
huò kuǎn
  • payment for goods;money for buying or selling goods
货款 [huò kuǎn]
  • [payment for goods;money for buying or selling goods] 买方向卖方支付的钱款

货款[huò kuǎn]
  1. 大力削减商业客户,整和商业资源,逐步实行一级经销、二级分销的经销模式,降低货款风险,减少管理费用。

    Cut down the commerce customer , round number and commerce resource energetically , step by step , carry out the pattern being sold , lessening money for buying or selling goods risk being sold one step , distributing two steps , cut down administration cost .

  2. 麦格理(Macquarie)中国经济学家许保罗(PaulCavey)说,数量庞大且越来越多的小企业正在被迫接受应收账款(receivable,借据的一种)以替代货款。

    Paul Cavey , China economist at Macquarie , says a large and increasing number of small businesses are being forced to accept receivables , a kind of IOU , in lieu of payment for goods .

  3. 他立即以现金付清了200英镑的货款。

    His £ 200 invoice was settled immediately in cash .

  4. 全部货款用贷款支付。

    All purchases shall be financed with the proceeds of loan .

  5. 这是支付一半货款的收据。

    Here 's the receipt for half payment on goods .

  6. 此项货款业已交割。

    The money for this consignment has already been paid .

  7. 既然你退了货,我就把货款给你记到贷方账上。

    Since you returned the goods , I 'll credit you with the price .

  8. 你可以在几个月以后再支付货款,而不需缴纳任何额外的费用。

    In this way , you can pay for purchases several months later without any extra charge .

  9. 请将货款支票准备好,支票抬头写ABC公司。

    Please get the check ready and make it payable to ABC corporation .

  10. 它是长期公共债务、公共担保债务和私人非担保长期债务、IMF货款和短期外债的总和。

    Total external debt is the sum of public , publicly guaranteed , and private no guaranteed long-term debt , use of IMF credit , and short-term debt .

  11. 领导人们上周参加一年一度的杰克逊霍尔经济研讨会(jacksonholesymposium)时,应该考虑一下美联储(fed)作为最后货款人的未来。

    As leaders gathered last week for the annual Jackson Hole Symposium on the economy , they should consider the future of the Federal Reserve as lender of last resort .

  12. 这样,HVT公司不仅交付了货物,而且对货物失去了控制,但却没有得到货款。

    HVT delivered and lost control of the goods but did not get paid .

  13. 经销商知晓,除非BAKER家具的信用部经理事先同意采取其它方式,所有付款都须采取预付货款或可接受的信用证。

    DEALER understands that all payment terms are Cash in Advance or Acceptable Letter of Credit unless alternative arrangements are agreed upon in advance by BAKER 's Credit Manager .

  14. 这家唐山钢铁厂就是一个夫妻店,他们来到工厂时开着一辆全新的黑色宝马(BMW),而这部车也是一家生产切肉机的家族企业送给他们用于抵偿钢材货款的。

    The Tangshan plant is run by a husband-and-wife team who arrived in a new , black BMW : it was paid for by another family business that makes machines to slice meat .

  15. Starbucks最近开始使用一款应用程序来让客户支付货款,该应用程序访问客户帐户并生成一个屏幕条形码,收银员扫描该条形码完成付款。

    Starbucks recently began allowing customers to pay for purchases with an application that accesses the customer 's account and generates an on-screen bar code that the cashier scans to complete the payment .

  16. 如果在一年之内没有交给Autoliv,供应商没有收货款的权利。

    If not submitted within one year after delivery Supplier is not entitled to collect the payment .

  17. 在客户和服务器之间的交易,加密套接字协议层(SSL)用来提供用信用卡支付货款的交易的安全。

    With regard to the interaction between the client and the server , secure socket layers ( SSL ) was used to offer the security due to the transactions involved such as payment of goods by use of credit cards .

  18. 问题出在一个看似普通的决定:贝宝最近向卖家发出了通知,告知他们,通过贝宝收到的所有买家在eBay上购买物品的货款,从现在起将最长延迟21天拨至其账户。

    At issue is a mundane-sounding decision to send out notices to sellers informing them that all payments they receive through paypal for items sold on eBay will now be put on hold for up to 21 days .

  19. 谨希望三日之内收到贵方货款。

    We expect to receive payment within the next three days .

  20. 这是支付货款的一种比较方便的手段。

    It is a more convenient way to pay for purchases .

  21. 卖掉旧物作为购买新物的全部或部分货款。

    Turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase .

  22. 第七章货款保收:现金沙漠中的绿洲?

    Chapter 7 Factoring - - Oasis in a Cash Desert ?

  23. 我们接受以现金和信用卡来支付货款。

    We accept cash and credit cards as payment for merchandise .

  24. 抵押货款利率在去年春天下降之前曾高达10%。

    Mortgage rates topped out at10 % before falling last spring .

  25. 你的售货款不能抵偿你的成本。

    Your sales fail to cover the cost you have incurred .

  26. 她手上没那么多现金付货款。

    She doesn 't have enough front money to handle it .

  27. 这种方法比信汇快,卖方可以提早收到货款。

    The seller can receive the money at an early date .

  28. 购买方在货物销售后支付货款给银行!

    The buyer then sells the goods and repays the bank .

  29. 对这一特殊订单我们要求首付20%的货款。

    We require a20 % initial payment for this special order .

  30. 因存货有限,我们要求预付货款。

    As the stock is limited , we require payment in advanced .