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shù chū
  • be born of a concubine
庶出 [shù chū]
  • [offspring of a concubine;be born of a concubine] 旧指妾所生的子女

  • 三小姐乃政老爷之庶出,名 探春。--《红楼梦》

  1. 《庶出的标志》是纳博科夫移居美国之后写的第一部长篇小说。

    Bend Sinister was the first novel published after Nabokov moved to the United States .

  2. 有些民营船厂的老板说,与国营造船相比,民营造船如同庶出,受到的是不公正的待遇。

    According to some private shipyards , comparing with the state owned shipyards , they are not treated fairly .

  3. 亚伯拉罕把财物分给他庶出的众子,趁着自己还在世的时候打发他们离开他的儿子以撒,往东方去。

    But while he was still living , he gave gifts to the sons of his concubines and sent them away from his son Isaac to the land of the east .

  4. 亚伯拉罕把礼物分给他庶出的众子,在自己还活着的时候,就打发他们离开他的儿子以撒,向东面行,往东方的地去。

    But unto the sons of the concubines , which Abraham had , Abraham gave gifts , and sent them away from Isaac his son , while he yet lived , eastward , unto the East country .