
fù hé ɡōnɡ
  • composite bow
  1. 穆斯林弓箭手对东方式复合弓使用娴熟。

    They are skilled wielders of the eastern style composite bow .

  2. 马扎尔骑兵是天生的弓骑兵,装备复合弓和轻型链甲。

    These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour .

  3. 用的应该是复合弓

    It 's a compound bow , most likely .

  4. 保加利亚盗团成员装备复合弓、长剑、镶甲和盾牌。

    Brigands armed with a composite bow , sword , padded armour and shield .

  5. 拜占庭弓骑兵身穿镶甲或链甲,装备复合弓和长剑。

    They wear padded or mail armour and are equipped with a composite bow and sword .

  6. 穆斯林弓箭兵来自西西里的穆斯林社区,应徵入伍保卫城市,装备复合弓和轻甲。

    Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city , equipped with bows and light armour .

  7. 西里西亚弓箭兵来自当地基督信徒,装备复合弓和战斧。

    Fierce armoured bowmen from Outremer 's most numerous native Christians , armed with composite bow and an axe .

  8. 蒙古步兵身穿轻甲,装备长剑和强劲复合弓,颇为骁勇善战。

    Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows , these warriors are still formidable without their horses .

  9. 特拉比松弓箭兵来自黑海沿岸,训练有素,装备镶甲和复合弓。

    Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea , these well trained archers wear padded armour and use a composite bow .

  10. 塞西亚弓骑兵是拜占庭军中服役的亚洲游牧弓骑兵,他们身穿轻甲,装备复合弓和短剑。

    Asiatic Nomads , who serve the Byzantine Empire as horse archers , wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow .

  11. 他们精通复合弓技艺,令任何拜占庭敌人都印象深刻。

    Skilled in the use of the composite bow , these troops issue a challenge to all Byzantium 's enemies at range .

  12. 匈牙利贵族骑兵装备轻型链甲和复合弓,无论远程攻击或近身格斗都同样出色。

    Well equipped with light armour and composite bows , these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat .

  13. 假设你以每秒85米的速度射出一支箭,这个速度差不多是棒球大联盟飞得最快的快球速度的2倍,和高端复合弓射出的每秒100米的箭相比还差一点。

    Say you fire the arrow at 85 meters per second . That 's about twice the speed of a major-league fastball , and a little below the 100 m / s speed of arrows from high-end compound bows .

  14. 目的研究复合矫治弓丝矫治个别牙齿错位时矫治力的作用变化规律。

    Objective To investigate the role of orthodontic force of the composite archwire on an individual malocclusion tooth .

  15. 瓦达瑞泰弓骑兵军纪森严,训练有素,身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,使用强力复合短弓。

    Disciplined and highly trained , the Vardariotai wear light armour and fire a composite bow from horseback .

  16. 复合转矩弓丝在内收前牙时牙周组织应力分布三维有限元分析

    3D dimensional definite analysis of stress distribution in periodontal tissue using compound retraction arch in retraction of anterior teeth

  17. 复合矫治弓丝作用下牙颌组织的生物力学研究混合式直丝弓矫治器矫治前牙反牙合的初步应用

    The Biomechanical Research of Dental Tissue with Composite Archwire ( CoAW ); Preliminary Application of Compound Straight Wire Appliance for Correcting Anterior Cross-bite

  18. 哥萨克骑兵装备长剑和复合短弓,尽管盔甲简陋,但极为骁勇善战。

    Fierce and hardy , although lacking in armour , Cossacks are equipped with a sword and composite bow which they use from horseback .

  19. 新型铜-碳复合受电弓滑板的制备

    Research on New Copper-Carbon Composite Pantograph Slide Plate

  20. 利用碳纤维布和铜粉、钛粉、石墨粉等为原料,采用热压成型、烧结等工艺制备三维网状铜一碳复合受电弓滑板。

    The three-dimensional network copper-carbon composite pantograph was obtained by hot pressing and sintering with carbon fiber , copper powder and titanium powder , and graphite powder as raw materials .

  21. 与浸金属碳滑板相比,碳纤维复合材料受电弓滑板的密度更小,电阻率更低,冲击强度和弯曲强度更高。

    Compared with metal-impregnated carbon slide slates , the composited slide slates is lighter and more conductive and has higher impact strength and flexural strength .