
shù mín
  • the commoner;the common people;plebeian;civilian;the multitude
庶民 [shù mín]
  • [the common people;the commoner;the multitude] 百姓;平民

  • 即日罢杨彪、 黄琬、 荀爽为庶民。--《三国演义》

庶民[shù mín]
  1. 第四章探访舞鹤对台湾庶民文化的关怀及其原乡情结。

    Chapter 4 surveys Wuhe 's concern over the common people culture and his original country complex .

  2. 士人不是天生的统治者,又不是一般的庶民。

    Scholars are not natural-born rulers , not the common people in general .

  3. 在过去,日本的封建主对庶民操有生杀大权。

    Japanese feudal chiefs had power of life and death over their subjects .

  4. 女王命令她的庶民们纳税。

    The queen bids all her subjects to pay the tax .

  5. 其结果庶民不能发言。

    As a result , subaltern cannot speak .

  6. 庶民研究与后殖民史学

    The Subaltern Study and the Postcolonial Historiography

  7. 论文的第二、三部分重点对菲斯克的庶民文化研究进行了述评。

    The second and third part gives much prominence to John Fiske 's popular cultural studies .

  8. 庶民的图书馆&关于21世纪新图书馆运动的思考

    Commoners ' Library & A Thinking on New Library Movement of 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  9. 论文的最后一章论述了后现代主义与菲斯克庶民消费之间的关系。

    The last part of this dissertation presents the relationship between postmodernism and the popular cultural consumption .

  10. 台语电影题材通俗,贴近民众,是庶民文化的一种体现。

    Popular Tai-language movie themes , close to the people , is a reflection of plebeian culture .

  11. 秦国婚姻制度包括王室嫡庶妻等级婚制和庶民一夫一妻婚制。

    Marriage system in Qin Kingdom was composed of ranking polygamy for royal family and monogamy for common people .

  12. 天子、官僚士大夫及庶民阶层,在各自的社会阶层中,有着不同的孝道要求。

    Emperor , bureaucratic literati and commoners hav e different filial piety requires , in their own social strata .

  13. 这也不单是庶民的怀疑;看来教士们也有同感。

    Nor was this the suspicion of the vulgar alone ; it seems to have been shared by the clergy .

  14. 先秦诸子文体正是由先秦官方之箴下移为庶民之语,然后才渐次发展起来的。

    The style of the Pre-Qin Scholars did not blossom until it became the argument of common people from the official motto .

  15. 而霍米,巴巴,则站在殖民地,庶民的主体位置。

    Then Homi Bhabha obviously in a variety of ways takes up the subject position of the colonized , of the subaltern .

  16. 当宫廷文化碰上庶民文化,您要用什麽样的心情与角度去聆赏?

    What kind of frame of mind or angle should you use to appreciate art created when palace culture meets popular culture ?

  17. 当夏王朝的统治基本稳定之后,以启为首的贵族统治者肆意奴役和剥削广大庶民群众,过着骄奢淫逸的生活。

    After consolidating the sovereignty , Qi and the nobles began to enslave and exploit the people , and indulge in extravagant lives .

  18. 最后,对官吏昏聩和庶民狡黠的描写则反映出官民之间不同的司法智慧。

    Finally , the descriptions of the official doting and the plebeian canniness reflect the different judicial wisdom of the authorities and plebs .

  19. 这种传统在江户时代随着文化需求的增加及庶民教育机构的发展而在日本全体社会得到普及。

    This tradition in the Edo era with the development of educational institutions and the increasing cultural needs of the whole society to gain popularity in Japan .

  20. 在日本庶民阶层得到普及,作为童蒙教育的教材,主要采用识字、读书、汉文学习这样的顺序使用。

    Gained popularity in Japan , commoners class , as the childish educational materials , mainly in literacy , reading , and the Chinese learn in this order .

  21. 因此,日本朱子学被具体诠释成日本社会各个层次乃至庶民的不同伦理文化,而呈现出多样性和庶民化的特点。

    Therefore , Zhu Xi 's philosophy in Japan was annotated as every class even plebeian different ethical culture in Japanese society and took on diversity and plebeian features .

  22. 它主张摒弃传统史学撰述中的精英主义话语,从庶民的角度重写印度殖民与后殖民时期的历史。

    It claims to abandon the discourse of elitism in the west traditional historiography and tries to re-write the colonial and postcolonial histories of India from a subaltern perspective .

  23. 歌舞伎的题材来自中世以前发生的事件、江户时代的庶民生活以及发生在江户时候各个大名藩中的事情。

    Dramas are based on events that took place before the middle ages , everyday life in the Edo era , and events involving the feudal lords of the Edo period .

  24. 伦理情境下的博弈、仪式与象征&关于清朝中晚期士绅和庶民生活的个案研究

    Games , Rituals , and Symbolic Meanings Governed by the Moral Ethics & A Case Study on the Social Life of the Gentry and Peasants in Mid and Late Manchu Dynasty

  25. 所以从事政治的工作,就是要设法让官治其职,而百姓庶民将自己手上的工作做好,如此而已。

    Hence , when you work for politics , you manage to make official abide by the rule and to make people do well their own work . That 's all .

  26. 在这一过程中,其本身也逐渐从二元论发展到一元论,甚至成为庶民教化的媒介,最后融入整个文艺之中。

    In this process , it had evolved gradually from dualism to monism , even came to be the vector of civilization for plebs , and merged into the whole culture at last .

  27. 美华草根文学建构了另一种历史,以庶民记忆与经验再现的方式真实地呈现出这种历史书写的草根意识,从而获得表述自我的话语权力。

    The grass-roots literature of Chinese American literature constructs another kind of history that truly represents the grass-roots consciousness by the common people ′ s memories and experiences to gain the discourse rights to express themselves .

  28. 不管你是什么人,上至达官贵人下到庶民百姓,要生活就会有欢乐和忧愁,就像老天一样既有阳光也有乌云和雨水。

    No matter what you are , from high officials down to ordinary people , to live there will be joy and sorrow , just as God has the same mixture of sunshine and clouds and rain .

  29. 黄色是帝王之色,庶民不能滥用,故宫采用黄色琉璃瓦屋顶,象征着至高无上的皇权,宫殿群外的围墙呈红色,象征着中央政权。

    Yellow is the imperial color , common people can not abuse . Palace with glazed yellow tile roofs , is the symbol of supreme imperial power , the palace group outside walls were red , is a symbol of the central government .

  30. 庶民研究努力建构的书写非西方历史的新模式,以及由此导致的后殖民史学对非西方历史学的重新定向具有一种普遍意义,值得第三世界的历史学者借鉴与思考。

    The new paradigm of writing history established by Subaltern Studies and the reorientation of non-western histories made by postcolonial historiography has a general meaning , which is worthily considered and used by the historians in the Third World [ AM ] [ KMB ]