
  • 网络accounting computer;accounting machine;clerical machine
  1. 会计计算机用户技术交换

    Accountant computer user technical exchange

  2. 介绍了工业会计计算机模拟教学系统与学习系统的设计原理和方法,对系统的组成、系统功能的实现方法作了详细的描述。

    This paper introduces a design principle and method of educational system for industrial accountant modeling with computer . The implementation and the functions of the system are described in detail .

  3. 他们已经决定将会计部门计算机化。

    They have decided to computerise the accounts department .

  4. 施工合同的会计核算计算机管理系统下图书流通工作出现的问题与解决措施

    Accounting for construction contracts Problems and Solutions to Books Circulation Based on Computer Management System

  5. 以手工会计和计算机会计的比较为背景,针对信息系统的有效输入、处理和输出来阐述会计系统应用控制。

    Through compare with hand accounting and computer accounting , it is head against efficiency input , disposal and output to discuss application control of accounting system .

  6. 将全面预算管理应用与基于J2EE的网络平台中带来四个方面的益处:一是实现了企业经济业务、预算、会计控制与计算机的有机融合;

    Putting the total budget management into network based on J2EE brings four advantages : One , realized integration of the enterprise economic work , the budget , accountant controlling and the computer technology ;

  7. 多数组织完成他们的会计工作由计算机。

    Most organizations do their accounting work by computer .

  8. 会计制度和计算机系统已实现了标准化,公司的新品牌计划也已制订完成。

    The accounting and computer systems had been standardised and plans for rebranding the company put in place .

  9. 目前,会计电算计算机普遍应用于矿山企业会计实务,使矿山企业处理会计业务水平有了很大提高。

    Nowadays the universal application of accounting electronic computer in the accounting business of the mine enterprises has promoted the greater progress of its business .

  10. 在互联网经济环境下,会计系统以计算机、互联网技术等新型的信息处理工具置换了传统的纸张、笔墨和算盘。

    Under the economic enironment of Internet , as the new tools of information disposition , computer and technology of Internet replaced paper , pen , ink and abacus .

  11. 浅议会计基础理论在计算机应用中的变革

    Brief discussion on development of accounting basic theory in computer application

  12. 会计网络化的计算机舞弊与审查

    The Computer Practices Fraud and Examination in Accounting Network

  13. 本文第三章讨论了针对会计信息系统的计算机辅助审计技术,并对这几种技术进行了对比分析,提出了对会计信息系统进行审计重点应关注哪几个方面。

    In the third chapter , we introduced computer assisted audit technologies of the accounting information system , and analyze these technologies , proposed what we should pay more attention to .

  14. 从针对传统经济业务的计算机辅助审计技术和对会计信息系统的计算机辅助审计技术两个方面介绍了当前被审计实务界广泛认可的计算机辅助审计技术。

    From two aspects the tradition economic activities and the accounting information system computer , we introduce computer assisted audit technologies . In the first chapter , we proposed the concept of computer assisted audit technologies .

  15. 对会计实时控制的研究已成为当前会计界和计算机领域一个比较热门的课题。

    The research of real-time control for accounting has become a popular topic in accountancy and computer field .

  16. 会计电算化一般是在基础会计、企业财务会计、计算机基础等课程之后开课。

    Accounting computerization is generally in basic accounting , finance , basic computer course after only .

  17. 作为会计电算化本科教育,显然不能仅仅停留在会计核算方法的计算机实现这一会计电算化初级阶段。

    As an undergraduate course , it is not enough only to realize the function of accounting with the application of computer , which being the primary stage of the computer-based accounting .