
gài fàn
  • rice served with meat and vegetables on top
盖饭 [gài fàn]
  • [rice served with meat and vegetables on top] 在米饭上加菜做成的一种按份儿出售的饭。又名盖浇饭

盖饭[gài fàn]
  1. 日本的地址经常会把人搞糊涂,所以如果你想找一家“天丼”(tendon)做得最好的餐厅——就是大碗的天妇罗盖饭——就看哪家门口排的队最长就行了。

    Japanese addresses often confuse more than clarify . So when trying to locate a top restaurant specializing in tendon - an oversized bowl of rice topped with tempura - just look for the lines waiting outside .

  2. 那个牛肉盖饭很合口味。

    That cutlet-and-rice dish really hit the spot .

  3. 在学校食堂吃盖饭吃到一半,掏出根烟点上。

    Bowl of eating in the school cafeteria to eat half , took out his cigarette point .