
  1. 我国个人住房贷款利率合理水平探讨

    On the Reasonable Residential Mortgage Loan Interest Rate in China

  2. 因此,住房贷款利率降低。

    Since then , rates for home loans have fallen .

  3. 但是,为促进房地产市场健康发展,个人住房贷款利率暂不作调整。

    But the lending interest rates for personal homes will not be adjusted for the healthy growth of the property market .

  4. 澳洲联储称其政策行动需将住房贷款利率的增长幅度高于基准利率增长幅度的因素考虑进去,也就是说需要将利率的增长幅度回归到正常的水平上来。

    RBA said its policy actions took into account that home-loan rates have risen more than its benchmark interest rate , suggesting fewer increases are needed to return borrowing costs to normal levels .

  5. 自年初以来,银行收紧了对购房者的信贷投放,不仅从年初开始在基准利率的基础上提高了住房贷款利率,而且延长了贷款审批时间。

    Since the start of the year , banks have tightened credit to homebuyers , charging a premium on benchmark rates since the start of the year and taking a longer time to approve housing loans .

  6. 这一增速放缓表明,汽车和住房贷款利率的不断上升、以及燃料和其它必需品的价格上涨,正促使一些印度消费者推迟非必需品的购买。

    The deceleration shows how a combination of rising interest rates on car and home loans , as well as the higher cost of fuel and other essential items is encouraging some Indian consumers to postpone discretionary purchases .

  7. 在美联储(FederalReserve)极度宽松的货币政策支持下,住房抵押贷款利率降至历史最低水平,这本应有助于减轻购房者的债务负担,从而使他们保住房子。

    Record low mortgage rates , supported by the Federal Reserve 's extraordinarily lax monetary policy , should help keep people in their homes by reducing their debt burdens .

  8. 当前我国个人住房抵押贷款利率风险分析

    Research on Interest Rate Risk of Home Mortgage in China

  9. 你住房贷款的利率是多少?

    What are your home loan interest rates ?

  10. 个人住房公积金贷款利率各档次利率分别下调0.27个百分点。

    Lending rates for the Personal Housing Accumulation Fund Loan will be cut by0.27 of a percentage point .

  11. 讨论了中美两国个人住房抵押贷款利率制度之间的差异,分析比较了中美银行在个人住房抵押贷款业务上面临的不同风险。

    The differences in interest-rate systems are discussed in respect to the risks of residential mortgage loans in the banks of China and the United States .

  12. 抵押贷款公司房地美今天宣布,本周30年期的住房贷款平均利率创下52周以来的新低,平均利率略高于4%。

    Mortgage Company Freddie Mac announced today the average interests on its 30 years home loan remained to be 52-week-low this week , averaging just over 4 % .

  13. 例如,在美国,住房抵押贷款利率的下调诱使人们尽可能多的借贷、押注于住房市场出现好转。

    In the US , for example , home mortgage interest deduction bribes people to borrow as much as possible to bet on the gyrations of the housing market .

  14. 分析家说,政府可以部署工具以及其他,如住房抵押贷款利率,取消第二套住房的贷款和打击物业税已冷却市场部门。

    Analysts said the government could deploy other tools as well , such as mortgage rates , lifting down payments on second homes and slapping on a property tax to cool the sector .

  15. 全球第三大银行中国银行(BoC)已开始向急需信贷的英国借款人提供住房抵押贷款,利率低于英国许多老牌银行。

    Bank of China , the world 's third largest bank , has started offering mortgages to credit-starved British borrowers at rates that undercut many of the deals available from established UK lenders .

  16. 首先,住房抵押贷款的利率维持在或者接近历史性低位,吸引观望派跃入市场。

    First , mortgage rates have remained at or near historic lows , making it attractive for fence-sitters to jump into the market .

  17. 我国住房公积金贷款的固定利率模式研究

    Research on Fixed Rate Model of Housing Public Accumulation Funds Loan in China

  18. 如2007-2008年我国房地产市场出现低迷,房价跌幅明显,中央和地方双双调整策略,采取宽松的住房公积金贷款政策,其中包括下调住房公积金贷款利率、降低贷款首付比例等。

    As the year between 2007 and 2008 , China real estate market slump , house price declined excessively , both the central and local government have to make the strategies to overcome the problem , such as loose housing accumulation fund loan interest rate cut and reduce loans .

  19. 住房贷款违约风险定量分析初探我国个人住房贷款利率合理水平探讨

    Valuing Credit Risk in Residential Mortgage Loans On the Reasonable Residential Mortgage Loan Interest Rate in China

  20. 第一章介绍住房抵押贷款方面有关内容,着重介绍住房抵押贷款利率决定和付款方式。

    Chapter I give an introduction to the interest rate of the loan and the payment of the mortgage loan .

  21. 加强住房消费贷款管理,认真执行首期付款比例、住房贷款利率等政策;因个人住房贷款利率的上调而再次引发了提前还房贷要不要收取违约金的大讨论。

    With the rising of interest rate for individual housing loan , argument about whether to gather the penalty for those repaid ahead came to the biggest discussion for a while .

  22. 采用住房基本制度改革后我国31省级行政区1999&2006年住房市场面板数据,运用截面固定效应方法对住房价格宏观波动与收入、就业、住房抵押贷款利率、建筑成本等基本经济变量进行定量分析。

    By the panel data of 31 provincial districts in China after the reform and sectional fixed-effect method , the dissertation makes an analysis on the relations of macro-fluctuation of housing price and income , employment , mortgage interest rate and construction cost .