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dān dān
  • alone;only
单单 [dān dān]
  • (1) [only;alone]

  • (2) 指从一般中突出个别的人或事物

  • (3) 只有,偏偏

单单[dān dān]
  1. 别人都来了,单单他没来。

    He 's the only one absent ; everybody else is here . ; Everybody has come except him .

  2. ACT考试致力于帮助学生向大学全方位展示自己的个性,而不单单是考试成绩。

    ACT is committed to make students show their characters in all aspects , not only scores .

  3. 单单她一个人受到了批评。

    She was singled out for criticism .

  4. 单单英国广播公司就派出技术人员、导演、解说员等一行300人。

    The BBC alone is sending 300 technicians , directors and commentators

  5. 单单提到食物就引起了阵阵饥饿感。

    The mere mention of food had triggered off hunger pangs

  6. 我不确信他的死亡单单是药物所致。

    I 'm notsure his death can be laid at medicine 's door alone

  7. 别人都去了,单单她没去。

    Everybody has gone except her .

  8. 你为什么单单要拿这个班的学生做试验呢?

    Why are you experimenting upon the students in this particular class ?

  9. 单单是事实还不能构成一本好书。

    Mere facts do not compose a good book .

  10. 你单单吃米饭是不行的。

    You can 't live on rice alone .

  11. 我读高中的时候,单单是在我们班就会有几十个同学这么回答。

    When I was in high school , dozens in my class alone would have answered differently .

  12. 更新:不单单可以从Array偷数据,还可以从Object偷。

    Update : It 's not just Arrays-it you can steal data from objects too .

  13. 去年她的一名学生单单为了SAT培训就去了三家不同的培训机构上课。

    Wang said one of his students from last year went to three different tutoring companies for SAT training alone .

  14. 不单单是调试,AMS设备管理器的预测诊断将改善工厂的可用性和表现。

    Beyond commissioning , AMS Device Manager 's predictive diagnostics will improve plant availability and performance .

  15. 单单这新闻标题联想称或将竞购RIM以巩固移动事业部已经足够让一些傻子散财。

    The headline Lenovo says rim bid among options to boost mobile unit was enough to make fools part with their money .

  16. 王说,家长们同时一次性找了很多申请美国学校的专业顾问。去年她的一名学生单单为了SAT培训就去了三家不同的培训机构上课。

    Parents have also hired multiple college application specialists at once . Wang said one of his students from last year went to three different tutoring companies for SAT training alone .

  17. 就如普林斯顿研究员JanetVertesi表示,我们的数据和隐私不单单是私人的,它们实际上是一种人与人之间相互的。

    As Princeton researcher Janet Vertesi argues , our data and our privacy , they 're not just personal , they 're actually interpersonal .

  18. 经合组织(OECD)上周在一份报告中警告:单单通过所谓的AAA级标准来可靠地衡量主权资产的安全性,似乎确实很危险。

    Relying exclusively on the so-called triple A standard to reliably measure the safety of sovereign assets seems , indeed , perilous , the OECD warned in a report last week .

  19. 不过,造成人员伤亡最大的是风暴,它导致的有记录的死亡人数约为24.2万,其中单单2008年缅甸遭遇的热带气旋“纳尔吉斯”(CycloneNargis)就造成了13.8万人死亡。

    Storms had taken the heaviest toll of lives , however , causing about 242000 recorded deaths , including 138000 killed by Cyclone Nargis , which struck Myanmar in 2008 .

  20. 如今他们提供的种类已经足够多,人们单单靠Farmigo的供应就能满足日常需求。

    There 's now enough variety that one could live solely on Farmigo 's offerings .

  21. 查克·查斯顿斯是ARC的企业信息管理部的总经理,他说:“ARC最新的研究是十分值得注意的,因为它揭露了不单单最低的国内飞机票价从前六周变成了前八周,同时,节省下来的钱占票价的很大百分比。“

    Chuck Thackston , managing director of enterprise information management at ARC , said : ' This latest study by ARC is significant because it reveals that not only have the lowest airfares shifted from six to eight weeks out for domestic travel , but the savings are markedly greater on a percentage basis .

  22. 以色列驻欧盟大使戴维·沃尔泽(DavidWalzer)上个月说,这些单单针对以色列的指导准则发出一个信息,即以色列应该为巴以之间陷于停顿的和平进程“承担责任并受到惩罚”。

    David Walzer , the Israeli ambassador to the EU , said last month the guidelines single out Israel and send a message that it should be " blamed and punished " for the stagnation in the peace process with the Palestinians .

  23. 据波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)的一份年度全球财富报告显示,“新世界”的私人财富(主要集中在亚太地区)单单去年就激增了约12%,这个增速达到了包括北美和西欧在内的“旧世界”的两倍以上。

    According to an annual survey of global wealth by Boston Consulting Group , private wealth in the ' new world , ' primarily the Asia Pacific region , jumped around 12 percent last year alone , or more than double the rate of growth in the ' old world , ' including North America and Western Europe .

  24. 你们没有权利单单要我一个人死。

    You have no right to put me to death alone .

  25. 可如果他这次不单单写写就了事呢?

    What if it encourages him to do something besides write ?

  26. 单单去年一年,就换了上述最后两处场地。

    The last two locations were during the past year alone .

  27. 泰勒的名声并非单单只是局限在大银幕上。

    Taylor ` s fame went far beyond her screen life .

  28. 但是,单单是泰格·伍兹的名号就能够使他赚得盆满钵满了。

    However , his name alone continued to bank him millions .

  29. 而单单一件婚纱的平均价格就高达997英镑。

    The average price of a wedding dress alone was ? 997 .

  30. 单单出于私利方面的考虑来保护动物是不够的。

    It is not enough to protect animals for self-interested reasons alone .