
  1. 建立单位、政府两级住房基金

    To set up housing accumulation funds on the working unit and government levels

  2. 台州市住房基金管理中心

    Housing Fund Management Center of Taizhou Municipality

  3. 住房慈善基金Shelter透露,在英国,现在无家可归者的数量已经超过了30万,同比去年增加了4%,其中每200个人中就有1个人露宿街头。

    The number of homeless people in Britain has soared past 300000 -- an increase of 4 percent on last year -- with one in 200 sleeping rough , the housing charity Shelter said .

  4. 建立军队转业干部住房补助基金的构想

    Towards the establishment of housing subsidy funds for decommissioned officers

  5. 住房信托基金致力于为贫困家庭提供住房。

    Housing trusts help to provide houses for poor families .

  6. 工作人员住房循环基金

    Revolving Fund for Staff Housing

  7. 例如,结构调整贷款项目帮助住房金融援助基金转制为联邦抵押公司,使之发展成为一个信誉良好和市场型金融机构。

    For example , a restructuring loan helped transform the Financial Housing Aid Fund into the Federal Mortgage Corporation , a well respected and market-engaged institution .

  8. 监管机构指控称,高盛并未向客户披露如下事实:一个渴望做空住房市场的对冲基金影响了被包含在抵押贷款相关证券中的贷款类型。

    The regulators alleged Goldman did not disclose to clients that a hedge fund eager to short the housing market had influenced the type of loans included in the security .

  9. 提出住房抵押贷款证券化(住房投资基金)的运作主体,以及证券化的模式、品种设计、运作程序,并对沈阳市发展住房抵押贷款证券化进行了探索。

    It is one of the most important researches for Shenyang on mortagage loan and stock about housing , mode of stock , design of breed , program of working .

  10. 住房公积金制度是国家运用法律手段、经济手段和行政手段,对住房基金进行集中支配,定向用于住宅建设和住宅融资的管理制度。

    Housing provident fund system is a national management system of the residence margin to control the definite direction to used for residence developments or housing fund by law means , economic means or the administration means .