
bó fù
  • uncle;father's elder brother;fathers elder brother;chacha
伯父 [bó fù]
  • (1) [uncle;fathers elder brother]∶父亲的哥哥

  • (2) [uncle]

  • (3) 称呼和父亲同辈而年长的男子

  • (4) 古代天子称同姓诸侯

伯父[bó fù]
  1. 他伯父已经过世,可他伯母还在这儿生活。

    His uncle is dead , but his auntie still lives here .

  2. 我伯父是孟菲斯市市长。

    My uncle was the mayor of Memphis

  3. 开创这个企业的是他的伯父。

    It was his uncle who inaugurated the enterprise .

  4. 他一岁时就出继给大伯父了。

    He was adopted by his eldest uncle when he was just one year old .

  5. 我和父亲是怒气冲冲地并排坐在伯父的亨伯牌小汽车里。

    Querulously my father and I were seated side by side in my uncle 's humber .

  6. 他与伯父住在一起。

    He lives with his uncle .

  7. 他非正式的风格延伸到自己在电邮中的署名,一个伯父似的绰号:“帕奇”(patchy)。

    His informality extends to signing himself off in e-mails with the avuncular nickname ' ' patchy ' ' .

  8. 他们在晚间抵达,我带他们参观主教堂(Duomo),这始终是令人印象深刻的景点,这可从我伯父的反应看出来:

    It is evening when they arrive , and I take them on a walk to look at the Duomo , always such an impressive sight , as evidenced by my uncle 's reaction :

  9. 我的一位伯父要从美国来。

    An uncle of mine is coming over from the states .

  10. 他想向伯父敲取生活费。

    He tried to sponge on his uncle for living expenses .

  11. 站在门口的老人是我的伯父。

    The o1d man standing at the gate is my unc1e .

  12. 堂姐帮伯父买来了家具和一台平板电视机。

    She helped him buy furniture and a flat screen television .

  13. 伯母去世后,我们以为伯父很快也会跟着离开。

    We expected him to pass on quickly after she died .

  14. 伯母,这是送您和伯父的礼物。

    This is just a token of my appreciation for you .

  15. 他叔父(或伯父等)的遗嘱规定赠给他一千英镑。

    He was left & 1000 in his uncle 's will .

  16. 我的伯父负责大厦的维护。

    My uncle is responsible for the maintenance of the building .

  17. 伯父伯母很好,虽然他们也在担心。

    Uncle , aunt well , although they are also worried .

  18. 我们坐下来享用我伯父准备的美餐。

    We sat down to a wonderful meal prepared by my uncle .

  19. 伯父怎么样?手术做了吗?

    How is father ? Has the operation been done ?

  20. 伯父送我一辆玩具火车作为圣诞礼物。

    My uncle gave me a toy train for Christmas .

  21. 回答小屋,伯父伯母准备了丰盛的晚餐。

    Answer cabanas , uncle aunt prepared a sumptuous dinner .

  22. 他在海湾沼泽被伯父养大。

    He was raised in the bayous by his uncle .

  23. 由于他的宗教信仰,伯父已经很多年没有看电视了。

    He had not watched television for years because of his religion .

  24. 伯父:顺便说一下,我非常乐意。

    UNCLE : Incidentally , I jolly well liked it .

  25. 班伏里奥:伯父,您知道他的烦恼的根源吗?

    BENVOLIO : My noble uncle , do you know the cause ?

  26. 伯父说完还示范地写了几个字让我模仿。

    Then uncle and let me write a few words show him .

  27. 好,伯父,我听你的

    " Very good , Uncle , you 're the doctor . "

  28. 埃迪少爷,和你的伯父约翰问好。

    Master eddie , say hello to your uncle john .

  29. 在想你的伯父想听听比赛么?

    Think your uncle wants to listen to the game ?

  30. 那位女士会弹钢琴,而伯父所在的教会正要找新的音乐伴奏。

    She played piano and his church was looking for new music .