
tóng zú
  • Cognate;same clan;(of) the same race;of the same tribe;phrator;homdogy
同族 [tóng zú]
  • (1) [same clan;of the same tribe]∶同一血缘亲族内。亦指同族的人

  • (2) [(of) the same race]∶同一种类

  • 猫不是和狮虎同族吗?

  • (3) [homdogy]∶周期表上同一族中各元素之间的关系(如卤族元素)

同族[tóng zú]
  1. 用来回应花粉蛋白而产生的IqE能把这些组织中的同族体连在一起,从而引起过敏反应。

    The IgE produced in response to the pollen protein can bind to the homologues in these tissues , thereby triggering an allergic reaction .

  2. 当前,在进行集装箱码头堆场设备选配时,轮胎龙门起重机(RTG)已成为人们的第一选择,而作为同族兄弟的轨道龙门起重机(RMG)往往被人们忽视。

    At present , when people select equipment for container storage yards , Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane ( RTG ) has become their first selection . And as the " agnate brother " of RTG , Rail Mounted Gantry Crane ( RMG ) often neglected by them .

  3. 《尔雅义疏》同族词研究

    Research About Cognate Words of ER Ya YI Shu

  4. 同族的性质上有关的或相似的;同族的。

    Related or similar in nature ; cognate .

  5. 他的同族都是什么人?这些都是我想要知道的。

    Who are his people ? These are the things I need to know .

  6. 这个男孩子有幸随同族长远游。

    The boy had been given the honour of sharing the elder 's journey .

  7. 同族专利及其检索

    On the Patent Family and its Retrieval

  8. 海外同族网络加快了信息的流动,而这正是科学与贸易的命脉。

    Diaspora networks speed the flow of information , the lifeblood of science and commerce .

  9. 我把海底的世界,同族统统忘光了,忘了。

    I forget up the undersea world , the consanguinity entirely forgot up , forgot .

  10. 锂的标准电极电势较同族碱金属元素低;

    The is lower than standard electrode potentials of alkali metal elements in the same family ;

  11. 同族元素与化合物性能递变的规律性

    The regularity in the gradation of properties of the congeners of the elements and their compounds

  12. 没有一朵同族的花。

    No flower of her kindred .

  13. 弗雷家同族相食的命运在第三季就有重大暗示。

    A big hint about the Freys ' cannibalistic fate was given back in season three .

  14. 只要能清除掉自由基和其同族分子,就能减缓衰老过程。

    Clear up free radicals and their kin , and you will slow down the process of ageing .

  15. 同族元素性质的不规则变化与原子模型的胀缩效应

    Abnormal Changes of The Element Characters Down The Group & Expansion and Contraction Offect of The Atom Model

  16. 今天取的米要当做礼物,送到村头同族的一户人家。

    The rice Wu fetched today would be presented as a gift to a family in their village .

  17. 王氏以字为词,把异体、通假等文字关系与同族词的关系混同起来,并用类似的训诂术语进行解说。

    Wang regarded character as word , so confused cognate words with variant characters and borrowed characters . relation .

  18. 在他主编的杂志上,我的同族和朋友们,你们会看到全诗的。

    On the magazine that he edits , my cognations and friends , you will read the whole poem .

  19. 它既与图书馆学、情报学、信息学、出版发行学等同族学科互相渗透整合孕育出图书馆目录学、情报报道与研究等新兴学科;

    It integrates itself with new branches of library science such as information science , message science and publishing science etc.

  20. 或许是关心同族的原因,特丽尔一直和薇在一起,即使在她转向黑暗艺术之后。

    Not particularly concern with ethnics , Talia remained with Vi , even after she turned to the dark arts .

  21. 区元素同族内某些性质的起伏变化称之为第二周期性。

    The second periodicity of element is rise and fall of some properties in elements of the same clan in Parea .

  22. 我们的主角星猫,最崇拜的人是和自己同族的大力猫。

    And the hero , whom our Star Cat worships the most , is one of his kinds , so-called MightyCat !

  23. 该系统从层次上可分为异体字系统、通假字系统、同族词系统三个子系统。

    This system can be divided into three subsystems : variant characters system , borrowed characters system , and cognate words system .

  24. 根据基督教的信仰,耶稣在经过同族者施洗约翰的洗礼后才开始他的公开传道。

    According to Christian belief , just after he was baptized by his kinsman John the Baptist Jesus began his public ministry .

  25. 这种可以挽救被感染蝙蝠的新式治疗方法为这些野生物种及其同族的生存提供了一线希望。

    A new treatment has saved the lives of infected bats . And it offers a ray of hope for their wild kin .

  26. 本文还论证了宋代南平军人为播州杨保同族之另一分支。

    This article simultaneously analyses Bo tribes of Nanping troops is another branch of Yaobao in Bo prefecture , which also disagrees to Prof.

  27. 还需要买新的宽宽的雪铲;作为锄草机冬季同族的吹雪机,也必须检查停当。

    New snow shovels need to be bought ; snow blowers , the winter cousins of lawn mowers , must be checked out .

  28. 同族具有相近的属性的一组元素在同一周其中,哪一族的元素原子半径最大?

    A group of elements with similar chemical properties . In a given period which group has the element with the largest atomic radius ?

  29. 相反地,与锂处于同一周期的元素铍的标准电极电势却较同族碱土金属元素高,二者呈现不规则性。

    Contrarily , the of beryllium and lithium is situated in the same period and is higher than standard electrode potentials of alkaline-earth elements .

  30. 四川省宗祠旅游资源类型丰富,拥有以文庙、三国蜀汉文臣武将专祠、文化名人专祠、祭祀同族祖先的祠堂等为代表的资源体系。

    There were plenty of ancestral halls in Sichuan Province , which of them form a system of the tourism resources of ancestral halls .