
  • 网络Compound seasoning;bouillon cube
  1. 花色酱、复合调味料的现状及发展趋势

    Current Situation and Development of Different Kinds of Seasonings and Complex Seasonings

  2. 鸡精是目前市场上倍受欢迎的一种复合调味料。

    Chicken bouillon is a popular compound condiment in the present market .

  3. 复合调味料中食品增稠剂&变性淀粉的使用

    Application of Modified Starch - Food Thickener in Combined Condiments

  4. 净化烹饪油污微生物菌种的选育川菜烹饪复合调味料的研制

    Development of the cooking compound condiment for Sichuan cuisine

  5. 姜蒜复合调味料的研究

    Study on the compound condiment with ginger and garlic

  6. 论川味半固态复合调味料风味成分的来源和形成

    The flavor source and its formation of half solid-state compound seasoning in Sichuan Cuisine

  7. 优质粉状复合调味料的生产工艺

    Production technology of high quality compounded seasoning

  8. 行业标准为何难进复合调味料之门

    Open the Door of Compound Seasoning

  9. 水解液经脱腥等处理后可用于复合调味料和营养口服液的生产。

    The hydrolysate could be used in the production of compound condiments and nutritious oral liquids .

  10. 液体复合调味料的调配技术

    Preparing skill of liquid complex condiment

  11. 该文论述了花色调味酱、复合调味料的生产现状及其产品的品种和特点。

    The current situation , varieties , characteristics of different seasonings and complex seasonings are discussed .

  12. 功能性复合调味料的开发

    Development of the functional compound flavoring

  13. 复合调味料的研究进展

    Development of compound condiment

  14. 调味料行业主要有以下几个领域:鸡精、酱油和复合调味料。

    The condiment industry mainly includes the following fields : chicken essence , soy sauce and complex condiment .

  15. 姜泥40%、蒜泥40%和辅料调味液(清香型)10%的清香复合调味料。

    The ingredient of delicate fragrant style compound condiment is : mashed ginger 40 % , mashed garlic 40 % , delicate fragrant supplementary liquid condiment 10 % .

  16. 复合调味料的市场潜力极大,不仅与经济发展水平及社会生活节奏有关,而且与饮食消费习惯及烹调方式也有很大关系。

    Compound flavoring has a prosper market potential , which relates not only to economy level and life style , but also to dietetic custom and cook manner .

  17. 本文主要介绍了新一代调味品&复合调味料的生产。影响复合调味料色、香、味的主要原料,并简单介绍了生产工艺。

    The production technology of a new generation of seasoning flavouring , as well as the main ingredients that affected its colour , fragrance and taste were outlined .

  18. 根据市场的需要,花色调味酱、复合调味料应向风味复合系列化、营养保健化、包装精美化、技术高新化的方向发展。

    According to the market need , the different seasonings and complex seasonings should be produced in high-technology and serialized in their flavor with nutrition and health protection , and exquisite package .

  19. 根据最终产品的要求,确定了4种产品的配方,分别是:姜泥42%、蒜泥40%和辅料调味液(辛辣型)8%的辛辣复合调味料;

    According to the final products ' standards , different kinds of ingredients are set . The ingredient of pungent style compound condiment is : mashed ginger 42 % , mashed garlic 40 % , pungent supplementary liquid condiment 8 % ;

  20. 论述了复合调味料的现状、特点、市场情况、加工方法、分类、存在的主要问题及今后的发展趋势。

    This article tells the main features , the processing methods and the classification of compound condiments . What 's more , its market share and its developing tendency as well as its present situation and its present problems are discussed .

  21. 复合型调味料的形成和发展

    The formation and development of compound flavoring materials

  22. 当今调味品市场上复合型调味料的优势越来越显著。

    Nowadays the advantages of compound flavoring materials in the flavoring market are more and more obvious .

  23. 对北五味子的保健功能、提取工艺研究及其在单一型和复合型调味料中开发利用进行了论述。

    This text discusses the sanitary function and technology of extractive of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis , and the exploitation of extractive in the unity type and combination type sapid substance .