
  • 网络Single asset;single-unit
  1. 的确,绝对回报突显了灵巧beta和资产配置技能的元素,且具有多样化的额外优点,因为经理人不受单一资产类别或地区的束缚。

    Indeed , absolute return manifests elements of smart beta and skill in asset allocation , with the bonus of diversification because managers are not bound by a single asset class or region .

  2. 如今金融市场越来越关注组合的风险,投资者的需求已经不能满足于单一资产的风险度量,而精确的金融资产间相关结构度量直接决定着VaR的度量风险的准确性。

    Since the way of risk measuring of single assets can no longer meet the demand of investment , more attention has been focused on the risk of portfolio , and the accuracy of VaR measurement largely depends on that of correlation structure .

  3. 单一资产的信用风险分析已经发展出被广泛采用的结构模型和强度模型,而资产组合的信用风险分析则远未成熟。

    Default risk at the level of an individual security has been extensively modeled using both structural and reduced form models .

  4. 运用期权定价方法,从单一资产商业抵押贷款和多资产商业抵押贷款证券两个方面进行分析。

    With the option pricing method , the model can be divided into two parts : single property CMBS and multiclass CMBS .

  5. 塔伯特补充说,他的公司更注重单一资产收购,可能有4-7年历史的全盘收购基金小型投资组合(与尾端基金及/或僵尸基金有显著差别)。

    Talbot adds that his firm is focused more on single-asset purchases or small portfolios of buyout funds that are 4-7 years into their lives ( which is distinct from tail-end and / or zombie funds ) .

  6. 抵押品不仅可以是单一资产,也可能是资产组合,而且抵押的资产组合对抵押风险也会产生影响,所以研究抵押资产组合更具意义。

    The collateral may not only single assets , but also can be portfolio of assets . The portfolio can impact on the mortgage risk . Therefore it is more meaningful to research the portfolio of collaterals .

  7. 评估界也存在对资产评估方法的讨论,但讨论多仅限于单一资产评估时方法应用本身,没有将方法在各类资产评估时的应用对应起来进行比较、统一。

    There are also discussions on valuation methods , but they are just limited in the specific method used in a singular asset valuation instead of colligating and comparing the methods applied in different kinds of assets valuation .

  8. 她放弃自身教育的结果是,不仅她的投资仅集中于单一的资产,而且甚至可能会让她的主要目标更加难以实现。

    Not only is she concentrating her investments into a single asset by abandoning her education , but she may even be making her main goal harder to achieve .

  9. 但是存在抵押资产组合时的信用利差可能小于也可能大于单一抵押资产时的信用利差,这就需要我们选择恰当的资产组合,使得减小抵押风险的同时可以减小信用风险。

    But the credit spreads with collateral portfolio may larger or smaller than that with single collateral , so this need us select suitable portfolio to reduce the credit risk .

  10. 另外,RationalAssetManager与服务注册之间的集成将有助于在单一的服务资产位置进行开发、测试和产品服务注册之间的联合更新。

    In addition , Rational Asset Manager 's integration with service registries helps federate updates of development , test , and production service registry instances from a single service asset location .

  11. 在常规单一油气资产项目评价方法的基础上,以目标公司为一个整体,提出整体并购海外油公司项目的技术经济评价思路和方法。

    The principle , philosophy and methodology of technical and economic evaluation for overseas oil-company acquisition project were discussed .

  12. 国有企业股份制改造后,产权结构依然单一,国有资产流动性差,无法实现社会资源的合理配置。

    After the state-owned enterprise 's share-holding system is reformed , the structure of property right is still unitary ; State-owned asset mobility difference can not realize the reasonable disposition of social resource .

  13. 但在英国、法国和国际性机构,投资级企业债券基金仍是最受欢迎的选择。LipperFMI对国际性机构的定义是,从单一国家吸收的资产少于整体资产规模五分之四的基金。

    However , investment grade corporate bond funds remain the most popular option in the UK , France and the international segment , which Lipper FMI defines as funds that do not generate four-fifths of their assets from a single country .

  14. 除此之外,本文还使用单一财务比率净资产收益率对样本公司绩效进行了分析。

    Besides , sample companies are also analyzed by using single financial indicator Return On Equity .

  15. 当今,一些大型企业集团存在思想观念落后、企业办社会包袱沉重、投资主体单一化和国有资产流失严重等问题。

    Today , there are some serious problems in state-owned enterprises , such as outdated concept , the heavy burden on social welfare of the corporation , single investment main body and the loss of state assets .