
  • 网络Burgess;Anthony Burgess;Guy Burgess;E.W.Burgess
  1. 当我对伯吉斯的爱好为人所知后,他们又送了我一些其他人写的这样的书:霍华德·R·加里斯,亚瑟·斯科特·贝利。

    When my taste for Burgess became known , I was regaled with books by others in the same vein : Howard R.Garis , Arthur Scott Bailey .

  2. 伯吉斯是过去一年里加入threadneedle的数名业界知名人士之一。

    Mr Burgess is one of several well-known industry names to join Threadneedle over the past year .

  3. 盖伊伯吉斯(guyburgess)、唐纳德麦克林(donaldmaclean)这两名剑桥流亡间谍也常常来光顾伯吉斯喜欢我们的果酱和油饼。

    Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean , the two exiled Cambridge spies , used to come Burgess liked our marmalade and seedcake .

  4. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)并购业务全球联席主管托尼•伯吉斯(TonyBurgess)称:并购步伐还将持续12至18个月,因为那些尚未参与到本轮周期中的行业将被吸引到整合游戏中来。

    Tony Burgess , global co-head of M A at Deutsche Bank , says : The pace of M A looks set to continue for the next 12-18 months as those sectors which have not yet participated in this cycle are drawn into the consolidation game .

  5. 对于与厨房打交道,伯吉斯感觉很复杂。

    Dealings with the kitchen have left Burgess with mixed feelings .

  6. 伯吉斯和麦克莱恩事件更加深了胡佛的偏见。

    The Burgess and Maclean affair reinforced Hoover 's prejudices .

  7. 两年以后,伯吉斯和麦克莱恩叛逃了。

    Two years later , Burgess and Maclean defected .

  8. 伯吉斯显然喜欢用心地照顾客人。

    Burgess obviously enjoyed looking after customers conscientiously .

  9. 题图斯·伯吉斯将扮演塞巴斯蒂安。

    Sebastian would be played by TITUS BURGESS .

  10. 在点菜前,伯吉斯卷起一条裤腿,给我看几处很深的割伤。

    Before we order , Burgess rolls up a trouser leg to reveal some deep cuts .

  11. 萨曼塔,亨利?洛维,詹姆斯?法莫二世,汉密尔顿?伯吉斯:上帝是裁判。

    Samantha , Henry lowe , James farmer jr. , Hamilton burgess : the judge is god .

  12. 正是他在伯吉斯和麦克莱恩叛逃之后,首先在美国指出了菲尔比。

    It was he who first fingered Philby in the USA after defection of Burgess and maclean .

  13. 安东尼·伯吉斯眼中的后现代世界&《发条橙》中的后现代主义因素探析

    The Postmodern World in Anthony Burgess 's Eyes & An Analysis of the Postmodern Factors in Clockwork Orange

  14. 笑,全世界都跟你笑;打鼾,只有你自己独自睡觉。&英国小说家伯吉斯。

    Laugh , and the world laughs with you ; snore and you sleep alone . & Anthony Burgess , British novelist .

  15. 在这里的伯吉斯谢尔化石遗址里也有发现海洋软体动物的化石。

    The Burgess Shale fossil site , well known for its fossil remains of soft-bodied marine animals , is also found there .

  16. 安东尼·伯吉斯作为二十世纪英国文学史上的重要作家之一,以其文学作品的多产和创新著称于世。

    Anthony Burgess ( 1917-1993 ) is an important British writer of 20th century who is famous for his literary productivity and innovation .

  17. 他们是伯吉斯、邦斯和宾啊,这山谷历史上最卑鄙、最肮脏、最丑陋的三个农场主啊。

    This is Boggis , Bunce and Bean , three of the meanest , nastiest , ugliest farmers in the history of this valley .

  18. 萨曼塔,亨利?洛维,詹姆斯?法莫二世,汉密尔顿?伯吉斯:因为他只是我讲述的真理反对的声音!

    Samantha , Henry lowe , James farmer jr. , Hamilton burgess : because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak !

  19. 一听到门口传来美国人的声音,伯吉斯总会设法去带他们就座,因为他知道服务得好就会有小费。

    As soon as Burgess heard an American voice at the entrance , he would always try to seat them , knowing they would repay good service .

  20. 云南澄江生物群起源于5.25年前,比西方最著名的寒武纪化石宝库不列颠哥伦比亚伯吉斯生物群(加拿大)早了2000万年。

    It dates from 525m years ago , which make it 20m years older than the most famous Cambrian Lagerst & # 228 ; tte in the West , the Burgess shale of British Columbia , in Canada .

  21. “可怜的董贝!说真的,我从没有想到,我们经常谈到的,专做时髦服装但价钱很贵的伯吉斯公司会为这样一种目的做这样一套衣服的。”图茨先生是穿着丧服的。

    Poor Dombey ! I 'm sure I never thought that Burgess and Co. - fashionable tailors ( but very dear ) , that we used to talk about - would make this suit of clothes for such a purpose . ' Mr Toots was dressed in mourning . '