
  1. 他们的群畜,货财,和一切的牲口岂不都归我们吗。

    Shall not their cattle and their substance and every beast of theirs be ours ?

  2. 使爱我的承受货财,并充满他们的府库。

    That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance ; and I will fill their treasures .

  3. 他们又带着迦南地所得的牲畜、货财来到埃及。雅各和他的一切子孙都一同来了。

    They also took with them their livestock and the possessions they had acquired in Canaan , and Jacob and all his offspring went to Egypt .

  4. 摩西对以色列人说:“你要记念耶和华&你的神,因为得货财的力量是他给你的。”

    Moses told the Israelites ," Remember the Lord your God , for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth . " 6

  5. 韩非子有关人口与货财的关系、人口与社会生活资料等观点对后世学者也有影响与启发。

    His viewpoints on the relationship between population and goods , and between population and social life material are also influential and inspiring to the later generation scholars .

  6. 又把他们一切货财,孩子,妇女,并各房中所有的,都掳掠去了。

    And all their wealth , and all their little ones , and their wives took they captive , and spoiled even all that was in the house .