
  • 网络isotope fractionation factor
  1. 生物气CO2和CH4之间的碳同位素分馏系数αc>1.055,具有CO2还原途径成气的特征。

    The fractionation coefficients (α c ) of the CH4 and CO2 of the biogenic gases are more than 1 . 055 , characteristic of the CO2 reduction pathway .

  2. 碳酸钙-水体系氧同位素分馏系数的低温实验研究

    Experimental studies of oxygen isotope fractionations between caco_3 and h_2o at low temperatures

  3. 文中评述了稳定同位素分馏系数校准的理论计算、实验测定和经验估计方法,讨论温度、压力、化学成分和晶体结构等对矿物同位素性质的影响。

    This paper reviews the methodology of calibrating stable isotope fractionation factors by means of theoretical calculations , experimental determinations and empirical estimates , and discusses the influences of temperature , pressure , chemical composition , crystal structure and salt concentration in solution on isotopic fractionation .

  4. 氢同位素平衡分馏系数α~e与T、M、f间的定量关系

    Quantitative relation of hydrogen isotope equilibrium fractionation factor α ~ e with t , m and F

  5. 与平衡态过程相比,它的作用使得稳定同位素的综合分馏系数减小,从而使得降水中δ18O随温度的变化趋缓。

    The kinetic fractionation action makes the synthetic fractionation factor decreased and the change of the δ 18 O with temperature flatted , compared to that at equilibrium state .

  6. 湖水同位素平衡研究中分馏系数和富集系数计算形式的组合选择

    Choice of the Combined Calculating Forms of Equilibrium Fractionation Factor and Equilibrium Enrichment Factor in the Research on Lake Water Isotopic Equilibrium