
gài zhāng
  • stamp;affix one's seal;put one's seal on
盖章 [gài zhāng]
  • (1) [stamp]∶用图案或刻字作印记以示确证或检验、批准

  • (2) [put one's seal on]∶打上印章

  • 盖章有效

盖章[gài zhāng]
  1. 他说:那不行,那还要让总公司重新批,重新盖章。

    He says : That is no good , that makes head office new approve even , new affix one 's seal .

  2. 投保单通常由保险公司提供,由投保人填写并签字或盖章后生效,保险公司根据投保人填写的投保单内容出具保险单正本。

    Insurance application is offerred by insurance company normally , fill in by policy-holder and sign or effect of have a youthful look of affix one 's seal , the insurance application content that insurance company fills in according to policy-holder issue insurance policy original .

  3. 给护照盖章,请在这里等候。

    Wait here to have your passport stamped .

  4. 他在文件上盖章。

    He annexed his seal to the document .

  5. 例句:由市政厅签署的合同,若其中涉及的金额和数量超过50倍,则须盖章并履行其他手续。

    A contract made by an urban council , whereof the value and amount exceed X50 , must be under seal , and certain other formalities must be observed .

  6. 第七十七条送达诉讼文书必须有送达回证,由受送达人在送达回证上记明收到日期,签名或者盖章。

    Article 77 A receipt shall be required for every litigation document that is served and it shall bear the date of receipt noted by the signature or seal of the person on whom the document was served .

  7. 通过签章服务器向具有合法权限的用户提供基于WEB的签名盖章服务,实现文档的电子签章,为信息系统提供安全保障。

    By offering web-based signature and stamp service to legal users through signature servers to complete the electric signature of documents and provide security guarantee to information system .

  8. n.密封;印章vt.密封;盖章这份文件已盖有必需的单位印章。

    seal The paper had been stamped with the required official seal .

  9. 以上材料一式二份盖公章,用A4纸打印复印,用黑色水笔签字,盖章需清晰完整。

    Above all information with A4 paper print copy , with a black pen , signed and sealed is clear and complete .

  10. 没有获得美国农业部的检验章,鸡肉不能用作商业目的。Williams说在风险评估出来前,将推迟盖章。

    Meat from the birds can 't go into commercial use without the USDA 's inspection seal , which is being withheld until the risk assessment is completed , Williams said .

  11. 据《TheBlast》杂志报道,美国专利商标局告诉这位金发美女,她必须尽快证明自己就是比伯夫人,不然他们不能在她的文件上盖章。

    But the US Patent & Trademark office has told the blonde beauty that she very soon must prove she is indeed Mrs Bieber before they will put their stamp of approval on her paperwork , according to The Blast .

  12. 系统基于MSWord办公平台,利用COM组件技术对Word应用程序进行二次开发,对Word文档自动盖章打印,实现Word文档和盖章插件的无缝整合。

    The paper is based on MS Word Office platform , using COM component technology , developed a applications on the secondary development of Word to make Word documents can automatically stamped to print . The seamless integration between Word and Seal system is realized .

  13. 申请书应由申请人签名盖章,并书名地址。

    Application form should be signed and chopped by the applicant .

  14. 我能请您在这个计划上认可盖章吗?

    Could I get your stamp of approval on this project ?

  15. 你应该在带有国王印记的文件上盖章。

    You must seal the document with the king 's insignia .

  16. 一查核施工计划书,并于认可后签名或盖章。

    Review construction plans , and sign or seal after approval .

  17. 申请人或者专利代理机构的签字或者盖章;

    The signature or seal of the applicant or the patent agency ;

  18. 律师答疑:只盖章而没签字的合同是否有效?

    Lawyers answer : not only stamped signature of the contract effective ?

  19. 备忘录一般不用签名,也无须盖章。

    A memorandum does not need a signature and cachet .

  20. 也让我练习一下盖章的技巧

    Also , lets me work on my stamping skills .

  21. 条约已经由两国政府签字盖章。

    The treaty was signed and sealed by both governments .

  22. 他给文件盖章,动作迟缓而又呆板。

    He stamped the papers with slow , mechanical movements .

  23. 这契约是由所有权人签名盖章的。

    The deed is executed under the hand and seal of the owner .

  24. 没有公司盖章可以报考外销员?

    Can you enter oneself for an examination without firm stamp export member ?

  25. 须经航空公司盖章,该机票才能生效。

    The ticket has to be stamped by the airline to validate it .

  26. 投标文件没有按要求签字、盖章;

    Tender documents without the required signature or seal ;

  27. 接著拿回来给我,我再盖章。

    Next , bring it to me , and I 'll stamp it .

  28. 她负责为制药界及中间公司盖章。

    She was responsible for the pharmaceutical sector and covered middle cap firms .

  29. 把您的登机牌给我好吗?我们要盖章。

    Can I have your boarding pass ? We need to stamp it .

  30. 出资证明书应当由公司法定代表人签名并由公司盖章。

    The certificate shall bear the legal representative 's signature and the company seal .