
  • 网络member bank
  1. 今年,万事达完成了首次公开发行(ipo),部分目的是要保护其会员银行免遭美国零售商的起诉。

    This year MasterCard completed an initial public offering partially designed to help shield its member banks from legal claims by US retailers .

  2. 根据visa宣布的计划,其欧洲区将保留其会员银行制协会的身份,同时将成为主体营运公司visainc.的一个被授权机构。

    Under the plan outlined by visa its European arm will continue as an association owned by its member banks , and will become a licensee of visa Inc , as the main operating company will be called .

  3. 贴现率是,美联储对会员银行贷款的所求比率。

    The discount rate is the rate that the Fed charges for loans to member banks .

  4. 事实上,他们决定如何制定利率,和会员银行的法定准备金率。

    In fact they decide on how to set interest rates and borrowing requirements for member banks .

  5. 一级交易商信贷工具是,对会员银行贴现窗口的一种扩展。

    What the PDCF is it 's really an extension of the discount window beyond member banks .

  6. 中央银行设定一个利率,这个利率是这些会员银行可以借进的利率。

    The central bank posts an interest rate that is the rate at which these member banks can borrow .

  7. 如果是相反的情况,中央银行可以卖出证券,减少会员银行的存款,收紧信贷。

    Reverse the process , and you have the central bank selling securities , lowering member bank balances , and tightening credit .

  8. 所以,联邦储备银行的会员银行,得到股份并且在联邦储备银行成为股东,它们分得股利。

    So banks that become a member of the Federal Reserve System get shares and they become stockholders in the Federal Reserve Bank .

  9. 联邦储备银行并不是,被政府所有的,而是被它们运行所在的区域内的银行所有;,它们被称为联邦储备银行的会员银行。

    The Federal Reserve Banks are owned not by the government but by the banks in the region where they operate ; they 're called member banks .

  10. 根据国际信用卡组织的标识,每个会员银行发行的信用卡面上必须带有该组织的标识。

    According to the regulations of International Credit Card Organization , every member bank must design the logo of the organization on the face of the credit card .

  11. 结果是,会员银行在中央银行的存款数额增加,使会员银行可以将信贷扩大十倍之多。

    The result is an increase in the member bank deposits with the central bank , which allows the former to extend some ten times as much credit .

  12. 一级交易商信贷工具中,最本质的东西是,他们将会员银行的贴现窗口,向一级交易商打开了。

    What 's essential about the Primary Dealer Credit Facility is that they 're opening up the discount window of lending beyond the member bank to primary dealers .

  13. 会员银行,就像英格兰银行的会员银行一样,当它们陷入困境时,它们可以向中央银行借入货币。

    The member banks just as with the Bank of England when they 're in trouble they are supposed to be able to borrow money from the central bank .

  14. 这是一个非常分散的系统,但是它还是能起到很好的作用因为会员银行,在联邦储备银行里付保证金,并且它们被要求付这些保证金。

    That 's a very dispersed system but it still works because member banks keep deposits at the Federal Reserve Banks and they 're required to keep these deposits .

  15. 而中央银行用支票支付证券,很快支票又会作为存款进入中央银行,并记入同一家会员银行的账户。

    For them , the bank gives a check which soon finds its way back to the central institution as a deposit , credited to the account of some member bank .

  16. 过去常常是美联储,可以对会员银行以贴现率的形式发放贷款,如果这家银行可以证明自己处于困境之中。

    It used to be that the Fed would grant loans to member banks in the form of discount rate lending if the bank could certify that it was in trouble .

  17. 美联储声明的它会做的事是,举行一场对,会员银行发放几十亿美元贷款的拍卖会,条件是这些银行必须,给联邦储备银行提供抵押品。

    What the Fed said it would do is announce an auction of so many billion dollars of loans to member banks and the banks have to supply collateral to the Federal Reserve .

  18. 如会员银行在提供电汇证实书后,资金实际到达我境外账户的日期迟于应到帐起息日,则参照同业赔付规则向其计收倒起息。

    If after a member bank provides cable confirmation , capital arrives at our account abroad later than the due dated day , the bank shall be charged back valuation according to inter-banking compensation rules .

  19. 目前,MTS的会员资格仅限于银行。

    At present , membership of MTS is limited to banks .

  20. 外债报告书:会员国致世界银行概述该国外债情况的信。

    Debt representation letter : A letter from a member to the Bank outlining the country 's external debt .

  21. 非银行金融机构符合以下条件的,可以向交易中心申请会员资格,进入银行间即期外汇市场交易。

    Non-banking financial institutions meeting the following criteria can apply for membership at the Center and , if approved , deal with proprietary transactions in the foreign exchange spot market .

  22. 上海银行公会是上海银行家自发组织的银行同业组织,以维护银行业利益,推动银行业发展为基本宗旨,会员来自上海华商银行。

    The Shanghai Bankers ' Association ( S.B.A ) was the banking same line organization hold by the Shanghai Chinese bankers . The basic purpose of the assassination was to safeguard the banking interest and to push forward the development of the banking .

  23. 海信广场会员卡的会员到交通银行网点办理业务时可享受该网点贵宾休息室提供的服务设施。

    When members of member cards of Hisense Plaza go to working spot of Communication Bank to transact business , they can enjoy service facilities provided in honored guests lobby of this spot .