
  • 网络Currency risk;currency exposure
  1. 这意味着,在苏格兰变更身份前不会存在货币风险。

    This means there is no currency risk ahead of a change .

  2. 关于货币风险套期保值方法的描述与比较

    An Analysis about Two Methods of Currency Risk Hedging

  3. 要制定任何新的架构,就必须赢得选民和投资者的信心,同时还应承认,强迫欧洲央行(ECB)充当欧洲主权国家的最后贷款人,会带来切实的货币风险。

    Any new structure must win the confidence of voters and investors alike . It should also acknowledge the real monetary risks of the European Central Bank being coerced into acting as a sovereign lender of last resort for the entire region .

  4. 有些风险防范技术只能消除时间风险,有的只能消除货币风险,有些则二者均可消除。

    Some methods can avoid time risk or currency exposures .

  5. 同时,它还必然聚集财政与货币风险。

    At the same time , it also gathered financial and currency risk .

  6. 创造货币风险很大,它会引发通胀、扭曲金融市场。

    Money creation is risky ; it can create inflation and distort financial markets .

  7. 资本外逃的一般动机是出于预防货币风险,我国的资本外逃虽然也存在这样的动机。

    Generally , the motivation to remove capital abroad is to protect against currency risk .

  8. 基于储值卡的货币风险及其监管

    Currency risk and supervision of stored-card

  9. 货币风险不再存在了。

    It eliminates currency risk .

  10. 实际上是美国版的电子货币风险管理和监管模式。

    In fact , it was the U.S. mode of the electronic currency risk management and regulatory approach .

  11. 中国将加速努力发展市场来帮助公司提高投资,应付增加的货币风险。

    China , quickening efforts to develop markets to help firms raise funds or cope with increasing currency risks .

  12. 许多人在吃了苦头后才意识到,忽视利率及货币风险会使公司遭受重大损失。

    As many have found to their cost , ignoring interest rate , currency risks can hurt the company badly .

  13. 此外,国际复兴开发银行代表成员国开展了54亿美元的利率和货币风险管理交易。

    In addition , IBRD carried out $ 5.4 billion in interest rate and currency risk management transactions on behalf of its members .

  14. 货币风险由于外汇汇率的负面波动而对货币价值产生影响的风险。

    Currency RiskRisk that the value of a currency will by negatively affected in the event of an unfavorable movement in rates of exchange .

  15. 我们还可以通过国家选择利用这些变化的优势,而且依靠客户的指导方针,通过当地货币风险同样可利用这些变化的优势。

    We then take advantage of these through country selection and also , opportunistically and depending on client guidelines , through local currency exposures .

  16. 按照有关货币风险最小化的政策规定,银行可以使用一国的本币为银行在该国的业务提供融资。

    The Bank may provide financing in its operations in the currency of the country concerned , in accordance with policies that minimize currency risk .

  17. 不过,在柯达等公司进军该市场的同时,有关虚拟货币风险和潜在泡沫的警告也在增加。

    However , Kodak and others are entering the market as warnings grow over the riskiness of virtual currencies and the potential for a bubble .

  18. 苏格兰身份的改变可能导致三类市场风险:货币风险,政府信用风险,与金融机构有关的信用风险。

    A constitutional change would raise the possibility of three types of market risk : currency risk , government credit risk and the credit risk associated with financial institutions .

  19. 分析了利率市场化对银行的冲击,探讨了人民币升值预期和波动性增加使银行面临的货币风险。

    This paper analyzes on the impact of interest marketing on the banks , and probes into the currency risk faced by the banks because of the RMB appreciation and the increasing of fluctuation .

  20. 货币风险一词通常用于微观金融层面,本文将其借用于金融制度与宏观政策层面,特指某个经济体的货币可能遭受投机攻击,因而爆发货币危机之可能性。

    The term of currency risk is usually used in micro finance , while is borrowed into the institution and macro policy now . Now it means the probability of the currency crisis when an economy suffers speculative attacks .

  21. 因此,促使企业开始寻求规避类似的货币风险,但是大部分企业由于缺乏风险管理的经验,对于企业已经承担的货币风险无法通过自身的能力进行规避。

    That prompted the company began to seek to avoid a similar currency risk , but most companies lack experience in risk management for the enterprises have been unable to bear the currency risk through its own ability to circumvent .

  22. 文章从欧美跨国公司(非金融机构)的货币风险管理理论发展入手,详细分析了它们在管理包括交易风险、汇兑风险和运营风险在内的货币风险的实践。

    The paper begins with the development of the foreign currency risk management theory for multinationals ( non-financial institutions ) in the west , then analyses the practice in managing currency risk including transaction risk , translation risk and operational risk .

  23. 根据欧美跨国公司的实践经验,结合我国涉足海外经营企业的货币风险管理现状,为我国企业提出了一些货币风险管理策略。

    According to the reality of foreign currency risk management in the companies involved in foreign operations in China , learning from the experience of the western multinationals , the paper presents some management strategies for them in the third part .

  24. 但中国看到了离岸市场发展的好处,一方面会让中国自己的银行在管理货币风险方面得到一些实践,一方面会避免有关人民币可兑换性的尴尬问题,而中国其实在国内尚未解决这个问题。

    But China has seen advantage in watching offshore markets develop , partly to give their own banks some practice in managing currency risk , and partly to avoid addressing awkward questions about convertibility , which they have not yet resolved internally .

  25. 由前两部分构成了货币国际化风险的简单理论。

    These two parts constitute the simple theory of currency internationalization .

  26. 电子货币的风险防范及管理策略分析

    An Analysis on the Security and Risk Management for Electronic Money Activities

  27. 网络银行和电子货币的风险管理

    Risk Management on Internet - Banking and E - currency

  28. 涉外企业的货币经营风险管理

    Risk Management for Monetary Operation in Foreign-related Enterprises

  29. 这种模式的货币和风险错配可在一定程度上解释今年夏天的市场动荡。

    Such a pattern of currency and risk mismatches partly explains the volatility last summer .

  30. 只有加强电子货币的风险防范,才能促进电子货币的发展和应用,从而在数字经济时代发挥积极作用,为国民经济的高速、健康发展服务。

    Keeping away from electronic money risk can promote application and serve the healthy and high-speed development of national economy .