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  • 网络common people
庶族 [shù zú]
  • (1) [a family of commoners]∶指关系疏远的宗族;庶族子弟

  • (2) [the common person]∶庶民

  1. 九品中正制的考课作用对于士族门阀和庶族寒人是不同的。

    The Nine Grades Appraisal System functioned quite differently from the aristocrats to the ordinary people .

  2. 到宋代以后,随着庶族地主经济的发展,科举制度也就更显成熟和完备。

    With the development of common landlord economy after Song dynasty , imperial examination system became more mature .

  3. 而寒人庶族只有通过才干和治绩,通过国家的考课,才能取得不断升迁的机会。

    While the ordinary people had to work out great achievements and passed the evaluation to get promoted .

  4. 将中晚唐诗歌流派、诗学观念的研究与庶族研究相结合,应当是一个比较新颖的切入点。

    It should bring a new entry point by combining the research of Poetics , Schools of poetry and Commoners literati .

  5. 在唐代,科举制度的实施,为普通庶族文人实现政治理想提供了可能;

    In the Tang dynasty , the enforcement of the imperial examination made it possible for the common literati to achieve political dream .

  6. 中晚唐是一个诗派纷呈、诗学观念更加丰富的时期,也是庶族文士群体崛起、发展的历史阶段。

    In the period of the middle and late Tang dynasty , Schools of Poetry and Poetics are various and commoner literati group rose sharply .

  7. 透过这种行为,我们可以看到中唐庶族文人正在形成的“重利轻义”的人生价值观。

    Penetrating into such behavior , we can know the shaping of the view on life value of the common literati in mid-Tang Dynasty - " to put material gains above justice " .

  8. 唐代以后,随着门阀地主的逐渐消失,庶族地主和农民的地位得以提高,宗法制度也逐渐在平民阶层普及。

    After the Tang Dynasty , with the patriarch of the gradual disappearance of the landlord , the landlords and peasants civilians enhanced the status of , patriarchal system has gradually spread in the civilian sectors .

  9. 晋宋之际皇权在庶族的崛起中,不断得到加强,门阀士族则从特权阶层陷入权力缺失的焦虑与无奈。

    During the turbulent period of Jin and Song , the rise of Multitudinous Race had reinforced the imperial power and , in the same time , dethroned the privileged Gentry Class and made them fall into anxiety and helplessness .

  10. 所以,将柳宗元及其家族放在士族文化与庶族文化转型期进行考察是可能的、必要的,也是极有意义的。

    In short , they are different to Bai Juyi who stands for the culture of Commoners . So , it is possible , necessary and meaningful to put Liu Zongyuan and his family on the change of Gentry and Commoner .