applying elementary transfor-mation , this paper gives the simple and useful solution of the following three prob-lems in elementary number theory : greatest common factor and its times sum , in-definite equation , linear congruence expression series .