
  1. 当前主要的任务是加强以学科、专业为主的单项评估。

    At present , we should strengthen the evaluation of discipline and major .

  2. 目前,可持续发展评估方法大致分为两大类型即指标体系型和单项评估方法。

    Presently , evaluation approaches for are classified into two categories , i.e. index system and individual evaluation categories .

  3. 正常儿两组3、6、9、12个月进行智能发育评估及精神发育单项评估;

    The determination of intelligent and psychiatric development was taken in 3,6,9 and 12 months in normal infant groups and in 3 and 6 months in high risk infant groups .

  4. 首先对所调查建筑的子项目进行描述、分析、计算和必要的试验研究,作出单项评估,然后由专家对所得子项目进行全面的分析论证,最后作出综合评估。

    Experts describe , analyze and compute the index items of investigated buildings , give each component 's evaluation and conclude comprehensive appraisal of all index items from their overall analysis and argument .

  5. 目前,评定方法还停留在对组成桥梁的各个部分进行单项评估和定性分析的层面上,不能充分利用秋检中采集的数据,不适于对桥梁的技术状态作出综合评价。

    But now the assessment method is still on the basis of qualitative analysis of components of bridge separately , it can not make good use of the data gathered from the regular inspection , and it is not suitable for synthetic assessment of railway bridges .

  6. 针对编码器莫尔条纹原始信号的正弦性、正交性、等幅性及含直流电平这几种典型特征,利用Matlab仿真对产生误差的原因进行单项分析评估。

    The sine 、 orthogon ality 、 equal-amplitude and direct current voltage characteristics of encoder 's analog signals are each evaluated by simulating evaluation method using Matlab .

  7. 资产基础法中各单项资产评估的方式方法

    The Methodology to evaluate individual asset in the Asset-based Valuation

  8. 整体资产评估、单项资产评估,包括固定资产、流动资产,无形资产;

    Appraisal for whole and monomial assets , including fixed , floating and intangible assets ;

  9. 电子战系统的效能评估是基于系统单项效能评估的基础之上的。

    The efficiency evaluation of the electronic war system is based on the efficiency evaluation of the system single-item .

  10. 企业价值评估与单项资产评估既有联系,又有区别。

    There are not only difference but also relationship between the valuation of an enterprise and the valuation of single asset .

  11. 单项资产评估:适用于以固定资产、存货等非现金资产投资、交易、置换、清算和抵押等目的的评估。

    Individual asset appraisal : this appraisal may in particular apply to fixed asset investment , barter , liquidation and mortgage loan purpose .

  12. 在此基础上,本文对电能质量的单项指标评估和综合评估进行详细的介绍,并对现有的电能质量的综合评估方法进行了分类、比较和分析。

    Based on that , the evaluation of single index and synthetic evaluation of power quality are introduced particularly , and then the synthetic evaluation methods are classified and compare with each other .

  13. 研究首先调研了国内外装备效能领域的基本情况和常用方法,结合我军野战卫生装备现状和以往效能评估经验,对比论证了模型方法是当前最适合的单项装备效能评估方法。

    After consulting the relevant literature , knowing the basic status and common methods , combined with former experience , this work demonstrates through comparison that the model method is the most suitable choice .

  14. 根据2000~2003年春夏季长江口及邻近海域海水及沉积物中油类的调查结果,分析海域油污染的分布特征,采用单项指数法评估调查海域的油污染程度。

    According to the investigational data of oil content in water and sediment in spring and summer from 2000 to 2003 in Changjiang Estuary and adjacent waters , the distributional character and pollution degree of oil of the investigational sea area were studied with single index method .

  15. 在此基础上,构建出了生态系统服务分类体系及总体和单项服务价值的评估模型。

    Then , on this basis , it is constructed the ecosystem service classification frame and value assessing models of this research .