
fù hán
  • letter in reply;write a letter in reply
  1. 2003年3月27日,财政部发至原国家经贸委企业司关于《国有企业改革有关问题的复函》(财企便函【2003】9号)。

    On March 27,2003 , the Ministry of Finance sent the former Department of Enterprise of the State Economic and Trade Commissions 《 A letter in reply to relevant issues about SOE reform 》(【 2003 】 9 ) .

  2. 信收到后请复函告知。

    Please acknowledge receipt of this letter .

  3. 所有的申请都将得到复函告知收悉。

    All applications will be acknowledged .

  4. 我未收到任何复函或答复。

    I have received neither an acknowledgment nor a reply .

  5. 请尽早复函。

    Please kindly favour us with an early reply .

  6. 我们收到一封婉言谢绝我们邀请的复函。

    We received a delicately worded refusal of our invitation .

  7. 复函中推广的广义积分科希主值的计算定理

    Spread Calculation Theorem of Improper Integral Cauchy Principal Value in Complex Functions

  8. 原子轨道的复函和实函表示

    The complex and real expression for the atomic orbital

  9. 佛朗哥复函,表示他始终不渝的忠诚。

    Franco replied , expressing his undying loyalty .

  10. 他回国时在西伯利亚火车上写了一封空洞的复函。

    On his return journey in the train across Siberia he wrote a barren reply .

  11. 信收到后请复函告知。

    Please acknowledge receipt of this lettr .

  12. 由泛复函生成多项式型空间调和函数和球函数

    The Invention of Ball Construction Space Harmonic Functions in Polynomial Form and Spherical Functions by Complex-Functional

  13. 对单个裂纹,给出了封闭形式的复函数解和场强度因子。

    Solutions in closed-form of the complex potentials and the field intensity factors are given for a single crack .

  14. 日本驻美大使及其同僚居然还向美国国务卿递交正式复函,回答美国最近致日本的一封函件。

    the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleagues delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message .

  15. 申请人收到通知后,应于24小时内书面复函确认,并于复函之日起3日内按规定到指定地点购买招标文件。

    Applicants who receive the prequalification notice are required a written confirm in24 hours after been notified and purchase the bidding documents in3 days after confirmation .

  16. 这份复函虽然声言目前的外交谈判已无继续之必要,但却未有威胁的言词,也没有暗示将发动战争或采取军事行动。

    While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations , it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack .

  17. 本文从氢的复函原子轨道出发,构造了氢分子的两类零级波函数集。

    In this paper , two type of wave function of zeroth degree for hydrogen molecule are constructed , starting from atomic orbitals of hydrogen in complex form .

  18. 虽然复函声言继续现行外交谈判似已无用。它并未包含有关战争或武装进攻的威胁或暗示。

    And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations , it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack .

  19. 实践中,其付诸实施的依据&国务院法制办复函的内容和程序存在着诸多疑问,且试点并没有取得实质效果,反而给行政管理带来了许多负面影响。

    In practice , the foundation of the experiment is the reply of Legislative Bureau of Chinese State Department which has many doubts in content and procedure , furthermore the experiment did not get any essential effect , but brought many negative influence .

  20. 对于此事,贵方似乎在趁机利用我公司的宽容态度,本函系最后通告,复函时请汇足够金额,以结此帐,否则只好采取其它途径,特此函告。

    As you seem to take advantage of our leniency in this matter , we now give you the final notice that , unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post , we shall adopt other measures for its recovery .