
fù xīng
  • revive;resurge;rejuvenate;resuscitate;restore;reconstruct;resurrection;renascence;rebirth;revivalism;rebound
复兴 [fù xīng]
  • [revive;rejuvenate;restore;resurge;reconstruct] 重新兴盛;使重新兴盛

  • 文化复兴

复兴[fù xīng]
  1. 在中国加入WTO,面临世界市场的激烈竞争的关键时刻,教育将成为我们能否复兴中华民族的制胜法宝。

    At a key time when China is faced with fierce competition from the world market after entering the WTO , education becomes a magic weapon to revive the Chinese nation .

  2. 传统观点认为,最近沃尔沃(Volvo)为复兴这个汽车品牌所付出的努力成功的几率很小。

    Conventional wisdom suggests that the latest attempt to revive Volvo as an automotive brand faces very long odds .

  3. 科学在文艺复兴时期发生了新的转变。

    Science took a new and different turn in the Renaissance .

  4. 他精力旺盛,坚毅顽强,已经成为英格兰文艺复兴的一个象征。

    His bristling determination has become a symbol of England 's renaissance .

  5. 罗马尼亚经济的复兴将是一项长期而艰巨的工作。

    Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul .

  6. 大会的主题是文艺复兴时期的欧洲。

    The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe

  7. 文艺复兴时期的文学巨擘:斯宾塞、莎士比亚、多恩与弥尔顿

    the titans of Renaissance literature : Spenser , Shakespeare , Donne and Milton .

  8. 出现了鼓舞人心的艺术复兴的迹象。

    There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival

  9. 一些文艺复兴时期的建筑美得令人惊叹。

    Some of the Renaissance buildings are gorgeous .

  10. 通俗艺术正在复兴。

    Popular art is experiencing a renaissance

  11. 他许诺在100天内让国家走上经济复兴之路。

    He promised that within 100 days he would put the country on the path to economic recovery .

  12. 出生在巴巴多斯的弗兰克·科利摩尔是20世纪四五十年代西印度群岛文学复兴运动的核心人物。

    Barbadian-born Frank Collymore was at the heart of the West Indian literary renaissance in the ' 40s and ' 50s .

  13. 有关亨利·普赛尔生平的可靠资料可能比任何其他文艺复兴以来的伟大作曲家都要少。

    There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance .

  14. 文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。

    The Renaissance was an epoch of unparalleled cultural achievement .

  15. 他是一位意大利文艺复兴以前的艺术家。

    He was an Italian primitive .

  16. 在19世纪50年代,人们认为列奥纳多·达·芬奇无法与提香和拉斐尔等文艺复兴时期的艺术巨擘相比,他们的作品价值几乎是《蒙娜丽莎》的十倍。

    In the 1850s , Leonardo da Vinci was considered no match for giants of Renaissance art like Titian and Raphael , whose works were worth almost ten times as much as the " Mona Lisa " .

  17. 2011年,试图复兴IE的微软终于推出了一款现代浏览器IE9。

    The company tried to revitalize IE : With Internet Explorer 9 in 2011 , Microsoft finally released a modern browser .

  18. 建设教育强国是中华民族伟大复兴的基础工程,必须把教育事业放在优先位置,加快教育现代化,办好人民满意的教育。

    Strengthening education is fundamental to our pursuit of national rejuvenation cause .

  19. 艺术的历史就是复兴的历史

    The history of art is the history of revivals .

  20. 他们的目的是复兴英国的工业。

    Their aim is to regenerate British industry .

  21. 这是复兴号高寒动车组首次在中国最东端高寒高铁线路试跑。

    It was the first time a Fuxing bullet train has run on China 's easternmost high-speed line , which is located in an extremely cold region .

  22. 保护黄河是事关中华民族伟大复兴和永续发展的千秋大计,是重大国家战略。

    The protection of the Yellow River is critical to the great rejuvenation and sustainable development of the Chinese nation . It is a major national strategy .

  23. 据介绍,CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组系在复兴号动车组“金凤凰”的基础上进行了高寒适应性技术提升。CR400BF-G型复兴号高寒动车组具有耐高寒、抗风雪等特点,能够在-40℃的天气下运行。

    The CR400BF-G Fuxing bullet trains are designed to withstand the climate in extremely cold areas that may be hit by blizzards , which can keep out the snow and cold air .

  24. 今天,我们比历史上任何时期都更接近、更有信心和能力实现中华民族伟大复兴的目标,同时必须准备付出更为艰巨、更为艰苦的努力。

    We are closer , more confident , and more capable than ever before of making the goal of national rejuvenation a reality . But we must be prepared to work harder than ever to get there .

  25. 例如,白金汉宫蜡烛以其“清香的茉莉花香”而闻名,据说其设计“灵感来自法国文艺复兴时期花园呈几何分布的种植”,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元)。

    For instance , the Buckingham Palace Candle , noted of delicate jasmine ’ and whose design is said to be ‘ inspired by the geometric planting of gardens of the French renaissance ’ , costs £ 115 .

  26. 各级党委和政府要高度重视研究生教育,加快培养国家急需的高层次人才,为坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出贡献。

    Party committees and governments at all levels should focus on improving graduate education to cultivate more high-level talent urgently needed by the country , so as to contribute to upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics , and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation7 .

  27. 笔者认为,作为历史分期的概念,现代早期(earlymodern)比文艺复兴更适宜。

    In my view , as a conception of periodization , Early Modern is much better than the Renaissance .

  28. 此外,林林总总哥特式和殖民复兴风格(ColonialRevival)的建筑都带有一种颇为讨喜的怪诞感,令人啧啧称奇。

    Many other Gothic and Colonial Revival structures have delightful quirks and surprises .

  29. 第二章《复兴:如火如荼的庙会仪式》根据访谈资料,叙述了Z村传统和现代庙会仪式的整个程序和来龙去脉。

    Chapter II , " Renaissance : the temple ceremony in full swing ," according to interviews , described the traditional and modern Z temple ceremony in the village .

  30. 卡斯蒂廖尼曾带领杜卡迪(Ducati)等其他摩托车品牌实现复兴。这一次,他希望借着“第三次的幸运”(西方人认为第三次尝试成功的可能性比前两次更大——译者注)振兴奥古斯塔。再来看振兴奥古斯塔面临的挑战。

    Mr Castiglioni had revived other motorcycle brands such as Ducati , and he hoped it would be third time lucky with MV Agusta .