
  • 网络Hospitalized patients;The Resident Patient
  1. 这家医院对无须住院的病人提供院外护理。

    The hospital provides extramural care to patients who do not need to be admitted .

  2. 门诊手术后意外住院的病人怎么处理?

    What are the causes of unexpected hospitalization following ambulatory surgery ?

  3. 这位护士要照料10个住院的病人。

    The nurse has the care of ten patients hospitalized .

  4. 她帮助医生照顾住院的病人。

    She helps doctors look after the patients in hospital .

  5. 研究人员调查了200名住院的病人,他们有过或者之前有过医院感染的风险。

    Researchers surveyed 200 hospital patients who were at risk for-or had previously had-a hospital-acquired infection .

  6. 他是个住院的病人。

    He is an in patient .

  7. 一项新研究表明因细菌性肺炎住院的病人有很大的新发或加重心脏病的风险。

    A new study suggests patients hospitalized with pneumonia may be at serious risk of new or worsening heart problems .

  8. 今天的天气还是很好,中心医院里住院的病人很多。

    The weather of today still very good , the patient of the hospitalization in the center hospital is a lot of .

  9. 其中65人是病人的亲友,或是家人雇来的护工,在看望或照顾住院的病人时,感染了这种疾病。

    Of them , 65 were relatives , friends or family-hired caretakers who contracted the disease while they were visiting or looking after hospitalized patients .

  10. 亨利县医疗中心的社工,扬马西斯,朱莉布鲁尔,梅利莎白和南希哈里斯,符合住院的病人。

    Henry County Medical Center 's Social Workers , Jan Mathis , Julie Brewer , Melissa White and Nancy Harris , meet with hospitalized patients .

  11. 羟考酮和可待因适合改善轻中度疼痛,但对因疼痛住院的病人是不够的。

    Oxycodone and codeine are suitable for amelioration of mild-to-moderate pain but are not strong enough to prevent hospitalization in a patient who experiences severe pain .

  12. 该研究中心的医院设在达卡市,每年收容因不明「流感」住院的病人之多,使得有些人必须在医院走道或外头的帐篷里接受诊疗。

    Dhaka admitted so many patients with unspecified " intestinal " flu annually that some had to be cared for in hallways and in tents outside .

  13. 美国疾病控制与防病中心表示,其他研究也显示,禁止在公共场合吸烟的法律使得因心脏病发作住院的病人人数迅速减少。不过,这是针对二手烟的影响进行长达三年之久的唯一一项研究。

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says other studies have reported that laws making public places smoke-free have led to rapid reductions in hospital admissions for heart attacks , but this is the only study that has looked at the effects over a longer period of three years .

  14. 结果:相隔5年我科住院的AMI病人死亡率分别为15.53%和13.58%,无统计学差异,心功能不全发生率分别为40.78%和30.86%,有非常显著差异(P<0.01)。

    The heart failure rate of those was 40.78 % and 30.86 % respectively , which had significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) .

  15. 一位住院治疗的病人描述了自己的症状。

    One hospitalised man described his symptoms .

  16. 为了解老年痴呆患者中嫉妒妄想的发生频率及妄想的特征,我们对88例住院的痴呆病人进行了分析。

    Eighty-eight in-patient dements were analysed to understand the occur-ing frequence of jealousy delusion and trait of delusion for senile dementia .

  17. 她还去看望国内其他住院的爱滋病人,支持创他们,给他们鼓劲。

    She also goes to visit other AIDS patients in hospitals across the country to support them and cheer them up .

  18. 方法将154例初次住院的葡萄膜炎病人随机分成2组,观察组采用健康教育路径进行健康教育,对照组采用常规方式进行健康教育。

    Methods 154 patients were randomly divided into 2 groups , observation group carries out health education program and contrast group with routing healthy educational .

  19. 方法:对近5年来,在我院门诊及住院的截肢病人70例的各种康复治疗进行总结分析。

    Methods : We have summarized and analysed every kind of rehabilitative therapy for 70 amputation patients in our hospital in the last 5 years .

  20. 临床工作中也发现大多数住院的心衰病人肾功能会发生恶化,住院时间越长,发生肾功能恶化的几率越大。

    In clinical also found that most patients hospitalized for heart failure occurs worsening renal function ( WRF ), the longer hospitalized , the higher incidence of WRF .

  21. 方法对1997年&1999年在南京脑科医院住院的精神病人资料与对应的3年南京市气象资料进行对比分析,并划出曲线图,找出两者之间的规律性。

    Methods To analyse the information of psychotic patients in Nanjing Brain Hospital from 1997 to 1999 and the corresponding weather information in these three years ; then , to make a standard curve based on the results of analysis , and explore the relationship between the two information .

  22. 初次住院的心血管内科病人对护理行为关怀性评价的调查研究

    A survey of patients first time admitted in cardiovascular department on nursing behavior caring assessment

  23. 一开始,我们计划让改组后的医院要接纳所有要求得到住院治疗的流感病人,而把一些非流感病人交给私人医院。

    Previously , Restructured Hospitals were to manage all flu patients who required hospitalised care , while non-flu patients would be referred to Private Hospitals .

  24. 2005-2007年皋兰县新农合资金对县级以上医院住院的急危重病人的补偿金额较高。

    The amounts of funds were mainly compensated for severe and acute patients who were hospitalized at or above the county hospitals from 2005 to 2007 .

  25. 目的:观察甘乐治疗慢性乙型病毒性肝炎疗效。方法:81例慢性乙型肝炎病人均来自吉林大学第一医院住院及门诊的病人。

    Objective The study of effect of Diisopropylamine dichloroacetate treated chronic viral hepatitis B. Method 81 patients ( include inpatient and outpatient ) came from the frist hospital of jilin university .

  26. 结果外科住院的279例病人中施行手术者237例,手术率85%,围手术期死亡率54%(13/237)。

    Results Amongst the 279 patients treated in departments of surgery , 237 ( 85 % ) received operations and the perioperative mortality in them was 5 4 % ( 13 / 237 ) .

  27. 子宫肌瘤作为女性生殖器官中最常见的良性肿瘤,常见于30-50岁的育龄妇女,在妇科门诊及住院部的手术病人中子宫肌瘤患者占相当大比重。

    Hysteromyoma is the most common benign genital tumor in female , commonly found in women aged between 30-50 years . Patients with hysteromyoma account for a large proportion in outpatient and inpatient gynecological surgery patients .

  28. 方法:按前列腺活检针操作方法对住院的21例病人行乳腺肿块穿刺活检,并与19例手术切除后病检对照。

    Methods : The breast masses of 21 patients were punctured with prostate biopsy needles . In these patients , 19 breast masses were resected and analysed by pathological examination which was used as the gold standard following the puncture .

  29. 健康智能家庭是指为那些本应该住院的人们慢性病人、老年人和残疾人等提供在自己家里独立、健康、安全、方便的日常生活。

    Healthy Smart Home ( HSH ) is to give an independent , healthy , secure and convenient life in their own home to people who would be placed in hospital : chronic disease people , handicapped people and elderly .

  30. 方法对我院28例有CNS病变的SLE住院及专科门诊的病人进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The clinical data of 28 patients with CNS involvement of SLE in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed .