
  1. 1998年开始,随着住房实物分配制度的取消,中国房地产市场制度真正建立。

    The market system of real estate in China is formally established with the abolishment of housing physical distribution system since 1998 .

  2. 我国住宅房地产业在国家结束住房实物分配制度后进入了快速发展阶段,同时市场竞争也日趋激烈。

    In our country , residential real estate industry enter the fast development phase after country finished the residence distribution system , simultaneously the market competition is also intense day by day .

  3. 改革开放以前,我国实行的是与计划经济相适应的住房实物分配制度,即住房作为国家或单位提供给职工的一项福利项目。

    Before reform and opening-up , what our country implemented is the housing material object distribution system in conformity with planned economy , namely the housing is offered a welfare project of the worker 's as the country or the unit .

  4. 从住房的实物分配到住房的商品化、市场化,这期间的跨度太大、代价太高、问题也太多。

    From the distribution in real state to the commercialization and marketability of the housing system , in which the span is too big and the price is too high and there are also many problems .

  5. 在我国住房制度由实物分配向货币化分配转化进程中,高等院校面临着采用何种住房供给模式,以解决住房改革所带来的各种问题。

    As the distribution of housing system in physical distribution to monetary distribution in China , college facing to take what patterns of the housing supply in order to overcome the problems caused by the housing reform .

  6. 1998年,国家出台了《国务院关于进一步深化城镇住房制度改革加快住房建设的通知》,停止了住房实物分配制度,标志着房地产业发展进入了新的发展阶段。

    In 1998 , the state has adopted " State Council on further deepening reform of the housing system to speed up housing construction ", and this reform has stopped the housing distribution , it marks that the real estate growth has entered a new development .

  7. 尤其是1998年通过了《关于进一步深化城镇住房制度改革加快住房建设的通知》,该通知规定停止住房实物分配制度,实现住房货币化。

    Especially in 1998 , china has adopted a notice that deepening the urban housing system reform to speed up housing construction . The notice Provisions to stop the distribution system of houses and realization of housing monetization .